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Nigel Tilbury
Nigel Tilbury
8 months ago

Dave J and Vets

I went in to debunk and came out with nothing. Now I believe a car crash is a hoax. numbers and trigger words. Anything else you look for? Is the comment section where you discuss the blog like this or somewhere else on the site? You made a cynical guy listen to a car crash/ pee blog and sit silent. very interested.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Tilbury

Nigel Thank you for testing.

That is why I tell people that everyone’s utterance is an offering at your table(mind Zion (77) then before you consume it and take it to be your truth you must test it and verify that it does not lead you into temptation what is known as (“death”) for one that passes a lie on to their neighbor.

That is why I always listen to the words that others use as even if they are not comprehending the power I recognize it and thus test it.

Cheers again I am very happy that nobody died nobody got hurt.

8 months ago

At around 30 mins, Ab responds to Frank, who is himself putting JLBs position that ‘its the end of the West’. I agree with Ab completely – life is always changing, there is no ‘West’ just people who are being more or less guided, things are always ending, but that this all works out for the best.

8 months ago

Frank asked “why” the HOAX of a Wrong Way Crash, what then is the “motive”? (Each HOAX serves a Porpose the way to find it is to read to the “end”

Just read the Story until you see the Clue, WHAT is the Plan of “correction” or What is being “highlighted”.

*”The crash has prompted questions as to why police officers continued to chase the suspect while he was speeding into oncoming traffic on the country’s busiest highway”

No Prizes,

the robbery suspect, a 21-year-old man (21) 3(777) HOAX HOAX HOAX

NDNGH (great News) I am very happy this is just a Made for the Mass…..and Nobody died, and Nobody got hurt.

Survivor of Highway 401 wrong-way crash speaks out for first time | CBC News

Back in 2013 I talked about what the Chris Dorner HOAX in Los Angeles was about, That are serve a Purpose

He then goes on to explain the official story so far of the Dorner manhunt, from his alleged killings to his so-called “escape plan,” all of which dave j says “didn’t happen,” claiming it’s instead all a ploy to get ratings for TV stations and to allow the police to take control of the people they supposedly serve and protect.

He dissects a police press conference, alleging that authorities have chosen Dorner as “the unknown bogeyman” who we are all supposed to “hate” and “want to go away,” all so that the police can set up further surveillance methods and get us to willingly give up our civil rights.

Conspiracy Theorist Calls Christopher Dorner Manhunt A Hoax In Video As LA Shooting Saga Continues | IBTimes.

Nigel Tilbury
Nigel Tilbury
8 months ago
Reply to  dave

Possible fact check
Who creates US bonds?
U.S. Department of the Treasury

No FB accounts on victims in area
21yr deceased name is very common and in the correct area.1 friend 2 pictures.the 1 person was gf with 1140ish friends about 6 pictures.
Civilian provides news
https://www.facebook.com/share/p/3hHQEG7hdXwFUZ8C/?mibextid=xfxF2i https://www.facebook.com/donnie.verma?mibextid=ZbWKwL

Seems Fake Facebook accounts around the story.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nigel Tilbury

Thank you nigel, yes the shallow life of the VicSim.

Cheers for doing the work indeed.

Nigel Tilbury
Nigel Tilbury
8 months ago
Reply to  Davej

Thanks Dave J. No social page and John Smith/Gaghdeep Singh for suspect made it feel very fake. Were the links and replies OK for this area? The last name almost “Minivan” was bizarre.