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10 months ago

at ~3:25:40 Ab says: We relied on the government official to tell the truth when it came to certain things. Now we’re questioning those guys now and catching them lying. So now we don’t have that ultimate agreed upon truth that everyone would go to when there was a dispute. … Now that we’re agreed on them lying, now we have to rely on our own little groups to try to confirm stuff. That’s the biggest problem its created. Now that we know that the police are lying and in on the lie we can’t just say ‘what time did… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

communitarian truth thats funny ,agreed upon lie is not truth ,is it gatekeepers that refuse to look at evidence .

public health is the same as what is described there ,and that would make jfk killed by the cia ,or oswald

,is it gatekeepers that refuse to look at evidence .

10 months ago

machiavellis restaraunt where both sides of the parliament eat is very telling ,just a coincidence of course ,good stuff ricks adventure in rollos garden brought visions of jumanji and rollo as a wildman loincloth optional , the logistics of trees is interesting also ricks statement on allan watt is the same as mine , alan watt did not offer any solutions ,i fear that hearing the plans the elites put in books registers as fiction to us ,afterall nobody panics when things go according to the plan. i still reccomend watt to anyone who has not heard him ,theres lots… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

“also ricks statement on allan watt is the same as mine , alan watt did not offer any solutions ,i fear that hearing the plans the elites put in books registers as fiction to us ,afterall nobody panics when things go according to the plan.” Imo, it’s not that no one panics. It’s that one now has an idea of what to do. It doesn’t matter that it’s not your own idea, or that it’s negative. The idea, once in place, and left standing, is what one will work towards. (I’m sure dave j would agree with me.) I’d also… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

yes working towards the negative makes sense ,but i would not condemn someone for listening to the pied pipers ,chris sky christski’s mo was apparent from day one

but i reserved judgement for a month ,and yet would candians have rioted in the main street if there wasn’t a drum major like sky /

the techniques they use are applied whatever the level of defence the target has ,

Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

Yes al, that is a true statement. It is time being used properly or improperly as that same time is still used.

That truth thus realization shall be as basic as breath itself however. It is not some Grand Revelation it is what used to be called common sense.

Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago

No poison gas was used on troops during any War stop your b*******

10 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

Chem warfare exists. Chemtrails in the skies above. Chemotherapy was Mustard Gas. We have no idea for sure if Mustard Gas was used on anyone in World War I but how does Chemotherapy get invented without first discovering Mustard Gas? Would you agree chemical weapons such as poisonous gases exist?

Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

No poison gas was used on troops during any War stop your b*******. You stupid time waste and jackass

Now go play n internet traffic you piece of contemptible trash.

By the way stupid I’m not debating you I am telling you.

So then when you speak we you turn that W over.

Now you go run along stupid little man because you will never be spoken to again you are dismissed.

R4m if you don’t like it I just won’t hear you.

Heed and heel(heal)

Last edited 10 months ago by Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

Translation: there is no substance to your comment. All insults. That’s all you got? Keep donating that Ab Hush Money, Bro!