FAK769-Fake nuclear power with Frank the Salt Guy

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9 months ago

Note: Man is basically a peanut. He is neither has the power to safe the earth nor destroy the earth. The bible never speaks of having to save the earth but only speaks of saving lost souls…. The 1789 Constitution was indeed a Corporation. it was simply ADOPTED form the fake English Constitution. The Articles of Confederation from 1776 to 1788 was a much better document… King John in 1213 gave England and all of her holdings over to the Pope. The fake Anglican Church is Catholic in disguise..The Holy Roman Empire is the real Power Structure. The Jews are… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

So are you saying law has no legitimacy and can never be made ‘right’ without specific individual agreement (as I think), or are you in Frank’s boat and think that law is rightly based on the bible, but just not being undertaken correctly? Perhaps, like Frank, you prefer a king to rule you in the flesh (obviously the bible is your heart’s authority)?

9 months ago
Reply to  realalex

biblical law is found in the New Testament its called the law of the Spirit. It is a higher law than the 10 commandments. Jesus raised the bar. He said if one dwells on the crime in his mind he is also guilty of it… The law of the spirit is to love your neighbour as yourself., of which Paul said is whole purpose of the law in Galatians 5. We love our neighbour by way of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit by keeping the commandments of Jesus, while having no guile, resentment, or evil motives therein, and being… Read more »

9 months ago

marriage is gift from God given FREELY. It require no licenses nor third party approval or permission…rather its all about commitment within a covenant relationship under God for the glory of God….when one gets a state marriage license they forfeit God given authority over their children and give it over to the state..Common law was yet another British hoax..The apostle Paul says to follow the law of the Spirit in Romans 8. The law of the Spirit is God’s law written on he hearts and minds of people via conscience discernment… the whole world is still under Roman Law, which… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

correction: RV heat pumps are not very efficient.

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

Where do I address my thanks (or discontent) for his marriage ‘gift’?

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

There is no proof that God gave marriage to anyone. Some primitive tribes have men with multiple wives. It’s not uncommon when anthropologists have studied these primitive tribes. Not a perverted idea or learned behavior. Satan (disguised as God wants to control man through the bible and the Ten Commandments. Therefore saying man should only have one lady. So this idea that man is supposed to be with one lady is for population CONtrol purposes before birth CONtrol. Until birth CONtrol was invented there were other measures to keep the population in check and limiting a man’s ability to procreate… Read more »

9 months ago

the bible says to follow Christ and not men, for the days they are evil and the time is short…….

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

So for the last 2000 years or so (you believe) days are evil and time short. Just evaluating the narrative – you have to admit, that sort of story with ‘jam tomorrow’, follows a pretty simple design to get people to live in fear with no reprieve, and be happy about it, no?

9 months ago
Reply to  realalex

you are not supposed to fear men, but rather fear God who is able to cast your soul into hell….Luke 12-5 Hell is the enteral seperation from God, of which the soul exists with out life having a burning conscience liken to that of the rich man described by Jesus in Luke 16. The book of Revelation express’s it as a place of conscience assistance where the worm dieth not. It eats away at the conscience forever. 2 peter 3 says that God desires that NONE should perish, but rather that all men might come to repentance.. Jesus and the… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

if you want to speak to cowards ,head into the discord ,in here is is just for quelling me with retards sock accounts and clowns with fakeologist brownie points

9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

morning girls ,so you fakeologists gonna start reading the blog after 4 years audiochat ,4 years of hoping ab would quit ,4 years of sellouts having pretend arguments ,4 years of pointing fingers at retards ,lets make the fucking news eh make the news hahaha ,imagine you fucks had to solve 911 on air ,that would be news worthy ,admittedly you fucks would only be reading whats been in the bog for years ,but it would be organic compared to assosciated press remember i have no shame,and i am correct again and the boys that don’t like me talking about… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

reading the blog on air is enough to retire the houseclowns ,but lets see who has the balls the acumen the cuteness to avoid it

you must understand by now ,you boys have failed ,the aprons do nothing .i never had to convince anyone of the truth did i? no thats because liars avoid it

how easy is that

9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

what do you think of george lucas using the prophecy of zerubabbel as a template for incorporating the 911 miniature imagery and narrative into lukes heroes journey in star wars  also called the Book of Zerubbabel or the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, is a medieval Hebrew[1] apocalypse written at the beginning of the 7th century CE in the style of biblical visions (e.g. Daniel, Ezekiel) placed into the mouth of Zerubbabel,[ who laid the foundation of the Second Temple in the 6th century BCE. The biblical leader receives a revelatory vision outlining personalities and events associated with the restoration of Israel,(Star… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

The he/\then will rage because they have no will and thus no truth resides in them . So then they turn to one another and consume each other’s filth the definition of human centipede 8ate8. If they read the blog there would be no need for a show next week…… The Church of the Damned is filled the pews the stink manifest of those that re(fuse) to a false and fallen. The ungodly are the most demanding of self sacrifice and the idea of the cannibal consumption of their fellow man. The blind leading the blind the daft acting daft… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by dave j
9 months ago
Reply to  dave j

awesome !!

9 months ago
Reply to  dave j

i spent loads of time in the audio ,just going live reading abs latest posts passing a limited accented stoner opinion ,but i kept researching the one thing that i knew would be worthwhile 911 it was not acceptable that i knew 911 was a movie ,the nice hoaxbusters and fakeologist who kept saying people could have died were the ones i wanted to reassure so basically as i have said i am a product of what was said on hoaxbusters and fakeologist and some bad ass posts too,for years before i arrived i heard the logic from pro flat… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  dave j

so many new people in the past 4 years and all accept 911 as unsolvable or acceptable and move on to things like ukraine and israel ,and the ones that were well and truly on board with researching 911 have settled on some amateur explanation ,and that is because most are compromised by retardedness and masonic or millitary loyalty or get disney dollars to chat bullshit for a living and i don’t give anybody now the benefit of the doubt ,we’ve seen miles mathis pump out links and dot connecting from presidents to actors ,likewise other websites splitting faces of… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  Willybob

The problem with all that you say, is that it only makes sense from within your interpretation of the biblical framework – a framework you overlay over reality, but isn’t found in it. The concepts of ‘God’, ‘Satan’, ‘Hell’, ‘world on fire’, etc – these are not things that one personally experiences. They are ideas. These ideas colour one’s experience. I could say ‘God is love’ or ‘God is a deceiver’ (as gnostics have it) or ‘God is Man’s group soul’ (a new age idea) or whatever. But these are all just ideas – it doesn’t matter how many words… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
9 months ago

~35mins Frank starts talking about how modern life is like a cargo cult as Jesus is absent from people’s lives. People are having kids and families even though they aren’t Christians – therefore they are in a cargo cult. Must we have this totally ridiculous embarrassing religious nonsense inflicted upon us?!? As if any religion is something other than a capture of people’s morality, as if its not a control mechanism? But, that aside, isn’t it funny how the idea staring Frank full in the face, eludes him? That Christianity = cargo cult. Think about it. Christians have no experience… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
dave j
dave j
9 months ago
Reply to  realalex


9 months ago
Reply to  realalex

For other readers of these comments please note that the entire reason I continue to participate in these toks is because I think the bible is the most accurate written description of the predicament that I have found myself in. In my view, not only does the bible and the various “non canonical” texts describe how it all came about, what its original purpose was and how it came off the rails, it also provides a solution to these difficulties and great advice on how to deal with the many challenges. I have come to this way of thinking largely… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by anounceofsaltperday
9 months ago

Enjoyed the chat Frank, some fascinating topics covered.

9 months ago
Reply to  rachel

frank’s the shit!

i’m a big fan of the nuclear hustle ,particles n radiation all them tings make me glad i never pursued a career in timetravel back to the future style ,he needed plutonium

qucik question for anyone ,can the gatekeepers platespinners and houseclowns only use posts ,evidence imgery etc etc from clues forum ? or is it just my bad luck and arrived too late

what was the final date for submitting evidence ?

i just fucking with the houseclowns

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Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

That’s a good one, Denny.

9 months ago
Reply to  rachel

mark windows latest is good ,walking us through early rosicrucianism from jewish kabala ,just a heads up ,but you probably heard it ,,,anyway xx

9 months ago
Reply to  rachel

thank you pet

dave j
dave j
9 months ago

Keep shining bright Frank.

9 months ago
Reply to  realalex

What’s odd about Frank getting to promote the Bible and his models on Christianity is you would think he would start donating to Ab since Ab puts up with it for a whole year now since they started these talks. What is Frank waiting for? Doesn’t sound like Frank is poor. He has the dough to cough up to Ab. Start rewarding Ab for giving Frank the weekly platform to get your Bible Church on air. Also I was hoping we would get an update on when Ed Chiarini is scheduled to appear on this website as a show guest.… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

most the old shills have shit themselves ,i am a monster

i even predicted that the friendlies would start climate change as an outlet ,most had already decried tranvestigation and accepted lifetime actors

not much left mandela maybe

you boys are shabby as fuck

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

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9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i wanna know when the honest fakeologists will say we have had a year of clues forum running the audiostream ,can we have an open discord again ,it’s getting embarrassing

introduce alittle anarchy

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

arent you just happy with ab ,franks a bonus ,all the boys are

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

what message would you like get out gill

elaborate for me