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3 months ago

I do NOT necessarily stand by the opinion that I expressed on the show, that George Bush, Senior and Nelson Rockefeller were the same person.However, I have no doubt whatsoever that they were full hereditary brothers, that is, their parents were the same persons. John D Rockefeller, Junior and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, the parents of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, look like the same persons as Prescott Bush Sheldon Bush and Dorothy Walker, the parents of George Bush, Senior. Samuel Prescott Bush and Dorothy Walker Bush, the parents of Prescott Bush, look like the same persons as John D Rockefeller, Senior and… Read more »

3 months ago

I’m the caller who talked about George Bush, Senior and Nelson Rockefeller possibly being the same person. I’m open to being wrong about that proposition, but I also talked in the call about an idea that I am much more confident of, that the two wives of Nelson Rockefeller were the same person. I have almost no doubt about the latter proposition. Nelson Rockefeller’s first wife, Mary Todhunter Clark (allegedly lived 1907-1999) and his second wife, Margaretta Fitler (allegedly lived 1926-2015), looked extremely similar. Even siblings, unless identical twins, rarely look very similar. Nelson Rockefeller’s first wife remained living in… Read more »

3 months ago

Do you know someone by the name of Paul B

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

I am him.

3 months ago

Paul why do you keep changing names and how many accounts do you actually have at the moment.

You should know that no matter how many accounts you make I will always know who you are.

It’s by your tone

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

This is one of only two accounts that I have ever had on the Fakeologist site. I forgot the password to the other one, that is the reason that I started a new one.
I have decided that I’m done posting on twitter. From now on, I’m only using twitter for the purpose of private correspondence, so you will not be hearing from me on twitter in the future.

3 months ago

LSP makes this unlistenable. I skipped to four individual spots heard that sound each time simply turned off. I still wasted about 5 minutes

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

Think the residents of Dubai suspect they’ve been hit with some weaponized “weather”?

3 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

Here’s the problem with that whole story Lynn I am looking at several Dubai live cams and I do not see the same story being told everything looks peaceful as can be and the one pool I can see in the shot right now is clean and clears a whistle and all the lawn chairs are lined up perfectly on the sand. So then really let’s do an investigation now I’m not going to tell you where I’ve been so that there’s no contamination of result can you go research live cams of Dubai and see if you can look… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Davej
3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

By fuck

And here’s me thinking your apprentice NW repeated himself, repeatedly.

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I have no apprentice.

If you do not have constructive speech do not direct it at me in the future.

Now you go powder your nose and sit there quietly

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

Ermm…. No

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

“I have no apprentice”

?Only nephews huh

3 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

fako lite for Lynn

Dubai or not to buy
is the question…

3 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist


3 months ago

john the beggar comes in with his flick comb and mugs them in a bit ,

yes john took the lunchmoney .id like to hear jtb and frank discuss the georges

well im enjoyong jtb calling in at 120 ish ,



Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Yes one of my first two-part videos I did on YouTube back many years ago was the character of King George and George Washington being the same character not only that you can see it in the wife character and the coat of arms and it tying back to the idea of the House of Windsor being once known as Tudor. That then leads into the idea of Richard lll and Richard the 7th being the same and the War of roses Hoax being that brought that dynasty together. You will notice in the Richard III and Richard the 7th,… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

“the idea of”

Q.. What does that actually mean

A.. Fuck all

Take your Goldbuggery elsewhere ghoul.

Shoo fly.

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas


3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

Shill4Me plastic

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

my mind is open to these charades ,and lack of photo play and use of portraits is harder to forge i suspect and timelines especially opposing factions or colluding family makes sense to me ,controlling both sides

after daizy gets her reintroduction to fakeologist ,maybe jtb can give you a look at his evidence ,cheers dave

can you find the video

3 months ago
Reply to  Davej

I believe that George Washington and King George III Hanover of Great Britain and Ireland were probably identical twin siblings, not the same person. The only plausible options are that they were the same person or identical twin siblings. In my opinion, the latter is more likely than the former. Those are the only plausible options, because all of their equivalent ancestors of whom images are available look like the same persons. I think that the second option is more likely than the first for multiple reasons. One is that George Washington had fake teeth, while Prince George had real… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Jacques Bourbon