FAK776-Frank on Lewiston Maine ICE

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8 months ago


8 months ago

i wish folks could read the fakeologist blog on air ahahaahah but i did say when i started this ,it’s never gonna happen the requirement of fakeologist being honest runs parralel with reading the blog ,once i figured out who were frauds i left ,never though the fakeologist would let them get away with 4 plus years of ignoring the blog ,but atleast i was correct from day one in jan 2018 ,thanks for no support lads not one person has ever just read or shown what i post ,ever !!! and them frauds that enetered making the numbers up… Read more »

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Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

one fakeologist is good but two ,well …… then anything is possible

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago

At 52 minutes in, Frank says JLB assumes the earth is flat. This is disingenuous just like when Frank says JLB a Jesuit. No, JLB doesn’t say he’s assumes the earth is flat and why is Frank misrepresenting JLB’s position?

Totally unnecessary.

It sucks because Frank has so much potential as a Fakeologist when he isn’t selling God’s alleged words are in the Bible, Aussie Government death stats and misrepresenting what people say.

8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

and them jesuit blamers and jew blamers are all psilly as fuck also ,the jesuit cross ,jesus has fucked off and the nails are on the deck ,thats illuminism ,straight from alchemist who wrote your religious books ,these alchemist rewqrote the bible didnt they kjv ,all the religious books get a metatron and 666 though inserting alchemical hustlers and rosicrucians have v.i.t.r.i.o.l. encoded onto their cross more illuminism but as i have shown they literally blame this antichrist ,rainbow hustling wizard of oz.and the masonic cock suckers have tio ignore the wizard of oz ,ahahahahaahahahahaaha yes its sad but provable… Read more »

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Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

covids officially over now ,so lets all discuss rules for fakeology

number one read the fucking blog on air retire the shit that i have to read daily

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

rule two ,remove the cointel that pushes rainbow beams from judy wood and the apparent gatekeepers that have in 16 years still not figured out out to make a fucking movie with skyscrapers that blow up

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

rule three ,if cointel pro cannot interact with spaceship toys fuck them off

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

i smashed your secret destiny to bits ,

liber oz

cos all i see is platespinners no more no less

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

As easy as 1 2 3

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

cheers dave , you said battlstar galactica ,now thats a series and t/v movie i never saw i never got into sci fi til 12 or 13 ,but that series reads like ancient aliens ,and the sitchin Erich von Däniken Mauro Biglino Graham Hancock egypt craze of the 70s and 80s ,What mythology is in Battlestar Galactica? Gods mentioned and/or directly worshipped in the series are Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Asclepius, Athena, Aurora, Hera, Poseidon, and Zeus (which we see, for example, in Figure 11-2). Characters call these deities by their ancient Greek names almost exclusively, but in a few cases they… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Yes it was a show that was remade later the one I grew up with and I saw the models for are shown here and you will see the use of the models a bit better in the older versions https://youtu.be/10Omecnu6p0?feature=shared

If you take a look at the show although both series are basically the same in mythology I like the older version

Cheers NW

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

oh dave i am aware ,just didnt experience it when it was on a few years later in the uk ,the miniature work and show i am aware of now but only watched two or three episodes ,and thanks for the video ,yes its the mythos that sell me

im one of them guys that will accept dubious effects if the premise grabbed me,i think you have to be to enjoy sci fi

but the chaps behind bsg were top of their game ,cheers will watch
45 years later im still into this stuff

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I actually enjoy the model work versus the new modern day computer generated work I was enjoying reliving those scenes

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

me too just watched it and reminded myself that those spaceships were bad ass and as a kid or say 7 to 10 year old my two fav spaceships were them ones we saw in that video and the snow speeders in empire strikes back ,

cylons were to saucer like
the video bsg i just watched with the fantastic models will always be superior in my eyes ,and i tell you what the real emotions in the comments on a video from sci fi from 45 years ago was funny

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Yes I remember the good bad and the “tweaky”:) of the ’70s and ’80s sci-fi yeabee dee bee de bee d

Last edited 8 months ago by Dave j
Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I was this close to those models I still remember walking along the Battlestar Galactica ride along the inside of the track where the camera was mounted I was wearing my jeans jacket and on the left hand pocket it had a patch that said keep on trucking. After that I went to see the cylon ships that you enjoy and also the the rest of the supporting cast of models and small City like structures for fly by scenes that at the time I did not see because the show was really not being made yet it was to… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

oh the smiling
what else is there to do ,plow on, the message is worth a million of me ,and so so simple a psipher ,emperors new clothes year in year out ,just different emperors

im laughing at your reminiscing ,brilliant ,i can imagine you wanted it on ,you made a fuss ,shushed everyone then jumped into action ,funny

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon


8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

jlb is beholden to the masonic members i reckon ,just like ips and a plethora of others are ,ips isnt stupid and was told to say vaccines are saline as its close to abs heart ,jlb has to draw out questions thats the masonic angle ,do not agree on anything, i shown what the capstone conspiracy theory was ,literally the grand daddy one is a capstone,and its origin ergo prism ,illuminism ,oz .their agreed upon alchemy

you could have avoided all this by agreeing on miniatures in 2018,chancers man and bad one to boot

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

psiriously this is boring now ,ab pull the plug anyone legit will return

imagine i did join you fucks ,must be boring as hell

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

In 1978 I was taken to one of the Battlestar Galactica soundstage where they did all the miniature work like the introduction and the credit opening scenes with the fly by on the ship I saw all of those. They did most of the filming at universal studios however this was a warehouse in an industrial district a little farther away they were also doing it the same location however a different building the models for what would become one of the Batman movies cars (they said it out for display back then as well at Knott’s Berry farm) as… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

i remember the batmobile went on tour after the second keaton movie ,and it finally came to rest in manchester for a while, in a warner bros mall shop ,i still think a delorean would sell nowadays, the japanese are missing a trick there

i love back to the future

8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

That is the COMPLETE reverse of what I said. I said that JLB says the earth is a spinning ball. Then I said that, regardless of what anyone “believes”, everyone living man and woman, INCLUDING JLB, assumes the earth is flat and unmoving for all practical purposes. And that includes you GI. In any calculations you make for digging drains, building houses or roads, calculating travel times, driving in cars or flying in planes, you will assume that the surface of an undisturbed body of water is flat and level and that you are moving, not the earth. NEVER will… Read more »

8 months ago

Parts of the earth are flat and parts of the earth vary in terrain. That’s how look at it. I’m never ASSuming anything or I try my best not to. For instance when I drive a car, I don’t ASSume the earth is flat because obviously the terrain varies with hills, downhills or mountains. When I look at different bodies of water, I’m never thinking anything is flat. The terrain of this earth varies and it’s such an absolutist mindset to think or ASSume the earth is flat all the time.

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

This is a response to the thread not so much to GL as you are a useless.

They don’t want to know but for those who are reading this missive I will put the truth in plain sight.

(earth)Plane (iris) Sea level with deviations called depth and elevation. Universe is the shape of the human eye.


Do the work you will literally figure it out in less than 10 minutes.

Last edited 8 months ago by Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Why the obtuse observation about terrain? The earth is pressed out like clay under a seal. “Flat Earth” means that all points of equal height above sea level lie on a flat horizontal plain. Secondly, you suffer from cognitive dissonance. For you to make any calculations with regard to the rise and fall of the terrain you need to use a datum… its called sea level. That you assume this datum is flat and horizontal is confirmed by the fact that you have never made any correction for the curve of the earth for any practical purpose. Nor for its… Read more »

8 months ago

You resort to insults just like with John le Bon. You can’t take that somebody has seen through your faulty position. Whether it’s the bible, flat earth, your boy Ed Chiarini or being a mark for Australian Government Death stats.

I don’t need to make any calculations to deal with the varied terrain of this earth. It’s not flat. Neither am I supporting a spinning ball. What’s with you trying to get me to use mathematics to see this earth? I don’t need that in my everyday life to observe the shape of terrain of this earth.

8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

what insult did I use? To start talking about changes in elevation as being proof the earth is not flat is being obtuse… that is just a fact, particularly when i went to the effort of explaining exactly the meaning. Secondly, that you say don’t need to make any calculations to navigate the world is simply another example of cognitive dissonance. You don’t drive a car which has speedo and an odomoter? You don’t use a spirit level or a tape measure? You simply are incapable of acknowledging that you assume the earth is both flat and unmoving for all… Read more »

8 months ago

I said parts of the earth are flat at time depending on the changes in terrain. I never said the earth is not flat at all. Parts of it are flat and parts of it are hilly. You want me to make an absolute statement of the whole earth is flat which is a trap I won’t fall into. I do drive a car with an odometer. I’m not making those calculations, the car is. Now, what does a car odometer have to do with talking about the terrain of this earth? Why insert that into this discussion? I don’t… Read more »

John le Bon
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

At 52 minutes in, Frank says JLB assumes the earth is flat. This is disingenuous just like when Frank says JLB a Jesuit. No, JLB doesn’t say he’s assumes the earth is flat and why is Frank misrepresenting JLB’s position? I haven’t listened to this episode yet but I’m not surprised to read here that Frank is still peddling his bullshit and misrepresenting me. He used to constantly parrot a mantra over and over on these audiochats that I am a ‘company’ or a ‘corporate entity’, which doesn’t make any sense to begin with, but gets even more absurd once… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  John le Bon

I remember when you uncovered Frank’s Salt Business real dealings as opposed to it being presented to us as a Salt Mine for years and years by Frank. I’m pretty sure this was exactly 1 year ago in the Fakeologist Guilded Chat Room. Frank wasn’t happy about what you unveiled and if only he would have stopped calling a you a Jesuit and a corporate entity, he would still have us thinking he has a legit salt mine company. Then it was revealed that this animosity towards you from Frank, all stems from Frank being upset about you taking him… Read more »

Dave j
Dave j
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

You forgot to mention the part about band camp sport.

Frank The Salt Guy
4 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

I think that you have completely misunderstood my meaning. Everyone… and i mean absolutely everyone, including JLB… assumes the earth is both flat and unmoving for all practical purposes. That includes you.