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at ~3:25:40 Ab says:
We relied on the government official to tell the truth when it came to certain things. Now we’re questioning those guys now and catching them lying. So now we don’t have that ultimate agreed upon truth that everyone would go to when there was a dispute.
Now that we’re agreed on them lying, now we have to rely on our own little groups to try to confirm stuff. That’s the biggest problem its created. Now that we know that the police are lying and in on the lie we can’t just say ‘what time did this happen?’ we can’t ask the police, because we just proved they’re lying, they’re in on it. So we have no authority to appeal to any more. I think that’s the greatest loss of this situation for most people.
That’s all totally correct, imo – except for the characterisation.
It is not the greatest loss – it is the greatest GAIN. Loss of one’s authority for truth might seem like something to mourn, but each person who comes to that realisation should actually celebrate.
There is no external authority that can tell you the truth – none – they are all liars. Even if they mean well, no one has the truth, and so repeat whatever nonsense they believe. There is simply no authority. Just a bunch of imagined ideas and dreams that people perceive themselves to share with others. I would call it ‘group psychosis’.
Every individual needs to come to their own understanding and accommodation with that fact. Perhaps it is a comforting dream to imagine one can hand truth and reality to another and “they’ve got this” – but it is an illusion. Not only that, it is bound to turn into a nightmare. The individual finds themselves living in someone else’s nightmare.
It is far better to recognise and embrace the reality of the situation, and become dis-illusioned. Its the way forward. And even then, it takes time and effort to come up for air after being so deeply submerged (in the fantasies) for so long. I don’t think most people reach air.
Anarchy – no authority, no leader – is only the start of one’s journey. I was expecting ForceValue to make this point in the consequent discussion, but I’ll make it here instead.
machiavellis restaraunt where both sides of the parliament eat is very telling ,just a coincidence of course ,good stuff
ricks adventure in rollos garden brought visions of jumanji and rollo as a wildman loincloth optional , the logistics of trees is interesting
also ricks statement on allan watt is the same as mine , alan watt did not offer any solutions ,i fear that hearing the plans the elites put in books registers as fiction to us ,afterall nobody panics when things go according to the plan.
i still reccomend watt to anyone who has not heard him ,theres lots and lots of great audios from watt to choose from and all pertinent .
but use discernment ….. we are easily programmed.
ab swings through the window …………………….
german machine guns and poison gas comes up ,also shell shock
and spike milligan (your dads generation of comedian)
i found this statement on milligan.
He served in the Royal Artillery as Gunner Milligan through the North African and Italian campaigns. He got a bit too close to an exploding shell and was hospitalised with shell-shock. On his escape from army life he started his “real” work as an author and humourist.
i found this statement on milligan.
“I think Spike would always have been funny, but perhaps the PTSD gave him a real edge.” He adds: “Do you know, that during wartime when men suffered from shell shock, officers would tell them they should be exposed to even more loud noise, to help them get over it?”
exact same thing was said to me after my first bong use ,have another it will help!!!! nope it did not , or did it ?
35 mins in ………..
KCAA 1050 AM/106.5 FM/102.3 FM [KCAA Radio] : October 20 …
Internet Archive
https://archive.org › details › KCAA_1050_AM_2017…
the phone and you’re on the air with Matt Landman and myself welcome to the program …
talk of maui and fires ,(weekend at bernies)
then we hit logistics of living in an area prone to drastic natural weather changes ,floods and fires .
Vancouver Lake History
Friends of Vancouver Lake
https://vancouverlake.org › vancouver-lake-history
The project included a large dredging operation, which formed a small island in the lake. Vancouver Lake is now hydrologically connected to the Columbia River …
ricks 59 this week so can you all send him an email to say happy birthday,and then the topic moves on to icecream ,ab all good icecream comes in cardboard sleeves ,i think?
im a bloke never bought ice cream ,but i have eaten had my fair share
Then on the hour the topic moves to the fakeologist interview with tim truth
“also ricks statement on allan watt is the same as mine , alan watt did not offer any solutions ,i fear that hearing the plans the elites put in books registers as fiction to us ,afterall nobody panics when things go according to the plan.”
Imo, it’s not that no one panics. It’s that one now has an idea of what to do. It doesn’t matter that it’s not your own idea, or that it’s negative. The idea, once in place, and left standing, is what one will work towards. (I’m sure dave j would agree with me.) I’d also say, that the fact the idea is bad/negative means that there is pain associated in even opening it up to review (reviewing it is necessary if you want to dismiss it). If the idea is unreviewed, and no more compelling, personal idea takes its place, the result is that whoever believes it will literally work towards achieving the thing they hate. Amazing! Think of all those hundreds of cars piled up on the only visible tree on those long, dull Australian outback roads 🙂 – the ideas are achieved if there is no other, better target in sight. The solution is for each individual to act according to what they know, rather than what they believe – but who’s got time for that?
yes working towards the negative makes sense ,but i would not condemn someone for listening to the pied pipers ,chris sky christski’s mo was apparent from day one
but i reserved judgement for a month ,and yet would candians have rioted in the main street if there wasn’t a drum major like sky /
the techniques they use are applied whatever the level of defence the target has ,
Chem warfare exists. Chemtrails in the skies above. Chemotherapy was Mustard Gas. We have no idea for sure if Mustard Gas was used on anyone in World War I but how does Chemotherapy get invented without first discovering Mustard Gas? Would you agree chemical weapons such as poisonous gases exist?
No poison gas was used on troops during any War stop your b*******. You stupid time waste and jackass
Now go play n internet traffic you piece of contemptible trash.
By the way stupid I’m not debating you I am telling you.
So then when you speak we you turn that W over.
Now you go run along stupid little man because you will never be spoken to again you are dismissed.
R4m if you don’t like it I just won’t hear you.
Heed and heel(heal)