FAK833-Australian Death Stats way up

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15 thoughts on “FAK833-Australian Death Stats way up

  1. jermsbjermsb

    You guys mentioned Steve Kirsch—he’s a bulldog and is going hard after Pfizer and the CDC and FDA but its seems to me like he wont go after the DOD or the roll the military played in the whole scheme. When Mat Crawford did some work with him and told him what he thought was really going on with the DMED numbers he dropped him like a hot potato.

  2. napoleonnapoleon

    a couple of disney was hitler links there girls,if you want my opinion on it or hicks and jones ,ill let you guess………..

    id like to hear zero one and frank and silas etc etc discuss some topics if that would be possible ,

    maybe the attack on the church and in particular the morality that jesus preached ,

    or the hired army for the civil war ab posted prior ,yours faithfully den

  3. napoleonnapoleon

    very thorough frank thankyou very muchly ,
    them oz figures only confirmed what a lot uf us had suspected ,and i did like the format you used ,ab great frank great
    and congratulations on being a grandfather again ,awesome

      1. napoleonnapoleon

        smelly liitle fucker

        remember that litte corner of the internet ,where we are a fraction ,and jlb sayas theres no paid shills


        well im flying ,with just the fakeologists who know about the forum ,no conspiracy nopol or reddit rentboys or cointel from clues forum posting dogshit ,ive had 900 hits today

        im gonna ruin you tarts ,ive already scared shit out the boys that complain ,all they have to do is make me laughable ,ridiculus and ill leave

        how about that for an offer they cant take

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