May 2024

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  • #2022440

    Welcome Carol

    Here’s my introduction: I’m a truth seeker. I started off as an anti-vaxxer, then realized the whole pharmaceutical (pharmakeia translates to sorcery) industry was evil.  Then I got lumped in with “climate deniers” and after doing research realized that climate change was a fraud. I used to think people who said we didn’t walk on the moon were crazy like the flat earthers.  Then I did some research and realized the moon landing was fake and the earth is not a spinning globe.  Sandy Hook was a false flag as most mass shootings are.  Giants are real but have been covered up.  Our history has been rewritten and we might be living in Satan’s short season after the millennial reign.  Still searching for the truth. 

    nigeljtilburyNigel Tilbury

    @fakeologist Ab Fakeologist. What is your view of rewritten history? I am very interested in that. I found a book by Thomas tanner. Bibliotheca something.gentleman review is an old magazine I go through looking for things that don’t seem mentioned

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    nigeljtilburyNigel Tilbury

    @fakeologist Ab Fakeologist. What is your view of rewritten history? I am very interested in that. I found a book by Thomas tanner. Bibliotheca something.gentleman review is an old magazine I go through looking for things that don’t seem mentioned

    nigeljtilburyNigel Tilbury

    I had a name and reference never used in that forum.

    Rachel is off topic spamming it.

    Are you assuming this is me starting it?

    I ju

    Is this aSfit doctrine something you are expecting people join or leave?

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