Why lead arsenic (polio/AFP) affected children more than adults

The lead arsenate was ingested by anyone who came close to a crop being sprayed. It would then settle in the lower intestine, eventually ending up as part of human waste. In children, however, the lower intestine was right next to the base of the spine, and in thousands the pesticide gravitated there. It caused […]

Polio and DDT

DDT “the killer of killers”. Polio all but disappeared before vaccines due to redefinition of disease. In 1956, the American Medical Association ordered that doctors could no longer diagnose paralysis as polio – it had to be called ‘acute flaccid paralysis’. This reduced polio statistics dramatically and gave the appearance that the vaccine programme had […]

Polio story almost right

Interesting thread, possibly controlled, mostly realising chemical poisoning the cause of polio, but clinging on to the virus vaccine myth. A thread by Forrest Maready The polio story as you learned it is wrong. It’s one of the most often misunderstood sequence of events in the last two hundred years. I wanted to explain a […]

Another “polio” story

“Polio” was caused by a poisoning from the toxic heavy metals present in pesticides – arsenic, lead and mercury. It takes no prophet to connect the dots and see why there is a risk of an “outbreak” this coming winter. According to CDC this polio-like illness is especially expected to be hitting the children. See […]

Polio – grey spine disease – never went away

Polio, now called acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), declined dramatically as DDT and arsenic pesticides were replaced (by something else likely only slightly less toxic.) As usual, Rockefeller medicine blamed a never isolated virus with non existent evidence. One of the great myths that vaxxers love to spread is that their poisons caused the decline, even […]

But vaccines cured polio… NOT

A pesticide common in the 1800’s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. This super toxin was also used as a dye, in many items, including wall paper and paint. It was the […]

But Polio! Say the Hypnotic Repeaters of Propaganda

This jab is not the first time vaccines have been involved in a medical disaster. The Cutter incident was one of the biggest vaccine scandals. The shot caused a huge outbreak of polio (not a virus) paralyzing thousands of healthy children. Years later the polio vaccine is praised for ending polio when in reality it […]

There is no polio virus

Another pillar of the vaccine industry history is simply a mirage. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CDC-FOIA-request-response-no-records-polio-virus-purification.pdf There’s no MERs either. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/CDC-FOIA-request-response-no-records-polio-virus-purification.pdf Via https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/