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1 year ago

Maybe a few shreds of truth hidden in this House of Fiction? Ghislaine Maxwell (b.1961) exists. Or at least she was real enough in the early 1970s. When young Ghislaine and her sisters would wait on guests at business dinners held at the Maxwells’ rented home in Oxfordshire. This whole Dog & Pony Show of Epstein and Ghislaine has been rumbling on since 1994/1995. Three years after Ghislaine’s father, the “fat fraudster” Robert Maxwell, allegedly went overboard from his luxury yacht Lady Ghislaine and drowned. His apparent death sold to the public as a murder/suicide plot (take your pick), following… Read more »

1 year ago

Surprise, surprise. These guys are talking about a virtual identity just as we enter the multi meta verse complete with fake digital IDs. This stuff is all programming.

1 year ago

It seems to be a pattern where the system sends out a plant story to lead folks a certain way and then there’s an effort to derail by saying the participants are fake, CGI, famous actors, etc.

The real thing worth investigating is the introduction of Epstein Island and all the pedo junk into the public’s imagination. Unleashing the pitchforks and torches on the elite. Why?