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pete zha
10 months ago

I don’t answer WHY questions.

“A smile in time, saves minds.”
~ Petezha

pete zha
10 months ago

he’s an aussie expat

go here: https://presearch.com/

10 months ago
Reply to  pete zha

Go where?

Why are you posting unexplained, nonsensical links to obvious spooks?

10 months ago

I was on the fence about fakenukephil

I saw him as a hoaxbuster version 2.0

Credence from Herose seals the deal

He’s a wrong-un

pete zha
10 months ago

Max Igan’s brother?


10 months ago
Reply to  pete zha

Who is max igan

Please elaborate

napoleon wilson
10 months ago

the highlight of a predictable shitshow was not wildtimes dad calling in ,saying the sun was an led

or uncle odd phoning in ,in support of fake nukes phil (brothers) nor was it lsp masqeurading as tom wax bottles trying to throw shit at me in the comments ,the highlight was ………………

there wasn’t one unless predicting what a bunch of cockknockers are sent in to waste abs time

none out of ten for the usual tarts

ab ten out of ten for putting up with bullshit,you started off alone in 2013 .you might aswell be alone no fucker wants to shed light on what you want

some research for you houseclowns

psience fiction based religion will not save you

oh and i am aware deciphering metatron pisses on anything ever before ,i am a monster

napoleon wilson
10 months ago

frank im sorry if i wasn’t clear ,your beliefs do not offend me or upset me

i have beliefs that are not a million miles away ,no i was annoyed at not mentioning the ceremony of 911 was played off as your millenial prohpecy hijacked like a number of biblical prophecies i have shown in the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple and updated twice since 1968 ,and carried out on sep 11 2001 in the form of the millenium fall-con solomons star above the towers or metatrons cube,whatever your poison

metatrons voice of god hijacked by the lads who made 911 movie and 2001 and star wars allusions to a star alignment where the twin towers are depicted as spaceships ergo 911 toys

im not upset frank ever annoyed with the callers and lack of fakeology but i am never upset ,i am smiling

now if you can head over ot the forum you will see how metatrons vision to the mason zerubabel was interpretted by george lucas by having prior knowledge of 911 from the miniatures and the miniature remnants to the solomons star metatron being above the towers and that is the reason we got two visions of the millenium fall-con 33 and 24 years in advance one in kubricks 2001 and one in star wars

both have the twin tower complex as new jerusalem the spaceship ,so please do not be offended at my crypticness ,the main thing that offends me and continues to offend me is people getting my messag wrong

maybe read my millenium fall-con on air with pictures ,the masons and cointel can;t you see so maybe thats why you thought i was upset with you ,im sure your lords prayer will protect from their blasphemous ceremony i have exposed ,and remember they officially blamed oz on 911 and shown images from 911 in alchemical wizard of oz film star wars where luke is dorothy,but gets zerubabels vision of the new temple of jerusalem ,ergo all oz schema at 911 sites and all 911 images in star wars ,psimple but off limits to all actor truthers
