FAK757-Simon Shack on 9/11

  1. 9/11 anniversary – Page 8 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  2. 9/11 MEMORIAL SCAMS, VICSIMS, Etc – Page 95 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  3. Pillory Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
  4. Meeting the VICSIM FAMILIES – Page 18 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  5. CGI collapse footage – Page 31 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  6. RICK SIEGEL – unforgettable mega shill – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  7. ACE BAKER – top September Clues “plagiarist” – Page 3 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  8. Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception – Search
  9. 9/ii ~ Fictitious Identities, Fabricated Manhattan & A Deep Multi-Tiered Psy-0p with Christian Knapp – YouTube
  10. Smokescreen – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  11. The ridiculous “PLANE PARTS evidence” – Page 4 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBUFJ2O9nM8
  13. “THE HEROIC FIREFIGHTERS” – Page 4 – Cluesforum—Exposing Mass Deception
  14. Tychos.space

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Jennifer Williamson
Jennifer Williamson
10 months ago

Shut her the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 months ago

Thank goodness Lynn grabs the wheel here! … A false flag, by definition, is used to move a covert plan forward! That should always be the take-home when talking about any of these fake events. If not — then what is this? Controlled opposition? — Glad you all held it together with no one getting too upset or disrespectful here. Great listen.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ron Milazzo

ron is it gatekeepers that refuse to look at evidence ,just asking

Bob Czz
10 months ago

When AB first told Simon about Lynn. Simon said she is a shill. Simon is definitely right about that. I can’t stand listening to her BS.

10 months ago

At around 8 minutes in, Simon Shack brings up how he got sick from trying to make a flight he was late for and how he was hot and sweating through that process of running to the plane and when he got on the plane, it was air conditioned. Ab thought that getting sick from being hot, sweaty and then quickly being chilled by the AC wasn’t possible. When you think about it, the idea of the body being in a hot state/sweaty and then going into hours of cool is unnatural. There probably needs to be a gradual slow… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

ab should be sick everyday then shouldn’t he ,in and out of a truck ,shovveling inuits

10 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

your full of shit

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Oh really? Prove it. Because I could easily prove you’re full of crap. That Millennium Fall Con nonsense. Does anyone take that seriously even for about 1 second? Boogieman proved how absurd it was. Should I get Go Find the Others to come and embarrass you again? I thought Ab was going to have to take Fakeologist offline as some sort of fake DDOS attack because he must have felt bad for how Jacob mopped the floor with you in the Fakeo comments. Again to have you say anyone on this website is full of shit is laughable. Out of… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

cant be repeated by anyone yet can it ,all your boys go out of their way to say c.g.i. when they fucking use miniatures in armageddon and independence day,

you all shit your pants from my name let alone 911 toys

and a shitload of the houseclowns will go hungry because of lack of occupation in the fakeologist blog ,games over lover

and i give you all the time in the world to leave dodge

so hit the audio shithouse and debunk me

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

psiriously i would not put anything in fakeologist that is not tried tested and accurate ,too many giants around to debunk it ,if it was false lurn the ropes youve had every type of philosopher in trying to hypnotise ,flooded the audios with heroes who try and pretend 911 is over ,and had every type of jew basher or jesuit basher pay a visit , all the other websites run by frauds have to run a mile ,,and ill tell you, your gonna have to retire ladies,or do you get paid more for having a fake persona ,losers man losers,… Read more »

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Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Boogieman made you tap out on Telegram. You only got the Fakeo comments and Fakeo Forums. This is your last stand. Pretty soon Dave J is going to be taking over your role here after you tap out.

10 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

so call in and debunk me ,get your boys all in ,as many as you want ,go in the audio hero x

boogieman was fun as are all the boys

Sendak-Where-the-Wild-Things-Are-CROPPED (1).jpg
Grand Illusion
Grand Illusion
10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

You don’t even go on audio let alone voice chat with anyone. So why are you telling me or anyone else to debunk your 9/11 Fall Conner material on voice? You’re the one who is scared to talk to people, not me or Boogieman or Go Find The Others or even Benoit. If you stand by the Millennium Fall CON 9/11 deal, go ahead and put it on voice or audio but I have a feeling you never will. Why? Because you have had 4 years to do it. You have been gaga about the Millennium Fall Con for 4… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

no one challenges me fucker ,i wish they would
i have no problem embarrassing folks

10 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

abs not treading water in a sea of ineptiude like the rest ,and saying you think you get sick from hot and cold in contrast to the mans past 4 years of dogged research is very naive and proves you boys n girls are past it at best,or at worse houseclowns like i call you

the mans got more in his locker than any of you fucks could dream of

whats next i wonder

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

remember boys n girls you will retire yourselves trying to debunk me if you could repeat the premise.

10 months ago

thanks for the acknowledgement ab ,i left the telegram because i don’t like the houseclowns

p.s. simon and lyn know exactly who i am
god bless

10 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Funny how when Simon says his vids were taken down by youtube, she quickly began gibbering about many other sides that were taken down as well. Simon’s work is crucial, most of the rest was gibberish.It was meaningless they were taken down. First impression.Nutter. Final verdict Shill.

10 months ago
Reply to  photoscope

hey photoscope sorry i missed the comment pal,

september clues woke me the fuck up ,i am not surprised it gets removed

after that genius video alls left to do is figure out who made the movie and why masons want us to ignore the movie and the producers vision

good job simon

Last edited 10 months ago by napoleon wilson