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8 months ago

it does take an outsider to reveal the truth you are right .shiva just a puppet

and a message to all the houseclowns read the fakeologist blog read the millenium fall-con ,because your sweettalking ab around your finger and ignoring is the blog is done ,play the game

ab might be a pushover and allow you fucks year in year to ignore the blog because he’s not as wise with masons ,go fuck yourselves , i aint a pushover

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon


Is there anything specific about Dr. Shiva that makes you suspect him as a puppet? I listened to some of his videos, and he calls out all the agents and actors running for president. On the surface he seems legitimate, self-made, and he is not being covered in the media or promoted. That said I have not exhaustively investigated him so want to hear anything others have learned.

8 months ago
Reply to  Gabriel

i treat all the chumps brought into our eyeline during covaids as puppets progressing the script ,loockstep,,why have you not commented on myself solving 911

you sound like another platespinner ,let me ask you a question seeing as ab has been talking to actors for years what should he do,should he pull the plug drop phil and the crew of actors and go the napoleon wilson way ,its better than listening to frauds weekly what say you

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  Gabriel

ill change my opinion if you can provide me any evidence you are not just platespinning like baby yoda .or evidence shiva has made any discoveries or offered solutions remember ive been cataloguing you fucks for years ,so make shiva laudible or your self if you can cos ive solved 911 in the open for 4 years ,and only houseclowns ignore it and i am being polite asking for your opinion on me,seeing as you wanted my evidence of shiva reading the script ,both sides lead to the same outcome ,the educated men get what they expected and the ignorant… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  Gabriel

i bet you think baby yoda is not controlled opposition don’t ya darkside papers shortcomings are the same as simon shacks and clues forum ,even though i solved the cunt four years ago, do you understand yet this position of whatever side you wanna take can be fulfilled by controlled opposition or not controlled opposition ,but its their script ,hope that makes more sense ,give me some of shivas greatest discoveries or greatest hits , in fact that goes for you boys n girls ,show me an original thinker ,and ill show you the script is controlled all this is… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Trump is an actor agent literally right off of the big screen. I did vote for him the first time he ran with some hope he would do the things he said. He had his chances to stop the covid lockdowns and drain the swamp and neither happened. He is clearly working for the evil doers. I don’t know enough about Shiva yet to give you anything to disprove. The few videos I watched of him he has called out that Trump and Kennedy are agents that he labels the swarm. The main thing I like about Shiva so far… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Gabriel

i have my own hangups with supposed clever men pulling the wool over peoples eyes ,and whatever research you do is more than welcome and i will read it thoroughly man i always do ,i appologise for my curtness his stance shiva on any injections should be applauded too ,but in this day and age of clever apes falling for bullshit i tend to fly off the handle ,children are so so priceless and the script for this relies on people being gullible , love den p.s baby yoda is not so bad ,but a tad gay ,and not my… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  Gabriel

burn it down i say ,dont fight it in the courts ,ive smashed 911 to the point that not one of the scumbags can debunk me ,and what passed as 911 truthers have all jumped ship and remained psilent id much rather the clever apes remove any option of these fucking masons dialectic before progressing any of their ideas ,and after being ignored for years by the masonic fakeologists in the blog – audio- and watching real men become feeble minded weekly ,i don’t have any confidence in any options . shit i said were heading for a fake war… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  Gabriel

local and individual level is the way forwards,i am local and an individual ,and yet i still get ignored

my way has not failed yet?
and will not fail with what passes thus far as fakeologists, and i am confident waht shut the fucking mouths of the houseclowns will do the same to anyone,take care gabriel ,ps i am not the bad guy

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

oh and ips does job giving reality a fun twist as do folks like matt qoc ,and many others but these chaps are limited in language because of whatever reasons masonic benefactors or even masonic oaths i don’t know ? they give their interpretation of the truth in their limited vocabulary same with lyn and so far all the fakeologists guests. this aint no chop and change the fairytail to suit what prior aleigencies you may have ,or whether or not you’re a gatekeeeper with a website,if thats the case you better pack up and leave this fairytail taken from… Read more »
