FAK870-Fakenukes Phil

Jim Rizoli
How Jews Ended Up in Palestine, Apr 15, 2024
“FALLING MAN” – the phony jumpers – Page 16 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception

Fakeologist and Phil 4-17-24

Brian Stavely’s show from 4 years ago via DaveJ

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2 months ago

Who is actually producing the fake visual imagery from Gaza?
Watch Amy Goodman interview the professionals staffing this project.


3 months ago

Double agent,
Triple agent,
Quad agent


DJ Controller

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

will you let me know when ab speaks to a fakeologist ,cos theres none as far as i can see

and that goes for all the chaperones that rock up to the audios in that little corner of the internet he leaves the audiostreamer

i listened to them shit their pants yesterday from john the beggar ,told ya in 2019 the fix is in

fuck me
ofcourse phil is an entity

and who gives two fucks about musclehead stavely ,i watched him bottle it in 2019 also

bunch of fucking amateurs

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

“will you let me know when ab speaks to a fakeologist ,cos theres none as far as i can see” ?Ab is “the” Fakeologist. I don’t know what “a” fakeologist is “and that goes for all the chaperones that rock up to the audios in that little corner of the internet he leaves the audiostreamer” ?Who in particular? Stop listening to them. They seem to upset you so. “i listened to them shit their pants yesterday from john the beggar ,told ya in 2019 the fix is in” ?Fixers have come and gone at Fakeologist.com since 2012. “fuck me ofcourse… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

like most things i turn my hand to i get that good at it i surpass the teacher,i learnt to read particularly well of late daves message has not changed since before i became a fakeologist ,so even if i disagreed with him he’s not broken character once and therefore untouchable tim as i said in 2017 is a mason and declared that himself live on his show ,so thats why i could predict he won’t get the star wars gig i will add though that ab has passed the test muppetfucker by being legit ,no one else !!! no… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

the politics is funny between the acts ,but this aint a slaint on ab i said when we got wankstains like lsp or the beachfront bravado of the ladies ,or that smelly frog you aint gonna get the researchers you want your gonna get recycled bullshit at best even predicted the shit war in oz ,told ya its naive to think ab would talk to anyone legit since i smashed 911 ,and pointing at brown people on tik tok aint fakeology is it? all you get is psilly ass fishermen like viderre and john friend and folks who donate to… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

“embarrassing isn’t it”

?It appears to me that your “embarrassment” is more Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy than any real concern for Fakeologist.com.


3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

thats right me
no one else just me x

3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

“daves message has not changed since before i became a fakeologist ,so even if i disagreed with him he’s not broken character once and therefore untouchable”

Don’t fret. You may get there one day sweet cheeks.
?Then again, perhaps not

Last edited 3 months ago by Vespadouglas
3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

ive been there and back mate ,this is the only way trust me and anyway daves tom bombadil he got left out of lord of the rings film for a reason you know that don’t ya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txI4iMQ9Arg add to this comment as my genius is limited to 5 comments,firstly vespa you are in a kids fantasy trust me they made a spaceship from 911 and dave yes i did like to imagery you described ,like a greek gods google maps you plonked the man at ground zero of both 911 and the dawn of man ,both were exquisite and both… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by napoleon wilson
3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

“and anyway daves tom bombadil he got left out of lord of the rings film for a reason you know that don’t ya”

I have no reference for that.

I don’t do kiddie fantasy films

3 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Did you like that lesson I gave them on the millennium hotel and the idea of the standing witness of the monolith. As I was listening to the audio cast, I heard them play the video and they were so busy looking at what was being shown on the video as to not hear what was being said on the video. So I had to give them the idea in a very brief and basic format. So then if they miss even that first simple clue how then are they going to take in the entire set called ground zero.… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Davej
3 months ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

You are in luck Dougie my boy…. You go ahead and sit right there and you don’t even twitch or move a muscle…. You sit at the edge of anticipation until tonight when I will call in again when the Oz man house clown is on. So Dougie you are going to be served, You are going to consume, Your wildest dreams do come true, When I yours truly once again enters the room. Now in the meantime why don’t you go ahead and powder your nose and get ready. But don’t move from that spot I don’t want you… Read more »