FAK849-Tim Ozman

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Invideo AI – Turn ideas into videos – AI video creator

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I.S.S. (2023) – IMDb

Leave the World Behind (2023) – IMDb

The Chemtrail Truther’s Jedi Mind Tricks Explained


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10 months ago

I have memory of an Internet coffee shop in Amsterdam circa 1997/98 researching Freemasonry.

Books before that obviously.

I am a Masonologist.
I am a monster lol

Seriously, 35+ years study of Freemasons
STFU dood


10 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Any 3- 33 degree masons here?

napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

none of you tarts scare me ,we hear the intelligent lads in the blog tiptoe around suggesting philosphers and such and ancient history,but applying them to a new age had to be done by a new type


i am born of what ab set up he is the anomaly ,and his audios brought in more anomalies ,imagine the lads the anomalies that will come from studying what i have put together and once the masons that have been sucking each others dicks and having arguments for the benefit of abs entertainment go

we will have such a wealth of new people to talk to ab ,its gonna be amazing what ab set up after this hickup of houseclowns pantomimes are unveiled

the future is looking bright ,and i am well pleased

if folks take stock of deception and its vessels ,then the most lingual and erudite mason charading as a fakeologist will be easily dismissed

all i can offer is courage comes after fear has gone , i m fearful of nothing and no one

i do still get a kick out of their disney asthma ,its almost duping delight in the voices ,but more a fear they cannot fathom

i am a monster petal

id say all of the lads and lasses that lost their ability to read are governed by masons


ab find me a challenge matey ,ive done your followers or should i say ive solved 911 in front of the scum ,get your boys to read it

vespa still trying to be re-levant

10 months ago

Will you put some names to these 20 or so masons.
Ab can then ask them if they are, in fact, masons.

Not that being a Mason means much.

I have bin men who are masons.
I have kin who are masons.
I use taxis driven by masons.

They know nothing.

Masons do not run the show but the show IS run by masons.

napoleon wilson
10 months ago

ab even though allclotsshot is a laudible venture ,and there can not be too many explaining the dangers of vaccines in my eyes

i still feel you should have a rest and devote more time to your family

surely some of your trusted audio fakeologists could put together a show for you and give you a rest

youve been at this for such a long time

you are my priority and you always have been

maybe watch a film ? with the ball and chain

napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  Fakeologist

you could matey ,set a video to play
then an hour later pop back .or even a guest host ,you’ll figure something out

i also think the a.i. art feature you and ips discussed could be fun for you to fiddle with ,see what comes of it

i dabbled with the early (ai) ones a few years back ,and some of the styles are great , but i am and have always considered art therapeutic ,did a stint at art college cos i didnt fancy working for a living .got some qualification

and soon realised it was one of my steam valves ,and i was unable to be as artistic as i liked for work ,and i never took to easels or rules

anyway yes the a.i. generative process could even title some of the audios ,if prompted with specific words or topics taken from the audios

maybe you could involve the youngest in finding one that would suit you ,ive always been a fan of that wishy washy chinese calender style or steam punk cranks where everything is upcycled ,either way it could brighten up the odd title screen