FAK848-Salty Frank

How To Take Care Of Your Penis | Who am I, what am I and why am I here?



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4 months ago

frank my psinematic research for years finishes 2024 and 2025 starts with egypt smoking israel ,egypt is the star destroyer in the prophecy george lucas saga of the millenium fall-con , are we gonna witness the collapse of israel as it was just british imperialism squeezing the americans tit from the middle east and getting masons to sell out their own brothers in gods eyes , i find all this so so fascinating you see ,also when did jesus return ,a week after a month after ,and is the antichrist gonna steal my material for insighting a rebellion ,cos if… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by napoleon wilson
4 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

ill put it this way ,the people who cry and say its a fake war in israel are plants to say its a fake war and set up hamas and israel as one organism these truthers such as lex or phil could have quite easily done what i did and predict the fake war in oz and even elaborated on 911 ,but they cant go off script so are we gonna get a fake assassination on trump as a vehicle for america being abel to set up in egypt(controlled for years ) and establish a super state remember the biggest… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by napoleon wilson
4 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and they are inept ,and could easily had a bigger and better story with my millenium fall-con solo-mans temple ,including all the oz schema they could fill their laxydazical bellies with ,and shown some balls

but we get disney asthma and rubber babies ,flying monkeys ,and hamas and israel are both as bad as each other patter

i identified that angle a few years back as the whoire of babylon and the seven headed beast as the towers complex, of terra

im not accepting complaicancy anymore from any of the people or posts on fakeologist

4 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

There is evidence that there were 7 years of appalling weather around 536 AD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYAsw1o7AMs&ab_channel=Chronicle-MedievalHistoryDocumentaries . I think that was the seven years of tribulation and finally the return of Yehoshua and the destruction of “civilization” as it existed at that time. I also think that is around the time that is currently dated as 70 AD. We then had a thousand years of the Christian Kingdom ruled with an iron rod by Yehoshua and the saints that took part in first resurrection. The current story is that around 1550 the Reformation and Renaissance are said to have begun. Could… Read more »

4 months ago

Lolol I bet we get to 2027 and none of that happens, but you’ll still be a true believer, despite any evidence. You disbelieve in nuclear anything despite your training, because there is no evidence. Well ok! But then you believe in Satan, tartaria, floating heavenly Jerusalem above the north pole, a little season, appalling weather 2500 years ago, that “Yehoshua” ruled with a iron rod, in saints, etc. You say this is because it’s the best model we have, but what else can a believer say? The hardcore skepticism of reality and hardcore belief in fantasy is amazing to… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
4 months ago
Reply to  realalex

If the armies of the world are taken to north pole to attack an alien space ship what will you say?

4 months ago

Do you believe in poles now? And wars?

I can’t keep up…

4 months ago
Reply to  realalex

There’s no point questioning Frank’s beliefs.

He believes the most outrageous things.
His beliefs have had him banned from the Fakeologist blog numerous times.

4 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Yet, here he is.
Star of the show.

4 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Frank, Toby, Wildthings and dodo

What a show that would be.

4 months ago
Reply to  realalex

I think the UN Flag map shows the areas we know about in the configuration that they are actually in. To that add a “north pole” being Mount Zion and the four islands as described in Mercator’s map of the “north pole”. It is not a belief, it is simply a model which I think is much, much better than a spinning ball in an infinite vacuum of space which I have now eliminated as possibilities. As for the bible, it is the only “historical explanation” that I have come across that I have yet to eliminate as being completely… Read more »

4 months ago

It is not a belief, it is simply a model which I think is much, much better than a spinning ball in an infinite vacuum of space which I have now eliminated as possibilities. As for the bible, it is the only “historical explanation” that I have come across that I have yet to eliminate as being completely absurd. Floating heavenly Jerusalem that will be attacked by the world’s armies at the North Pole is the best model? Holy crap. And I mean that literally. Am I 5 years old, back in the playground? Are the aliens going to have… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl