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10 months ago

Revelation 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: This angel is described as “another” angel In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, “And God said. Let there be Light, and there was Light.” In fact, the use of God’s name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in… Read more »

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Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago

he does make us sound respectable

10 months ago

Let us say this is “true” it it is TRUE then there are very few “fakeologist” …the rest just Mimeograph for the NEWS cycles..

Most can not even retain what they claim to have “learned” one Sentence ago.

10 months ago
Reply to  davej

i wouldn’t have used the word maticulous for my fakeology or true ,the lads and lassies like rachel and xulk yes but not for me,infact my way is more of a taste test for people with culinary prowess and the ability to identify world cuisine , and my particular prowess is matching stories, pairs pelmanism ,and there counterparts ,thats reliant on knowledge i have gleamed prior and avenues i have been directed down that are significant knowing the nature media and its purpose ,i avoid it as much as possible ,but because of the forums and blog and fakeotube and… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Love your work NW, that is a good one…the shame is most will miss the shade of (G)reen indeed.
I was just thinking how many will see the ball when i made this clip…