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1 year ago

disinfo http://gofindtheothers.com/category/home/9-11-2001/ http://gofindtheothers.com/2010/09/886/ Episode 007 – The Next Step Radio Show – 9/11 – Directed Energy Weapons – Radical Skepticism – Hurricane Erin – Dr. Judy Woodby manapples •  September 8, 2010  • 0 Comments The Next Step Radio Show – 9/11 – Directed Energy Weapons – Radical Skepticism – Hurricane Erin – Dr. Judy Wood Read more ? #100 – Suicide C – September 11 2001 – Before The Spin Set Inby manapples •  September 13, 2009  • 2 Comments A Suicide is a media-mix-o-flavors. A taste of everything. Sports-Center for the WorldWideWeb (without the sports). The Cliff’s Notes version of the Akashic Records. Enjoy… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

every angle of my solution fits images ,myths,funding ,blame,sequence of events,name play,date ,stars in the sky as it was happening , and on and on ,it even icludes the disinfo agents judy wood and toto with their space beams ,predicts the shape of the fucking hole in in the ground at shanksville ,and where bush would fly to during


solomons temple has been ransacked by me

go find the others

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Thanks for posting this small sliver of my journey, out here, betwixt 2006 and 2010 – 13-17 years ago.

I’ve come along way since then, wouldn’t you say?

1 year ago

the 911 journey ends here at fakeologist

you got that shit right

1 year ago

you make me laugh ,as if you wasn’t pushing bullshit ,,,,,unknowingly , but you have dissintergrated things in private ,any vids might aswell go and amend the other bollocks the tech for pulling off 911 was pefected in film decades before 911 happened ,there furniture apps now that can recreate it. blaming ozma was the giveaway though,don’t you think? here lets intellectualise ozma , for anyone new to the game ,ozma is your imaginary alter that gets you through or leads the way in psi-chological terms …anyway apparently so the fiction of blaming ozma for 911 was true ,let these… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

so we know why fuckwits keep calling me names and arguing ,saying i banned them ,you offered me money to stop talking about the mk ultra imagery used in star wars and showing the oz schema in play decades before ,during and after 911 ,

then you started insulting me

it amazes me how many times so called goodmen turn into petulent girls ,valued ?

yes i can tie any houseclown up with pictures and my millenium fall-con satr wars clues

don’t get angry at me ,this was not me

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

you were offered money? what was that about, if you care to tell

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

go find the others,

i’m sick of these good men ,pushing bullshit .

and judy wood is bullshit

he says he has come along way since then ,so have to give the benefit of the doubt .

but the rest of the shithouses that call themselves 911 truthers can jump

theyve been on a rota system since matti from dusseldorf,and geris

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

trouble is dave

i stopped caring along time ago

that’s why i do my thing ,i get great messages from esotericists and all sorts of folks .

they read the blog ,they are not fakeologists

hard to compete with a bunch of hasbeens ,or neverwas’s or sock accounts from exfakeologists that shat the bed .

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

RICK is not happy with me simply because i asked Him if he was antichrist, and I asked him to have rollo post some of the “art work” that hangs in his Home, Like the “Satan summing demons one”

I am only asking so that i can properly place all the Pieces on the Table

Instead he got mad and booted me …you might say i got Rick Roll(d) from that server.

I ask so that i Know.

thats it.

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

RICK is not happy with me simply because i asked Him if he was antichrist, and I asked him to have rollo post some of the “art work” that hangs in his Home, Like the “Satan summing demons one”

No way, I can’t see that being Rollo. The guy is too friendly and funny for that. Are you sure that was what you saw get posted? Because that is not the Rollo I hear on Rick and Rollo.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

yes it does amaze me how very few can see this place(the world) for what it is,

SO few indeed.

Fake Fakeologist(s) indeed

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

the very few people i want to emulate and impress have fucked off,

solving 911 back then was fun ,now it’s a slog ,i don’t wanna depress anyone or demoralise ,that’s my reason ,for playing the game

and in an unlikely event where i do get an ally ,ill probably drop dead in shock

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

Nappy Willy is retarded.
I was trying to differentiate the point where paid disinformation agents and regular folks who get compromised along the way, intersect. In that larger context asked if he had a price.

I wasn’t going to pay it, nor would I.
It was a hypothetical question in response to his constant assuradeness that he’s the only non-shill left on earth.

1 year ago

And since he’s a life long welfare recipient, it’s pretty hilarious that he takes the most gubbment money of all the Fakeos

1 year ago

heehee ,i wish

so you back insulting now

look petal ,i solved 911
ransacked solo-mans temple and figured out the psi-pher

liber oz fuckstick

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

It’s not an insult when it’s true.
You’re the liar.
You’re self obsessed.
You’re a censor.
You’re the dainty dole flower.

1 year ago

you do understand you’ve been either programmed by the 911 wacko’s or you’re a wacko and saying you have dustified stuff in your own lab are you john hutchenson or d.e.w.bacca as i call him judy has a friend that emulates the special effects from the wizard of oz ,her copilot as it were for the millenium fall-con he looks exactly like the chap that plays han solo’s copilot chewbacca. peter mayhew oz-mosis across the board the origins of 911 were all preconcieved by the artistocrats ,to match the stars on that day and jupiter entering gemini ,hence the thrice… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Opera singer wine glass dole monkey

1 year ago

that’s the spirit you still holding a grudge cos i spelt tyranny wrong ? i don’t drink either ,geris iv banned it ,years ago i just remembered im older than you too ,so i’m not gonna argue anymore and i’m sorry i ruined your gig oh and to anyone really paying attention ,i was a gentlemen at all times no tricks ,or legerdemain , you lot just had to ignore me ,can’t actualise my story or the game IS over . when does water start to bend ,how far out me how many inversions do you need ,theres degrees on… Read more »

1 year ago

you can remedy this by reading the blog or forums on a regular basis .

and not accepting bullshit ,or even better let the monsters run the show

1 year ago

so the moderators did exactly what i said they would ,shut down the audios, smj come back can;t jeopardise the discord thats full of shitbags and houseclowns ,the said pantomime horses the mods and the three year served houseclowns spying activity ,also the mods have no intention of inputting anything ,or sullying their cowardly eyes with the contents of solo-mans temple i am a monster the topic of trannies is not hard to figure out and go find the others left cos he shat himself from the millenium fall-con me and oz ,and he has interviewed judy wood for hours… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Jacob aka Go Find The Others is an excellent person to have around on Fakeologist. Amazing ability to critically think and that is why Ab has had him on as a show guest. You obviously hold a grudge against Others because of what happened in the comment section of this Fakeologist show where Ab interviewed Go Find The Others https://fakeologist.com/blog/2022/08/04/fak586-gofindtheothers/ You need to get over any animosity you hold against Others. Others is a well spoken individual who many here have come to love. Why can’t you accept him? Are you jealous of his real life success? Why? A lot… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i wish all shills the best of luck ,they need it i am a monster go find the others asked me how much money i would take to stop showing oz and 911 . success is solving 911 on an honest website , and all the crew leaving, i gave the ones ab likes a year to leave and set up pay walls i’m all heart Kirk: I reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship. Saavik: What? David Marcus: He cheated. Kirk: I changed the conditions of the test. I got a commendation for original thinking.… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i have no animosity to anyone ,i think i prove that daily by interacting ,or commenting ,don’t you?

i had some great chats with gfto in the telegram ,that’s where the offer was made ,i don’t delete or ban so it’s probably still there .

not the first or even second bribe i turned down.

But as i told gfto believing dustification is dissociation and double speak ,and clear mk ultra ,i have extensive proof and the spaceship to prove it .

solo-mans temple has been officially ransacked twice now

the houseclowns didn’t even know it existed

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Just to a grammarian, I don’t think you extensive proof. You may have extensive evidence in support of your thesis, but proof means definite others can verify whatever-it-is for themselves.

Also, gfto is a great contributor. I think he has his own views, and is capable of defending himself – as are most around here. Which adds to the colourful tapestry. Glad you didn’t see fit to delete opinions etc; it always disturbs me how authoritarian even this corner of the Internet is, when it comes to censoring dissenting views or opinions.

1 year ago
Reply to  realalex

never once heard my beliefs on 911 mentioned lover

1 year ago
Reply to  realalex

why would i delete anything of anyone elses ,i wouldnt

the absurd videos of 911 collapse are enough for most to understand the nature of mk ultra and basic conformity experiment ,thats going on

and i prove the place is honest

imagine ab deleted something he didn’t agree with none of us would be here now

but because ab is honest i’m abel to show the origins of the story and magic used on 911

and fakeologist gets hits from all over the show

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

You did delete many links I put in Ab’s telegram. Since you post the same handful of links, like a broken record, I countered your miniatures/no one saw anything collapse theory with a very large collection of “ground zero” rubble photographs. Repeatedly, admittedly, just tryna fight fire with fire. Instead of offering counter evidence to the real photographs of rubble, you just deleted them all. We’re on the same team. Not entirely sure why I bother you so much. We agree that IX-XI was an #InsideOutJob. We vary on the details, only. Since neither of us planned nor witnessed it,… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by gofindtheothers
1 year ago

do you like my spaceship

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

abs deleted more than me petal .you better go find the others ,did you do the change name trick and get racist,noiselevel did that and geris

psiriously do you like my solo-mans temple

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

No name change. Jacob Appleman. My first website was infowarts(dot)com, which I changed to GoFindTheOthers in 2008. Since then, Jake, Jacob, or Gfto is all you’ll find me behind.

And YES I like your space ship and temple. No cap. Frfr

1 year ago

i have you as a bookmark ,remember i have no shame ,i had no idea why i had the spaceship until i came to fakeologist and hoaxbusters .

and i don’t particularly have any interest in going into the psi-chology of 911

but theres lots of monsters that helped me

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I’ve always told you that I think you’re eccentric and talented. Since I don’t watch all the movies repeatedly, it’s not my genre, but I recognize the efforts.

1 year ago

what about john hutchinsons repertoire being from the wizard of oz

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Never met, nor spoke with John.
I have shattered physical objects with energy waves tho. Bumble bees levitate. That truth horse gets my attention, not the rider.

1 year ago

well people are deluded on other channels ,i’m glad you found us

hows the garden

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Glad to be here.
The garden is frosty, but eager to get back innit.

1 year ago

just out of interest ,how much would you have offered me ,to stop pissing all over the masons.

only so i can a figure handy for the next chap who is in love with judy and her wand .

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

$0.00 USD.

My initial inquiry was to get you to think about the ease withwhich people can be bought and likewise the shallowness of most people, troofers included. Not everyone has deception on their minds whence beginning a truth voyage.

I know a handful of troofers that would sell out their brethren for a few bitcoins and a staring role in a documentary.

CIA not required.

Last edited 1 year ago by gofindtheothers
1 year ago

don’t worry about trannies a majority of it is just masons and stories ,they have to sell 2 becomes 1 as they sold baphomet,and the same as telling folks 911 was a stargate and the same as folks thinking theres secret space ,it’s all traceable ,to american masons and the stories they push ,sometimes i think they think it’s true . i do have to remind myself of my own genius as it’s the only thing these inbreds can’t discuss. https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=573&start=400 still got judy’s number? so don’t worry about transvestites you gotta admire their sense of humour ,they have a… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

99% of my contacts with her were vis Skype. 1% email.
I haven’t used Skype since the world ended in 2012 and I’m sure I saved her email address, tho it’s not memorized.

1 year ago

keep your eye open for the capstone ,she is beautiful

i was only kidding i would not entertain judy wood

rick just made me blush , thanks very much

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

You may have solved 911. I think I showed what a sad show the legal charade is here:

Just don’t expect anyone to value or comment on your contributions, still less thank you for disabusing them of their cherished illusions. You do the work to satisfy yourself, and if someone else (miraculously!) hears what you have to say as you go, then count yourself extremely lucky!

1 year ago
Reply to  realalex

i stopped expecting ,when accepting the collapse as real was allowed

may 2019

1 year ago
Reply to  realalex

the one thing i was ,was open ,i told ab about the millenium fall-con straight away

it surprizes me still how many masons are truthers ,and they love to talk

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

here jacob

heres 911 solved top to bottom ,origins the lot


read that then come back and we’ll fight trany together

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I’m not Go Find The Others. I’m glad Jacob did come on here and shed light on what you have been doing by revealing your censorship of Ab’s telegram https://fakeologist.com/blog/2022/12/15/fac1206-saturday-show/#comment-42285 This made me remember from FAC1212 at 4 hours and 17 minutes in, Ab said Jan Erik was banned from Ab’s (Fakeologist?) telegram because of you? https://fakeologist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/FAC1212-Ab-Anounceofsaltperday-Rick.mp3 https://fakeologist.com/blog/2023/01/14/fac1212-ab-anounceofsaltperday-rick/ Al was basically saying you have to tolerate people’s viewpoints that are different from yours and I agree https://fakeologist.com/blog/2022/12/15/fac1206-saturday-show/#comment-42278 It doesn’t make any sense to have your fuck all mentality if me or someone else doesn’t subscribe to miniatures being used on… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

miniatures was the hook you ignored you clever fishy ,trouble is your in my pond fuckface and ab is not gonna keep falling for napoleon is the bad guy is he ,frenchy did it in the discord amongst others ,judys publicist did gtfoh tried or gfto , even jan tried ,why would i remove eyes from a website or said websites platform ,that i promote . answer?,i wouldnt ,and i am twisted enough to enjoy the hasbeens squirming and having to look at the millenium fall-con 2001 satr wars clues ,and there are many theres no shit ever gonna stick… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i bet my spaceship against any hasbeen or will be, i’d love to test it but jack left town iv’e made 911 predictable psience! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operatio… Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The mujahideen were also supported by Britain’s MI6, who conducted separate covert actions. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operatio… Operation Cyclone was one of the… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i don’t even bother anymore , the glass ceiling is being licked by ips and his sycophants ,or low level shills with new age distraction bullshit,

but i will always take the piss out of anyone who thinks or has to maintain the collapse as real

thats where most fail

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

4th generation of 911 experts ,

its a joke

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

and enough read fakeologist ,from other sites ,hopefully they realise how many idiots there are ,popping in new age crap ,pretending their wise

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

its me you wanna sensor , for showing how far they can push the trick down your throat ,i’d say your lucky to have me

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

just to let you know ab the fakeologist is tip top ,look what he’s done

set up a sight where he knew he’d be targetted by shills ,,,he kept his cool when others would have lost it , and now he’s the only site in the world with what who and how 911 was done.

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i dont want to get along with dickheads ,and all the dickheads run away ,ergo anyone that ran is a dickhead ,and glad to see the back of them

you know the odds on what i show ,is astronomical

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

id like to be ridiculed now if you can ,being ignored by avatras that are 2 years old is not lighting my candle .climb a paywall and find someone with street cred ,

ive been shutting up shills for 7 years with a toy spaceship


and were not gonna get a consensus on you think the collapse is real and i don’t .

some masonic shit

that’s not happening petal

two bob thinking in a two bob world


Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

respect is my utmost ,and emulating my peers

i don’t bad mouth anyone of significance , or has sagacity

infact too many that had attained a high position in my mind shat themselves .

i could be hell of a lot ruder

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

so you boys can now tell me about 911 ,can’t you

i will strap my self down ,waiting for an opinion that won’t come , can’t even get replies about what they saw ,

can you imagine some pay money ,to a website 30 bucks a month to critical think ,and a manc asks you about the collapse on fakeologist ,and they can’t answer

and run

good luck ladies

all my videos have the same ingredients as 911 ,jtobin plaza space ship ,oz, spacebeams ,witches and wizards, soloman , toto dorothy

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

what do you think of judy wood and her 911 collapse theory

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Do you mean the Judy Wood DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) theory that brought down the twin towers? The Judy Wood DEW theory is laughable. Why would the 9/11 perps use a right out of science fiction novel space beam weapon to bring down the twin towers when the towers can easily be brought down using explosives in the form of controlled demolition? I think the perps were in the mindset of keeping everything as simple as possible to pull off the 9/11 Magic Trick.

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion


how smokescreen ,or new type of explosives ,or what ,

cos verinage looks different ,and at normal speed that collapse they show is 7 or 8 seconds long ,what we see is slowed down pyrotechnics i think.
aswell as the other discrepencies,dust changes colour for the ground footage,steel doesnt turn to dust etc ,

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

well it was from science fiction ,the liber oz and oz schema incorporated into star wars does have a thing called the deathstar ,so i’ll stick with that sci fi,but finding out judy’s technique didnt involve ruby slippers was a relief

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

i bet people think i grew up with star wars on t.v everyday and had toys,i learnt the myths afterwards, the opposite way learnt the myths of the alchemist from this blog and discord cosmism ,and the flat earth crash course we all got should have tipped us off on how to research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor and the likes of the boys that talk about john dee remember all the ball earth skeptics shows did research on the astrologers and cartographers ,and that process is transferable to all topics, and if i am correct it was jlb who introduced the world to… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

SMJ is SMJ , He has always been an asshole to me however so it is what it is indeed

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

he shown me a shitload of patience and taught me how to deduce .

put me on the yellow brick road to enlightment

and me you we are arseholes

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

but not dickheads

gonna check out your posts in the forum ,,cheers for that

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I stand above both of you

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

i’m fine with that .

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

Can you please explain why you and SMJ have heat? Seems on your guys last exchange on FAC1184, you guys were cool as you and SMJ teamed up to take on YourFakeIsFake



I remember that because of what happened on FAC1185 where Epic (Not) Cash Uncle Odd went into a fury over FAC1184



1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

all in his links ,the mans a poet

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

what do you mean heat?
he’s smj bad ass fakeologist

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

smj? that is simple He is an antichrist ( by his own mouth) other than that we are fine, that day was so Blatent that the truth was a single target aimed at. Enemy of my enemy is my friend idea.

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

don’t involme me in that escapade.
that was an audio where one chap said he was gonna play with his daughter,and another lad reckoned he was from the windy city

i prefer history and hustles

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

when ever he gave me a link that was of your origin or talked of something you posted ,he did site you

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

that is called doing what is expected . I do appropriate that as well. however i stand above him and all antichrist in Truth and in Life.

ps thanks for taking a look at my posts

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

dave your very welcome ,thanks for posting them

1 year ago

stick to delivering toilet rolls

i found typo

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

rick and frank bring up a facinating point about committing acts of war (dave can let me know if i have the right context) is committing acts of war in a computer game immoral ,especially since the advances in computer graphics ,especially from my day of top down contra or a game that made its self famous with the introduction of pixelated red blobs for blood when the firefight killed my freedom fighter , exciting for a child……..but never the less reenacting geurilla warfare jay dyers pixie jamie hanshaw has some great stuff on toy programming (princes and warrior its… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

My short answer is this. Games and movies Create the IDEA of what “war” is in definition and thus when “WAR” is reported as Happening in x y or z, Minds then go to their default position of that Seen in Games and movies. SO then Yes the (SIN)(e) is at the Thought,

Once the Spell of (war) is broken however Movies just look silly and games sim,ply pass time

The Mind is where the Thought is

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

thank you dave

that answer is exactly what i was hoping for ,as it fits my evolving mindset