Mad Mike Hughes fakery

Millions of people have watched Mike Hughes die. It happened on February 22, 2020, not far from Highway 247 near the Mojave Desert city of Barstow, California.

Tim Ozman believes Mad Mike really died in a flat earth community sponsored rocket launch.

Now the story is being used to illustrate the idea of fake “fake news”.

Tim Ozman may say you’re visually illiterate if you don’t think this is a video of a man falling from the sky, but this isn’t proof to me of his death.

Mad Mike is more likely a character inserted for the very propose of the above article.

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3 months ago

Once upon a time. From 2017: Nathan Oakley is joined by guest “Mark Sargent” and Tim Ozman of Infinite Plane Society to discuss Flat Earth and Freemasonry. The “Daily Beast” was hot to do mainstream mockery of Mike Hughes and the “flat earth” scene. Perhaps one might that any publicity (even mocking ridicule) is better than no publicity at all. Was this when late night TV show host Jimmy Kimmel decided to start talking about it. And the deployed operatives to the first high profile “flat earth” convention? Why did so many of these “flat earthers” end up loudly disassociating… Read more »

3 months ago

should i have watched this ?
i never have

3 months ago

This should be the standard autohoax interpretation of the event, pending any new and more convincing forensic evidence. Or perhaps some truly convincing “eyewitness testimony”. We really don’t know if anyone died, do we?

3 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

a man with the intelligence tobuild a rocket ,whether thats to prove nasa are full of shit or the flatness of the earth negates that by climbing into it for launch

is the equivalent of an ex wall street worker putting his life savings into crypto

it’s odd to say the least

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

I may be misremembering but wasn’t the ips plant the person who first started using the term autohoax,

back in the
pretending to be Mark Sargeant and “penguin” days?

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

It was to deflect from the one they’re only….. nobody died nobody got hurt. The penguin is Masonic code for stooge

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

jewish space lazers was a deflection from judy’s wand original origin,which you all now know as a celestial alignment and the rebirth on 911 ,evryones plagiarising me it’s wonderful shazam vespa ips has had some good hits though ,i can’t call the lad he is an inevitable consequence of the path to understanding how controlled the entire narrative is every act in this place has tune of their own ,and no two are the same by design i said ips wouldn’t get the star wars gig ,shit i was banging on about new jerusalem years ago ,now ips can talk… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

yes in a council meeting ,bubbles in space
nasa now theres the gift that keeps on giving

much the same way fake terra does ,not a milllion miles away anyway ,

the nickname mad mike hughes is a giveaway of how this was gonna end ,i really never watched this ,im not gonna either im gonna autohaox it

wheres the curve

3 months ago


3 months ago

Tim Ozman does not believe MadMike died.

He is paid to ridicule.

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

theres only one gig in town right now ,and yours truly has a monopoly on it

the other gigs are distraction agents or plagiarists at best ,so i am in agreement

i do not need to do this , i enjoy my job ,just wish there were more fakeologists like me about ,this is the most fun i have had in years

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson