Moon rocks must be fake Forums Space/NASA Moon rocks must be fake

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    Since nobody went to the moon and returned to earth in those intriguing tinfoil and crepe paper landing modules, then any scientific paper on “moon rocks”, “lunar dusts” and so on, must be fake. Either the psientists are all in on it, or they’re being duped.
    Here they come, back in the day, a white box hoax

    And we continue to be bamboozled in the MSM with tales of ‘moon rocks’
    scroll down for the latest piece of moon rock populism as reported in Metro
    Headline – December 20 2018 Toxic rocks show the dark side of moon dust LOL!
    “due to the limited supply of lunar dust, the study used similar rocks from Earth containing a similar concentratgion of reactivei minerals [olivine and augite] LOL!
    I think they’re giving the game away here.
    Leader – Donald Hendrix from Stony Brook University, NY.

    The wind cries hoax….

    Apparently there’s something called the The lunar rock and mineral characterization consortium (LRMCC)
    has conducted careful, integrated measurements of lunar materials with the goal of extending the library of well-characterized lunar materials available as ground truth.
    The LRMCC builds on the work of the lunar soil characterization consortium (LSCC), which conducted coordinated mineralogy ? petrography ?spectroscopy analyses of a suite of lunar soils of different
    composition and maturity

    Click to access 8c65616cca34110fd0e16d6e483763f82eb2.pdf

    [Isaacson et al 2010]
    which seems to be a “safe hands” consortium which unlike ol’ Hendrix, seems to have no trouble getting its hands on samples from NASA, such as

    Click to access 15058c.pdf

    Click to access 15555.pdf

    Click to access 70035.pdf

    “70035 is 3.7 b.y. old and has been exposed on the lunar surface for ~ 100 m.y. It is typical of the high Ti basalts from the moon and has been used for several public displays “
    suuuuuuure it has
    which were used in the 2010 paper

    And less than 3 months ago, Oct 2 2018, it was reported that unspecified moon rocks had been sent to Harwell UK [obviously another safe set of hands] a resin enclosed basalt.
    Our psientist has to go “off-planet” to learn how rocks form and the moon is the best place to do it…
    What are they studying?
    Add your favourite moon rock stores below….

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    It’s time for another moon rock “release” from the psientists, but it’s worth bookmarking this great comment at in 2013, when the blog was filled with research, from Carole Thomas

    NASA scientist David McKay explains that “There are isotopes in Moon rocks, isotopes we don’t normally find on Earth, that were created by nuclear reactions with the highest-energy cosmic rays.” The article went on to explain how “Earth is spared from such radiation by our protective atmosphere and magnetosphere. Even if scientists wanted to make something like a Moon rock by, say, bombarding an Earth rock with high energy atomic nuclei, they couldn’t. Earth’s most powerful particle accelerators can’t energize particles to match the most potent cosmic rays, which are themselves accelerated in supernova blastwaves and in the violent cores of galaxies.”

    So one of the reasons that we know the Moon rocks are real, you see, is because they were blasted with ridiculously high levels of radiation while sitting on the surface of the Moon. And our astronauts, one would assume, would have been blasted with the very same ridiculously high levels of radiation,. So how did they survive?

    I’ll also link my own previous comment in 2017 on another 2013 thread

    Here’s the latest episode of the moon rocks hoax
    Scientists may have just found the oldest intact Earth rock—on the moon. A study published Thursday in Earth and Planetary Science Letters makes the case that one of the rocks collected by Apollo 14 astronauts in 1971 contains a fragment of Earth’s ancient crust, dating back more than 4.011 billion years.

    It’s possible that the fragment formed in a weirdly water-rich pocket of magma deep within the ancient moon. But the study authors think it’s likelier that the rock formed within our planet’s crust and got jettisoned to the moon by one of the many meteor impacts that bombarded early Earth
    It’s thought that up to 0.5 percent of the schmutz on the lunar surface first formed on Earth, and bits and pieces of other rocky planets, such as Venus or Mars, probably litter the moon, too.
    And here’s where rock 14321 was collected….[copyright photo in above link – laughable!]
    The basketball-size stone weighs almost 20 pounds.

    Allegedly the Zircon mineral content is unrelated to other “moon rocks'” zircon and is similar to earthly zircons.
    China’s upcoming Chang’e-5 lunar mission is expected to return samples

    oh goodeee– more fake moon rocks for the psientists to analyse.

    Why did the “earth Rock” end up on the moon?
    Because the Moon was much closer to Earth at that point – about three times closer than it is now – it was in a better position for pieces of this debris to end up there.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    HaHa looks like the big Icke gatekeepers have been sent in to damp down the fake moon rock thread at David Icke forums…
    4pp of abuse so far…
    Take home message, as usual – the official narrative is the official truth, as per all DIF gatekeeping.


    Scientists found “with astonishment” the composition of “moon rocks” was exactly the same as rocks found at the 1.86 mile level below the earth’s surface. [in 1970….] Neat. Just in time. The Kola peninsula super bore hole was sealed. [a bit like going to the moon….perhaps the technology was lost,lol!] everything having been discovered.

    @8.35 in this video which was added to the above DIF thread.

    or is Kola [and others] just a hole-o-hoax.

    note – the Lone Star borehole in Oklahoma was already at SIX miles deep in 1974, i.e. way beyond 1.86 miles…. The Kola hole reached, allegedly, almost 7.62 miles.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    With the golden anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s feat fast approaching—their lunar module Eagle landed July 20, 1969, on the Sea of Tranquility—the moon is red-hot again.

    So what better way to keep the hoax running, but to “release” some [for whatever reason] pristine moon rock for analysis by psientists.
    While we await the next moon landing in 2024, lol!

    Some of the soil and bits of rock were vacuum-packed on the moon—and never exposed to Earth’s atmosphere—or frozen or stored in gaseous helium following splashdown and then left untouched. The lab’s staff is now trying to figure out how best to remove the samples from their tubes and other containers without contaminating or spoiling anything. They’re practising with mock-up equipment and pretend lunar dirt.

    Here’s some pretend lunar rock from Apollo 15, looking rather like a bathroom sponge.

    It’s sort of a coincidence that we’re opening them in the year of the anniversary,” explained NASA’s Apollo sample curator Ryan Zeigler, covered head to toe in a white protective suit with matching fabric boots, gloves and hat.

    yeah suuuuuure

    Most of the samples to be doled out over the next year were collected in 1972 during Apollo 17, the final moonshot and the only one to include a geologist, Harrison Schmitt. He occasionally visits the lunar sample lab and plans to help open the fresh specimens.

    The nine US research teams selected by NASA will receive varying amounts.

    safe pairs of hands…

    source –


    And on the 50th anniversary of the “moon landing” in 1969, we see an Australian “space rockk expert” wheeled out to say…

    no conspiracy would have or could have made the moon rocks.

    “Any attempt to make moon rocks in a laboratory would be a monumental failure and likely cost more money than it took NASA to get to the moon and back,” said Professor [Trevor] Ireland

    “The lunar soil is like nothing we have seen before on Earth. It is the result of eons of bombardment on the surface of the moon. The rocks have compositions that are unique to the moon.”

    Professor Ireland said the scenario of an unmanned mission retrieving the moon rocks was also practically impossible. “There are 380 kg of moon rocks. Getting this amount of material back to Earth is just as difficult as getting 24 Apollo astronauts on nine missions to the moon and back to Earth. That six of the missions landed on the moon, and brought samples back to Earth, is one of the greatest achievements in history. To this day, we continue to analyze the Apollo lunar rocks and they still have surprises for us.”


    Professor Ireland was not part of the team that analyzed the first samples of moon rocks in 1969, but several ANU researchers were: Ross Taylor, Bill Compston, Ted Ringwood and John Lovering.

    “Ted and John’s work revealed that the moon had a new set of minerals that are not found on Earth.”
    “Bill’s analyses revealed that the age of lunar rocks was extremely old—older than anything on Earth.
    Emeritus Professor Taylor, who is 93 and continues to maintain a strong interest in space rocks, said working with the Apollo mission in 1969 was the opportunity of a lifetime. He recalled working with bulky gloves on samples in sealed boxes, under tight security with armed guards. “I often worked from 7 am until 3 am the following day to deliver results to daily press conferences, such was the huge level of interest globally in our findings,” Professor Taylor said. “Any error in the analysis would have ruined my reputation. Only moments before one press conference I realized we had made a big mistake and corrected it—just in the nick of time. It was an exhilarating time to be a scientist.”

    Thought – why do investigative sites like this rarely dare to tread on moon rocks?


    They just won’t leave the moon rocks alone – anything to give credence to the moon landings. Since nobody went to the moon, they’re all fake.

    June 24 2022

    Nasa halts auction of moon dust and cockroaches expected to sell for $400,000
    Space agency says daughter of entomologist sold samples from 1969 Apollo 11 mission that belonged to Nasa…

    suuuuure. The cockroaches were allegedly sent in to see how they fared on a diet of moon “rock”.


    The upcoming 50th birthday of some NASA “moon rocks” is an excellent opportunity [in 2022] to crack open a tube of pristine, unopened [December] 1972 vintage moon rock
    This time they’re more interested in the gases and volatiles in the vacuum-sealed 14cm core [suuuure]

    “The unsealed segment was opened in 2019 and revealed an interesting array of grains and smaller objects, known as rocklets, that lunar geologists were eager to study.

    Now, scientists are focusing attention on the sealed, lower segment of the core. The temperature at the bottom of the core was incredibly cold when it was collected,

    No need to focus on the “rocklets” – that’s all been put to bed….

    The sample was opened as part of NASA’s Apollo Next-Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) initiative, which is leveraging advanced technologies to study Apollo samples using new tools that were not available when the samples were originally returned to Earth.

    Tool clearly not available to geologists in decades and centuries past.

    And here’s a very recent analysis of “moon rock” in a 2022 Nature paper

    Advanced Analysis of Apollo Moon Rock Sample Illuminates Lunar Evolution

    in which William Nelson et al

    used a specialized electron microprobe to perform high-resolution analysis of troctolite 76535…. Apollo 17 astronauts collected troctolite 76535 at geology station six. It is a coarse-grained phaneritic rock composed of plagioclase (60%), olivine (35%), and orthopyroxene (5%)18. This sample is the most pristine (displaying the least evidence for impact modification) in the Mg-suite, and thus has become one of the most scientifically valuable samples of the Moon1. Notably, 76535 has been used to quantify the amount of water in the primitive Moon19, the evolution and cessation of the lunar magnetic dynamo20, and the effect of shock on radiometric ages21.

    These samples are not handed out willy-nilly… apparently for this study SLIDES were used. The authors aren’t going to get anywhere near pristine “moon rock”

    Applying the technique of diffusion chronometry…we inspected six slides of troctolite 76535 that contained hundreds of plagioclase grains. Of these grains, four were suitable for diffusion chronometry.

    Click to access 76535.pdf

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
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About xileffilex

doubter of everything in the MSM - photojournalists especially. Especially interested in the David Kelly suicide psy-op, Diana faked crash, Boston Marathon hoax. Old man with time to read behind the headlines. Southern England