FAK777-Jim Rizoli

  1. Doug Collins (journalist) – Wikipedia
  2. The Great Holocaust Trial, Oct 28, 2023
  3. Jim Rizoli
  4. Fakenukes
  5. World War II casualties – Wikipedia
  6. David Cole at Auschwitz
  7. Crossposted on Jim’s bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/E927sa14XjmO/ read the troll army comments

Jim’s bio

Jim Rizoli. Hard-core historical revisionist. He and his brother, Joe moved from combating the illegal immigrant hordes in their cable shows to dealing with the fundamental and pervading issue of the holocaust. Their immigrant battles led them to the plight of Ernst Zundel in Canada, being prosecuted for having reprinted *Did 6 Million Really Die*! Thus Jim and Joe’s efforts and cable shows also turned toward the issue of the holocaust.

As of this date, Jim has over 7,000 videos on BitChute, Odysee, UGETube, Brighteon, over 3 million visits. Mentioned in a 6-1/2 hour ZUNDEL VIDEO about the FAKE NEWS TRIAL In Canada in the 1980s.

That’s where their troubles accelerated. In 2002 – 2003 they began producing numerous videos dealing with the issues of the Holocaust. Thousands of videos, 100s of videos about the holocaust. YouTube videos (600) under the name of Jim Rizoli were banned. His name was banned on Facebook. In 2010, their cable shows were suspended. They came back on for a bit in 2012 and then were permanently removed in 2014. They are back to provide a venue of freedom of, telling the story for tried-and-true revisionists and Germans throughout North America, Europe and Australia.
********************* SHORT SYNOPSIS OF JIM RIZOLI: Jim Rizoli (born 1952), is an American journalist and media personality from Framingham, Massachusetts. Along with his twin brother Joe, Rizoli runs Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement (CCFIILE), a group founded in 2003. Much to the dismay of the ADL, B’nai B’rith, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Rizoli exposed the truth about the so-called “holocaust” on a public access television show on 20 October 2009 and since then has been harassed by that organisation for his courage and bravery. (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rizoli) Jim (and Joe) were ardent activists concerning the wholesale influx of illegal immigrants, particularly Brazilians into their town. Jim lost his bid to become the state representative in the 6th Middlesex District in Framingham, Massachusetts, receiving 1,219 votes or about 9% of the vote. The Rizolis, who spent most of their time these days confronting the issue of massive Brazilian immigration, two days after the Intelligence Report story was published, Jim Rizoli E-mailed the Report a response regarding his position about the holocaust: “Great article about my brother and I. You will bring much attention to the Holocaust and people will hopefully see that there are a lot of ‘loose ends’ that need fixin [sic].” Various sites and research forced them to conclude: The holocaust is a hoax and claimed that “No one was ever killed in gas chambers, and there was NO program to physically exterminate all the Jews…. Hitler had superb, (hydrogen) cyanide (Zyklon B) gas chambers, but they were used ONLY to keep people alive … those gas chambers were used in many strategic locations throughout eastern Europe to fumigate entire railroad trains, for example, with cyanide gas from Zyklon-B.” During an October 2009 segment of his public access television show in Framingham, Rizoli delivered a lengthy diatribe promoting facts that debunked the holocaust. He defended the holocaust skeptic, then Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, instructed viewers to conduct their own research on the holocaust to discover the truth, and directed people to visit Web sites that advance this research. Jim Rizoli’s public access cable show, which he did with his twin brother Joe, was taken off the air in June 2010 after the cable station cited the Rizolis for 26 policy violations. As a result of Jim’s (and Joe’s) research and activism concerning the rampant advance of illegals into their hometown of Framingham, Mass, resisting its conversion into a Third World “slave camp,” they learned of the immigration incident of Ernst Zundel, a champion of restoring the dignity of the German people through truth in history, particularly combating the myth of the holocaust. The Rizolis told a Massachusetts newspaper their support of Zundel was based purely on free speech issues. Now it is also because of Ernst Zundel’s fight and defense of his homeland. In 2004, the Rizolis, using their real names, both signed petitions in support of Zundel, publisher of tracts like The Hitler We Loved and Why, UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon? and the infamous Did Six Million Really Die? Zundel, who at the time was facing imprisonment in Germany for promoting Holocaust denial, was a perfect choice of champion for the Rizolis, who had just recently started raising a ruckus in Framingham about illegal immigration. “All those pictures of people thrown into pits looking like skeletons were most likely the ones who contracted typhus and died a horrible death. They also could be pictures of those who starved to death because the allies bombed all the supply lines coming into the main roads that supplied the camps,” wrote “jjrizo” in a post dated Nov. 19, 2002. “A lot of those people could have walked out of those camps if they didn’t die of typhus or starve…. I’m disgusted that you can twist something like the killing of innocent people to make it look like I condone it,” “jjrizo” wrote in the same post that described victims of Nazi murders as casualties of disease or the Allies. “You really have some issues in your life that you need some help with.”
Jim Rizoli comments on the Holocaust during the Oct. 13 airing of his public access TV show by Matt Rocheleau, Globe Correspondent: A Framingham Town Meeting Member, local business owner and co-founder of a local anti-illegal immigration group was criticized by a national civil rights group for promoting Holocaust denial videos recently on his weekly public access TV show. While hosting his show on Framingham Public Access Television on Oct. 13, Rizoli defended Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against claims that the Iranian president denied the Holocaust’s existence. Rizoli also repeatedly told viewers during a 10-minute segment of the hour-long program to check out two websites. One is headlined with “Holocaust Denial Videos: 9 hours of free internet video about how the holocaust is a myth” and another says “no Jews or gentiles were ever killed in gas chambers or gas vans by the Nazis.” He said one of those issues is about the number of people who died during the Holocaust. He said he believes more Christians lost their lives than Jews, only around 300,000 people died, not six million, and that the majority were not killed but “died of sickness and disease.”

Rizoli said he was exercising free speech, that “there’s really no issue here,” and was only trying “to get people thinking.” But, despite some negative response (and threats), Rizoli said he will not avoid the topic, or other controversial topics, in the future; and would not apologize to anyone who might have been offended by what he said on the recent TV show. “I don’t apologize for nothing. They should apologize to me for threatening me,” he said. Rizoli and his brother were both accused of being Holocaust deniers a year ago by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

JIM RIZOLI: In 2015 with Fred Leuchter and Jim’s partner, Diane King formed LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY REVISIONISTS, seeking out old-core revisionists, UNSUNG HEROES and German Survivors of Allied atrocities. Hard-core historical revisionist, Jim and, his brother, Joe moved from combating the illegal immigrant hordes in their cable (and even on mainstream TV) shows to dealing with the fundamental and pervading issue of the holocaust. Their immigrant battles led them to the plight of Ernst Zundel in Canada, being prosecuted for having reprinted *Did 6 Million Really Die*! Thus Jim and Joe’s efforts and cable shows also turned toward the issue of the holocaust. That’s when their troubles accelerated. In 2002 – 2003 they began producing numerous (1000s of videos) dealing with many issues and 100s of videos about the holocaust. Consequently, YouTube videos (700) under the name of Jim Rizoli were banned on all 10 of his channels, all 4 of Diane’s YT channels. Jim’s name was banned on Facebook. In 2010, their cable shows were suspended. They returned and then were permanently removed in 2014.

Diane joined them in 2015, taking on/restoring the 4 lost cable shows, still running today. Her 5th cable show was terminated because of her interviewing the YouTube Criminal, Jim Rizoli, and promoting HOLOHOAX DENIAL. She was also responsible for contacting our first revisionist interviewee, Fred Leuchter that led to the cascade of other revisionist personalities that constitute LOER.

So, we are providing a venue of/freedom of, telling the story for tried-and-true revisionists and Germans throughout North America, Europe and Australia. Such interviewees have included: Fred Leuchter, Robert Faurisson (France), Vincent Renouard (France), Bradley Smith (before he died), Germar Rudolf, Fredrick Toben (Australia), Gunther Deckart (Germany), Lady Michele Renouf (England), Mark Weber, Fritz Berg, Peter Papaherakles from Barnes Review fame, (late) Benton Bradberry (THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY) Dennis Wise (THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD and NWO: COMMUNISM BY THE BACKDOOR), Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN), Paul Fromm, SEVEN German Survivors of Allied Atrocities (Toronto, Canada), Thomas Goodrich (HELLSTORM), Mike King (Numerous ADOLF HITLER and NATIONAL SOCIALIST historical books like WITNESS TO HISTORY), to list just a few. Jim Rizoli has been interviewed by: Brian Ruhe, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Don Black/Father Frank on Stormfront Radio, Deanna Spingola, Paul Fromm, (Canadian Association for Free Expression – CAFE), Jeff Rense, RED ICE, Blood River Radio and many others.

Despite being banned on YouTube, he has a BITCHUTE, BRIGHTEON, WORLDTRUTH AND GOYIMTV Channel, plus a new blogspot (since he was banned on the world-famous wordpress site). He has over 1500 videos up on these channels.

12 thoughts on “FAK777-Jim Rizoli

  1. solseeker

    T, thx for featuring grass roots holoschooler jimmyriz,  & finally and stepping up to the plate on the topic.
    agree over the top commenters on bitchute appear to poison the well
    did you know? post covid denizens are holocough survivors…

  2. napoleonnapoleon

    the bitchute comments are tame and the trolling is all part of the fun ab ,i dont get any trolls

    id like toto hear a roundtable between some truthers ,and if you could touch on internment camps aswell as other topics that would be fun

    1. napoleonnapoleon

      im literally nodding at all abs opinions and views ,quite remarkable how to this day the vocalist for the holocaust hoax fall on the side of hitler being a good guy ,or actor whatever your poison ,i like these kind of talks alot they do help me

      on a lighter note i watched a cow report ,one of jims walk and talks ,it was different and enjoyable

  3. realalexrealalex

    Good show, he seems like an honest chap.

    The reason I’m commenting though is the fact the first amendment got so many mentions. When people mention this, I wonder what the hell are on about, and why the hell it matters.

    Someone wrote that ‘we’ have ‘freedom of speech’. So? If I write you have ‘freedom of thought’ or ‘freedom of movement’ or freedom of anything, who gives a crap? Who is it that is giving you these freedoms?

    Honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing that first amendment bs kept getting mentioned. Who is this person or book or structure or entity that is able to grant this or that? Who is this authority of yours?

    The truth is, no one can grant you this stuff – you already have it. That anything is being granted is a figment of the imagination.

    However, the payoff for those who create the structure that has your belief invested in it, is that they then get to decide what’s right or wrong for you about millions of other things… as you have already accepted the fictitious entity’s right to grant this or that. You will pay this fine or that license, as that entity is an authority to you. The entity takes your energy. But its just a trick, no need to be invested in it. Worse imo, is when you repeat ‘first amendment this or that’ as if it was truth, you now become complicit in the trick, declating how this or that nonsense is your authority, and mis-selling others on your false beliefs.

    1. napoleonnapoleon

      what happened common courtesy ,fairness ,giving a person their day in court ,let the man speak

      theres never been anything but might is right ,and when controlling a large group ,the other sheep will lead the way

      as i say i don’t trust any of you’s until you go live and repeat my spaceship story

      1. realalexrealalex

        “theres never been anything but might is right”

        I know the expression, and I like rhyming phrases as much as anyone, but this is actually wrong. If you want to be clear, you should just say:

        “there’s never been anything but might”

        ‘Right’ has nothing to do with it.

        Don’t call a wrong, right.

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