Is Jesse Waugh dead?

Hope it wasn’t the clot shot.

DescriptionMy favorite artist died. His name was Jesse Waugh. You can find him on the internet. He got some strange infection and just died. IT was shocking and horrible. He was the 1st guy to every ‘interview me on the internet’ because we had similar interests. Conspiracy stuff. Esoteric stuff. I’ve studied a lot of disinformation tactics and there’s once called “Paralleling” and that’s what he interviewed me about.


Jesse started his own “Art Movement” called PULCHRISM. It was his effort to put beauty back in the center of art. To stop calling ugly things beautiful and vice versa. And I agree. And I call myself Pulchrist today. And also a vorticist.

Ezra Pound started or was part of the vorticism movement. And I have a kindred feeling towards ole Ezra. Even if he’s controversial. And this is ole Ezra and Jesse riding together. This piece has a foundational vibe for everything I’m going for in art. Especially in the non-representational category.

Do you think you could see this one hanging in your living room? I’d love to see a picture of it with your couch or something.UploadedFebruary 8th, 2021

Jesse’s amazing Nuke Lies video.

Markus and Chris talk to Jesse.
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7 months ago

You posted Markus Allen and Chris Kendall talking to Jesse Waugh interview from FakeoTube. I think that’s the one were Jesse admits to masonry upon be confronted by Markus on it.

12 years since that talk and to think 2 out of 3 truthers in that show are now dead. I would have never thought Markus Allen would be the last truther standing in 2023 out of those three.

Does anyone think it’s strange how many truthers die? It seems the death rate is pretty high for such a small scene…

7 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion


Well, never say never though. Didn’t Bobby Ewing come back to life?

7 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Yeah if you can hold back Boogieman and Catch 22 as he is sensitive to their critiques of him. Then he has to address how now he is 33% of what is left of that talk with Chris Kendall and Jesse Waugh.

7 months ago

lets play truther top trumps then with our dead artist ,so nukes are fake ut people could have died on 911 me and rollo chatted with him ,in my substance abuse days so memory is not available ,everyone of these fellas falls flat on their face and we still entertain them why i always wondered about the nuke hoax gang ,thats a big thing to me you see because the implications of nukes being a hoax highlights that jfk theatre cuba the entire legacy ,fidel was an actor who played lothario number three in a film or two before he… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by napoleon wilson
7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

how long was it before their was another fake nuke truther ,was it rae west first or jesse waugh my files are missing cos of substance abuse but rae was on with ab and hoi and hoi wanted to expand raes horizons with secret jews instead of fabulous jews we need to just examine how much was fake and how and why these slow release suppositories of accepted fuckery get pushed up your arse with the help of a tube fulll of no repercussion lube and is the reason theres two or more particular whistleblowers is for the purpose of… Read more »

7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

oh and remember im 77 born so i didnt have nuke fear ,and i just missed aids ,so im glad or the lesson learned by watching these myths be dismantled by these boys but the effect of finding out insert myth is a lie is that i suspect we can piece back together heading back in time to the planning of wars and the end of them i suppose what i am asking is by showing men their world is an illusion does that really help in the volume we have been exposed to ,some of us learnt all this… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by napoleon wilson
7 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

7 months ago
Reply to  Smj

you just made me instantly cooler to my neighbours ,not the lad below he chases a mouse round for two hours till it finds its self heading up to see me ,i give a pomegranite seed and it chills

Dave j
Dave j
7 months ago


Just wait you’ll fall in love with the next character presented