FAK864-Lynn Ertell

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Climate Action Plan | Baltimore Office of Sustainability
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Ron Black Dog
3 months ago

I did FAK864 and it came up on Google.. “Dave J vs Lynn Ertell.” I have to lean towards Dave though it’s always arrogant to me that any of us can be so sure of anything. Topic here being, is the we collectively going to militantly oppose the whatever green agenda comes next.. (or any such austere agenda really). Dave confidently says no, not going to happen, though doesn’t offer much more than that, the usual Dave but Lynn says no, man is getting so fed up he will oppose to the point of violence (at some undetermined point). I… Read more »

3 months ago

Repairing [or pretending to or saying that you were] potholes on a bridge ‘they’ were going to destroy shortly afterwards….nice touch!