FAK869-Lynn Ertell

NASA’S “FLAT EARTH” DBA STRATEGY – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
Rosalee Grable “The WebFairy” – Air date: 04-29-08 – YouTube

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3 months ago

Comment 5 of 5. Dear Lynn ab I enjoyed Lynn’s riff on the difference between principal and principles. Also the idea of low-hanging fruit and high value. I will leave a link to my video that I did on Big Mike Obama and an interview I did a couple years ago that is in Vogue now due to the topics I covered then. Think of it as a time capsule. AB also beware not to become magnetic in thought to wear for example the “egi” example can be brought up and you see one that you might consider a woman… Read more »

3 months ago

So then let me get this straight you have never heard of Kyle Rittenhouse you don’t even know who he is. I’m going to say that you are either lying or you are just being intellectually lazy. Kyle Rittenhouse yes was part of the Sandy hoax. You just knew him by a different name at the time he also made an appearance overseas in India. https://youtu.be/gGpEV_tdlj0?feature=shared So anyways AB I would suggest this if you are going to pretend to be ignorant you should let your guests talk more. I can see you going on to a radio audio cast… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Davej
3 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Mad Mike mm 33 Masonic hoax done
(Two comments left)

Last edited 3 months ago by Davej
3 months ago

If I was to do a skit I would have Lynn working at the computer store help desk. Each episode would be her dealing with two to three customers…… Lynn adjusting her computer settings is a very good show just in and of itself.

I have just gotten started on the episode so I might have more to say at the end.

3 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

You see that “common ground”…….. One comment left