FAK780-Frank the Salt Guy

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Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago

Thanks for the kind word ab.

Cheers good show

Recall I have told you in the past I was stationed 2 years at a Canadian Navy Base at nanoose Bay, Victoria Island BC. That was when I was in the US Navy. So there are a lot of what’s called joint operations or shared bases so the US military is everywhere even if not on their own property. So-called it’s all the same anyway

Last edited 8 months ago by Dave j
8 months ago

God continues in verses 31-33, “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades or loose Orion’s belt? Can you bring out the signs of the zodiac” (the Mazzaroth) “in their season or guide Aldebaran and its train?” (Aldebaran in AlderAAn-HAL the brightest star in Taurus, the Bull that pulls or leads the zodiac across the sky.) Do you proclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine the laws of nature on earth?” The RSV reads “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on the earth?” Sirius as the ‘rainbow star’ Sirius shifts through every color… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

better learn what 911 was ,instead of that farcical bullshit from your guests like rizo ,who say people died ,this is nearly half a decade since i solved this shit

nearly five years now that is not looking after your site is it ?

good job i left the masons in the discord ,and put it in here for the real fakeologists ,shitbags

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Your comments are much more valuable here in the blog.

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago

Thanks for the kind words Frank.

Yes all are welcome at my YouTube channel

Much more to come

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist


Here it is @JohnRomano

8 months ago

it makes it increasingly harder to listen to fakeologist audios frank ,knowing the only weapon these boys and bitches ever had was to ignore me ,lil bitches https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=573&start=1540 its fun listening to frauds with disney asthma at the start of this ,now it seems to be a fakeologist one must not read the blog or progress an idea thats embarrassing ,this place attracted me because of the openess and discussion ,imagine someone like me turned up to the discord now and didnt know it was run by the cointel that sets the truth limits imagine that the pen is mightier… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

oh and when someone calls in saying they are a judy wood fan or a fan of a judy wood fan ,just remember according to judy wood, that day started with a twister ,then a wand was introduced that made things dusty and sepia coloured ,in fitting with the ceremony of 911 good men aahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaha that all are at the back of the cue for 911 research ,these are my demographic i have a spaceship toy for each and everyone of you witchcraft boys ive been flying around in the temple for years these fucking retards are waiting to be… Read more »

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Cheers and thank you NW

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

thank you dave ,the essence video struck a nerve ,especially the essence of the mothers home cooking

thanks again

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

My pleasure indeed

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I am recording two new ones today I’ve done one already it stopped at 15 minutes because the free program so I’m going to redo the second as a second part and then upload them both later tonight

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

i look forward to watching them

this is worth a trial

the free taster is more than enough for me ,stills or video ,insert audio ,freebie version is good