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  1. John Campbell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrbWNfsrMmg
  2. https://howtotakecareofyourpenis.wordpress.com/
  3. https://howtotakecareofyourpenis.wordpress.com/society/
  4. https://fakeotube.com/v/5629


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dave j
dave j
1 year ago

FRANK and AB Latest Show review of tone 9:52 Frank say “ab can you see my Curser” Curse(r) Then a Pro-noun_ce_ment of “death” by no True witness but a “numb(er)” on the projection screen.

Not a fan of your Death Parades. Can you make a point, Bring Life into the room next show and see the Difference in the places you will go…..anyways you are Literally trying to Kill me smalls…….with that show so i have to check out at that point. 10:00 minutes that io is not for me. Maybe walk me through how to get on a wind surfer as i have never done that before I have wave surfed in cali. and i skateboard.
SO then describe how to get up ! if you are not to busy at the Spiritual morgue…..book keeping….

SO then that was my Guilded post.

I will add more here,

I would also like to know if you do not mind,

Describe for me your Best Friend.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

i got three best friends ,30 to 35 years on

i am lucky

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

thats nice indeed

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

In my view, I was very clear to state and type that these are reported numbers. I made no claims about actual deaths. It is the behaviour of “the media” that is of interest here… that is the major focus of Fakeologist.com .

And further to the 77th Brigade controversy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3VJ6s3TV_I

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

the media is either yay or nay ,so alot easier to follow .

77 is a special number me thinks,

1 year ago

Thanks for the stats from Victoria Frank!

I wonder if Frank has seen the Australian Bureau of Statistics stats here:


They say that for the whole of Australia:

In 2022, there were 144,650 deaths that occurred by 30 September and were registered by 30 November, which is 19,986 (16.0%) more than the historical average.

This is similar to the 20% Frank noted from the Vic stats.

A few points.

-If it is agreed that ALL vaccines injure people, then given the increases in vaccination, the result of more deaths is to be expected.
Those (not in the normy camp) claiming there is no resultant issues from the new vaccines would have to be taking the position that vaccines are an inert placebo (or better). I would assume that these people would either be thinking that vaccines in general are inert, or that Big Harma suddenly decided to NOT injure people for once – not a coherent position.

-If the government(s) is making up the excess death data then we have to wonder why. The obvious reason would be to alarm people / divide people further – (recall that the SPARS document predicted vaccine injuries and therefore that this storyline was pre-empted.)
A way to divide people would be to subtly signal injury and death, but only have the non-normies notice.
This could be why they are doing this in a very subtle way, only people actively looking into these things (non-normies) are going to notice while the media completely avoids the topic and the sheep sleep.
We have to take this possibility into account.

For myself, I suspect the increase in deaths is basically correct because I have noticed little statistical tricks that have been used (in the ABS data) to reduce the excess.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeeves

what a great comment ,and a great show from frank and ab,and all the great research from frank,wonderful really great

i agree jeeves ,also a government that openly kills it’s people is bad ,one central government good ,ergo fits the devide and conquer. and yes frank people will ignore what they are told to ignore.

this lockstep relies on stupid people getting woke ,right until theres only enough to occupy one of their 15 cities ,and the other 90 percent stay in denial .

control all the whistleblowers so the sheep know where to run.christ-ski sin denial ,just wordplay kids,don’t cry .

wordplay does’nt mean anything does it

we need a new government

i am looking forward to that little play ,theres more chance of witches than aliens.

we all know the pantomime villains ,but where who will be the saviour ?

the romanovs ?

ask jeeves awesome

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeeves

my way of solving the truth community problem is by obliterating it ,but there way seems to be ,for the whistleblowers to show how evil the people in control are ,and their pretend incompetence will usher in a fecking new order

what would your solution be
ask jeeves