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dave j
dave j
1 year ago

all you need to see it this.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

see level

good video dave

theres twenty odd mins of how to donate in this video , the chap that explained how to remove people from their homes in a train crisis ,he gave a great example.

trouble is when talking to masons the ceiling is set ,you can get up there and shine it all you want,but it’s still the glass ceiling of truth.

i’ts my floor the masonic ceiling.everything starts up there then comes down

curvert haha i remember making that word up on pncho petes in 2015

i also think you would be hard pushed to get that tim osman ,not flower ozman ,osman and boogieman chatting,something stinks

with their cadance,americans sound the same to me ,
you can remedy this by having boogieman on every call, hhaaa

tim osman nice name

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

Cheers Napoleon indeed

do you also hear my sound is like most Americans?

just curious

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

no you are a distinct voice dave, i think i just had timmy osman down as more ladylike ,not the butch voice i heard ,, he did make the call good ,and he has a way with words ,yes everyone get off the flat earth fence ,it quite clearly is flat ,

yes nice to have some smartasses on the call ,let’s see if they return ,i need educating ,and these boys the three tim are all superbright

and space is no different than westerns to me ,both have cowboys. and guns

1 year ago

Cheers Napoleon, Yes with regard to Osman it is hard for me to see the Play of that Position at this Time of the script. seems to be stuck in a loop called 2016

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  davej

an explanation of the sun on fakeologist radio from these boys would be nice,

and harmon explaining antonios book would be top notch, timmy and jlb can return ,and with such a vastly spread membership ,we could do our own suntracking ,antonio subirats would be proud,

discuss the poles ,get kham back for the show

Measuring the arc
On 9 September 1752 Lacaille set off for the northern end of his chosen arc — a farm called Klipfontein (near modern day Aurora). This was some 84.3 miles north of his Strand Street observatory, giving an arc length of 1.2°. He measured the latitude of the two sites using standard procedures, which involved a plumb bob for defining the zenith, and triangulated from the tops of two mountains (Kapocberg and Riebeek Kasteel) to determine the linear distance between the sites. (The distance between the mountaintops was found by triangulation from a carefully measured baseline just over 8 miles long.) The results were that the measured arc length was 1°13?17.3? and the distance 69 669.1 toises = 445 505 feet, which gave a 1° arc of meridian at 33°18.5? South as a length of 364 728 feet. (Note that these are English feet; the toise is 6 French feet but almost 6.4 English feet.) This was 820 feet larger than expected from northern hemisphere measurements at similar latitudes. Lacaille himself was disconcerted by this result and made a quick remeasurement of the baseline to verify that he had not miscounted the number of standard rods use for that purpose. Lacaille’s pear-shaped world survived, at least on paper, but not accepted by anyone, for another seven decades.

No explanation was offered for the discrepant measurement until the visit of Captain George Everest to the Cape in 1820. Everest visited Lacaille’s sites and realized that the proximity of mountain masses would have disturbed the plumb bob by around 9? of arc and given false values for the latitudes. As a result, when Thomas Maclear was appointed to take charge of the Cape Observatory in 1834, one of his instructions was to repeat the measurements made by Lacaille to see whether they were accurate, and to determine the attractive effects of the relevant mountains. Maclear did this with enormous labour from 1838 and throughout the 1840s. The results demonstrated the remarkable accuracy of Lacaille’s measurements.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

braintarctica is defined the same way the brain is ,two hemispheres devided by a canal ,and covered in a membrane,of ice

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

1 year ago

i’m 30 mins in and i can’t help but wonder how much better the call would be if there were a call screener. are there audio mods out there who can filter out the tards and people who have poor connections? i’d throw per show (depending on guest).

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dante

call in next time dante ,you are of great interest and if i remember a clever chap also.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

That first caller from AZ was something else 🙂 good stuff

1 year ago
Reply to  Fakeologist

There are alot of “trump 2024” flags (hard to get “dumber” than that) and the like with this type or area. that caller however for being so misguided and quite frankly Delusional as he witnessed himself to be, he was also Very Cocksure of Himself.

Hay now you don’t worry about that ok….just go buy your goodies at Costco ect and so forth…and recall always the best Breast’s are …..Amish Breast’s