An unlikely UK survivor Ian Robb Forums 9/11 An unlikely UK survivor Ian Robb

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    What a good story for a university website – an alumnus of Leeds Universty was a 9/11 survivor, interviewed in late 2014..he doesn’t seem to register in other forums, so worth investigating

    So what happened?? the usual, late for work, but with the twist that he just missed the express elevator car which went up and crashed down, allegedly, and he got stuck in one on the ground floor which started filling up with sprinkler water…. ok?,lobb

    He narrowly missed catching an elevator to the 99th floor of the North Tower,where he worked at the time [as head of professional development for the international financial services firm Marsh and McLennan] ..‘I lost a lot of friends and acquaintances, something like 360 people from the company that I was with, killed.

    “About 50 or 60 I knew very well and some were very close friends,” says Ian.Among those killed were the people in the lift he had waved to, as well as Gary Lasko, one of the two friends he’d been out with the night before the attacks
    Ian was already due to leave the company before the attack on the World Trade Center and he took a brief sabbatical before getting a new job at the start of 2002 in Savannah, Georgia
    In 2006, Ian, a mechanical engineering graduate from Leeds University, retired and the following year he returned to live in the UK having spent more than 40 years in Canada and the US. He now lives happily with his partner Zofia who runs a B&B in Buckinghamshire.

    Somewhere then to stay and chat about the clear blue skies on 9/11 over the full english breakfast in Marlow…

    The 2002 Savannah story is here…

    This past March,[2002] Robb moved to Savannah for a job as vice president of human resources for Palmer & Cay, a professional services company.

    just to recap….

    Gary, it is 10 years ago tonight, September 10, that you, Alan Rosenbloom and I had a delightful dinner together in New York City. Because you must have persuaded me to have an extra glass of wine that night I overslept the following morning. I arrived late to the office and as a result, survived the attack. Alan who was in the midtown office on the 11th also survived. I shall always give you the credit for saving my life. I just wish I could have done the same for you. You were a great friend, a delightful colleague to work alongside, and you could entertain us all with your amusing and witty tales for hours. I have missed your strength, your intelligence and your humour these past 10 years, and I know I will continue to do so for the next 10, 20, etc.
    Ian Robb, Colleague
    Sep 9 2011 7:55AM

    Dining companion, Gary Lasko


    Gary Edward Lasko crops up in the Richard Grove thread at CF…

    This is his daughter


    Gary doesn’t leave much pre-9/11 trace for a top Marsh man, commuting from Memphis…or, equally predictably, any other photos..
    he only leaves the trace of a house purchase in Memphis in 1991|lang_fr

    Gary Lasko Fund
    Established in 2002 by Kim Lasko, in memory of her husband, to benefit Middle School Technology.

    St Mary’s Episcopal School, 60 Perkins Ext., Memphis, TN 38117


    From the 2002 Boston College Magazine

    Joy A. Malone, Esq.
    16 Lewis Street
    Little Falls, NY 13365

    Classmates, it is with the deepest sorrow that
    we must report the tragic death of our class-
    mate, Gary Lasko, on September 11, 2001,
    during the World Trade Center attack. Gary
    worked at One World Trade Center in NY as a
    managing director for Marsh USA. You may
    contact his wife by writing to her at: 326 River
    Oaks Road North, Memphis, TN 38120. Also,
    if any of you have any fond remembrances of
    Gary, then please share them with the class in
    one of these columns. Never, never forget
    that one of our own classmates lost his life on
    that terrible day. To Gary’s wife and family,
    please accept the class of ’73’s most profound


    A couple of other UK survivors who were allegedly in the twin towers on 9/11
    Michael John Shillaker is dealt with here|lang_fr

    Tucked away is another silent “survivor” lawyer Mike Oliver who was on the 57th floor of WTC1, allegedly
    Evening Standard, September 12 2001..story out within 24 hours.

    Lawyer Mark Oliver, 34, who had only been working in the North Tower for three weeks described how at 8.40am when the first plane struck he was was hurled through the air and saw pieces of debris and flames falling past his office window on the 57th floor.
    He described how he and shocked colleagues then made their way down 50 flights of stairs to escape the flames and thick smoke.
    He said: “When we got there the stairwell was engulfed in smoke and water and we were moved to a separate flight of stairs.
    “We had to change again at about the 44th floor due to the smoke and I got separated from my colleagues.

    how did the story emerge?

    In a phone call to his local newspaper the Northampton Chronicle and Echo…

    Britons tell of their lucky escapes

    00:00 13 September 2001

    A British lawyer who had only been working at the World Trade Centre for three weeks when the building he was in was struck by one of the hijacked planes spoke of his escape.
    Mark Oliver, 34, said at about 8.40am local time he was thrown forward and saw pieces of debris and flames falling past his office window on the 57th floor of the north tower.
    In a phone call to his local newspaper the Northampton Chronicle and Echo, Mr Oliver explained how workers were told to gather at the building’s central stairwell after the explosion.
    He and colleagues then had to make their way down 50 flights of stairs to escape the flames and thick smoke.
    He said: ‘When we got there (the stairwell) it was engulfed in smoke and water and we were moved to a separate flight of stairs.
    ‘We had to change again at about the 44th floor due to the smoke and I got separated from my colleagues. I was on my own with no idea where to go. I just headed down the stairs.
    ‘I tried to keep calm and was aware that the explosion had happened above me so I knew I had to keep heading towards the foot of the building. As time went on I had to move to one side and let the injured pass. A lot of people were burnt, it was awful.’
    Mr Oliver said although most people remained calm inside the building, panic set in once people got outside.
    ‘When we reached the subway, people were just screaming at us, ‘don’t look up, just keep going, run for your lives’.
    ‘There was glass and debris everywhere and everyone was in a state of shock. Myself and three colleagues headed towards a friend’s house about half a mile away to get out of there.’

    Mr Oliver’s father Barry, of Watermeadow, Northampton, was working on his allotment when he heard the news.
    He said: ‘I was down on the allotments when I saw my granddaughter Lara running towards me screaming.
    ‘She was saying that the building was on fire, I thought she meant our house, but when she explained, I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t know what to think.
    ‘We tried non-stop to get through to him and it was wonderful when we heard his voice. The whole family came round and everyone was in floods of tears. He told us how a fireman dragged him out of a lift and told him to run for his life.’
    Mr Oliver’s mother Valerie said: ‘One minute we were digging down the allotments and the next we were in turmoil. It’s surreal, it is as though this is not really happening to me.’

    Now age 43, he lives in the state of Connecticut, but is originally from Hertfordshire, England, and still has a strong English accent. He only moved to the United States weeks before the attacks and has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder since 11 September 2001.

    “There was an enormous explosion and I was thrown forward into my desk. And the building started to tilt over and for a split second I thought the building was going to just fall in that moment,” he says.
    “As I turned to leave I noticed one of the elevator doors was glistening and I couldn’t work out why an elevator door was glistening and there was water running down the elevator door.
    “But still something was praying on my mind and I turned and went back to my office and I looked out of the window and the fireballs had subsided by then it was then I realised it was fuel – it wasn’t water, it was fuel.

    He described the moment of impact: “The building violently lurched forward. Again it lurched forward.”
    He told the BBC: “I looked out of the window and saw the wreckage of the plane falling though I didn’t know it was a plane then. There was a lot of fuel.”

    Nowhere,for some unfathomable reason, does any article mention Oliver’s firm in the WTC.
    This page also cites another UK survivor

    A British banker told how he led 60 staff to safety moments before the World Trade Center collapsed.
    Simon Perkins, 32, vice president of merchant bank Schroder Salomon Smith Barney, was on the 52nd floor of the building next to the twin towers when the attack happened.
    His father Ray, from Plymouth, Devon, said: “When I heard about the attack I was convinced Simon had been killed and it was not for another four hours until I learned he was safe.

    In this short clip we can deduce that the three “survivors” are
    Mark Oliver, Glasgow-based artist Vanessa Lawrence, now age 36, was a student in a studio on the 91st floor of the North Tower of the WTC on 9/11. She escaped down all 91 floors and now lives with her (soon to be born) baby and furniture-maker partner Alan near Glasgow] and Award-winning film-maker Paul Berriff and his wife Mickey, were living in an apartment next to the World Trade Center at the time of the attack. Paul filmed the whole event, including the actual towers collapsing, on top of him as he stood at the base.]

    Produced and Directed by BAFTA nominated Rachael Smith and Researcher Helen Tither
    The full video is here


    More on Mark Barry Oliver, b 1967, WTC1 survivor. We learn that he had only transferred to New York from San Francisco 3 weeks beforehand after his company relocated. **
    He would have worked for Brown & Wood LLP.

    He has recently moved in Palm Springs,CA.
    He has had bad health recently

    Mark Oliver qualified as a solicitor in England in 1994, and settled in the US in 2000, Deciding to put ‘life’ first in the whole work/life balance equation, Mark retired from the law and now writes full time. In July 2014, he was struck down with a pulmonary embolism, and another PE a month later,

    An interesting career trajector for someone tranined in English law.

    ** Brown & Wood eventually merged with Sidley & Austin in 2001. Shortly thereafter, the legacy Brown & Wood’s offices in the World Trade Center were destroyed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.[3] The firm relocated its New York operations to midtown Manhattan.

    from the reference 3:

    The combined firm had planned to consolidate its New York offices by leasing two more floors in the World Trade Center, with a planned move-in date in the middle of next year.[i.e.2002]

    Perhaps the consolidation required no need for any of the WTC

    Within three hours of the twin towers’ collapse, that call to the landlord had secured leases on four additional floors in the Midtown building for his dispossessed lawyers and staff. By the end of that day, others within the firm had arranged for the immediate delivery of 800 desks, 300 computers and cell phones by the hundreds; contractors were hired to string cables to expand the firm’s computer network.

    ”It’s just amazing what you can get in New York overnight,” said Thomas R. Smith Jr., vice chairman of the firm’s management committee and head of what was its World Trade Center offices.

    Yes,it is indeed amazing.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Unusually, I don’t find any reference to Paul Berriff at CF,LRF.
    His alleged video footage is here

    No mention of 9/11 or the WTC on his website. What a coup, to be right there as a BBC cameraman of nearly 35 years at the time….but no other footage. Hmmmm

    November 21 2009

    Arguably his most incredible footage is of the Twin Towers collapsing in New York on September 11, 2001 – when Paul was lucky to escape with his life, let alone his camera.

    The story emerges in 2012
    but he’s not taking more photos, he’s posing in the wreckage

    The Bedale-based producer/director had been filming a series called Animal Cops in New York, following around animal cruelty investigators, when he heard an aeroplane had crashed into the World Trade Center.
    While the streets were filled with people running away from the towers, he and his film crew ran towards the disaster scene, filming as they went.
    “I stayed there for five seconds filming with my sound recordist, Loulou Machin,** attached to me by a cable, watching this amazing tsunami of debris coming towards us,” he said.

    While filming a 13-part series with RAF search-and-rescue helicopters in 1988, the Piper Alpha oil rig exploded and he was among the first on the scene at the world’s worst ever oil platform disaster.


    ‘AS we were running my camera was still filming,” he said. “It was pointed back looking at the building coming towards us. The next thing I remember was the camera leaving my hand in slow motion and then everything went black.”
    He was knocked unconscious for half an hour, during which time the second tower also collapsed on top of him. To this day he still doesn’t know how he survived.
    “My nose, ears and mouth were full of thick cement dust,” he said.
    “I had to get all the dirt out of my mouth so I could breathe. I couldn’t hear or see. I was crawling down the street in pitch-black, choking from the smoke and dust, not knowing what had happened.
    “I remember putting my hand out and feeling the sides of a car.
    “Cars only parked on the side streets which led down to the River Hudson. I thought if I followed the cars by touch I would reach the river and be able to breathe. By the time I reached the third car I felt a leg and a fireman’s tunic. I remember asking him if I could use his breathing apparatus but he didn’t answer, so I presumed he was dead.
    “After ten or 20 metres like this I stood up and realised I could breathe and was going to live.”
    He then remembered his sound recordist who had been at his side as they had fled and headed back into the disaster area. He found her sound recording equipment, and as he pulled out the cable, found it was still attached to his intact camera under 3ft of rubble.
    “I couldn’t see her or anybody else. So I just stared at the street,” he said.
    “ The scene in front of me I can only describe as “apocalyptic”. All the fire engines, police cars and ambulances were on fire and all the buildings surrounding me were.
    “I could see bits of building embedded on the street in front of me.”
    By chance, he then found his sound recordist in an apartment lobby. A firefighter had grabbed her as they fled and they had jumped into an underground garage. Paul has since been told by police he was probably the first living person so close to the twin towers after their collapse. He also had the dubious boast of being the first person ever to use New York’s decontamination unit when he arrived at hospital for treatment to a head wound. At that point there were fears the terrorists had stuffed chemical warfare on the planes.
    Of the 28 firemen who had been with Paul at the bottom of the twin towers, only six survived.
    Those who had run in a straight line down West Street – as he did – survived, but those who ran off down streets to the left and right were killed.


    Here’s his oral account
    Recorded 11 September 2014 – same story as above.

    BBC video of Berriff 2011
    ..the camera left his hand in slow motion….cement dust
    we get the idea
    …my knees were burning from the hot debris I was crawling through….the World Trade Center smell was burning plastic…”

    ** Louise Machin who was also involved in Berriff’s 2002 documentary about NY firefighters

    Fortunately, filming for Animal Precinct had almost finished so those plans were immediately put on hold and the filming of what Berriff calls ‘the real-life Towering Inferno’ began.Managing to evade the police, who were preventing anyone from going near the towers, Berriff was able to get to the base where assistant fire commissioner Steve Gregory and battalion safety chief Arthur Lakiotes were setting up their command post on West Street. ‘I thought if I’m going to make a film about this, these are the two characters I should start with,’ explains Berriff.Berriff and his crew had been filming them for about 10 minutes when there was a massive explosion. Berriff panned his camera across to see the south tower starting to collapse. He managed to film seven seconds of footage before evacuating the area.B

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Louise Machin

    Mar 2001 – Jun 2001
    Sound Recordist – Animal Precinct 1

    I thought the series was almost complete on 9/11??

    Louise Machin’s escape must have been equally newsworthy, but I don’t see it anywhere.


    Paul Berriff’s early involvement with the Beatles, and Louise Machin’s and his escape from the twin towers is reported here
    [undated but archived August 18 2014]

    Bitten by the sea bug, Paul and his wife bought a house next to the lifeboat station and he began going out on rescues. Years later Paul set up a lifeboat station on the River Humber after noticing a gap in the search and rescue operation there. ‘We are now one of the busiest boats in the country and based under the Humber bridge. I’ve had that running for 25 odd years now, it was my hobby

    However, there was a period running an hotel in Hunstanton, an East coast of England resort which faces west, Neptune Inn and Restaurant which seems to have been sold by 2007, currently with a Michelin starred restaurant
    January 25 2005

    Mr Berriff, who spent his early days as a photographer for the Yorkshire Evening Post, had his own company, Paul Berriff Productions, for 15 years and joined Anglia Television six years ago…..[making documentaries, including one called Animal Precinct about New York’s animal cruelty investigation team.].

    He has won numerous awards including a BAFTA for a programme on the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster, which featured in his ITV series Rescue.

    For this series Mr Berriff and a recording team spent from April 1988 to April 1989 with the search and rescue helicopter squadron in RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland.
    In January 1989 one of the squadron’s helicopters crashed – with Mr Berriff on board – as it was taking a mountain rescue group on an exercise in the mountains near Fort William.

    and from the 9/11 story…

    After looking round he saw the top of the sound mixer lying in the debris and about three feet under the rubble was the camera he had been filming with….The camera was later presented to Mr Berriff as a leaving present from Anglia Television.

    Following this Mr Berriff and his team continued to make the animal cruelty investigation series in several American cities

    although, as noted in the previous post, the filming seemed to have been complete by June 2001.

    He and his wife had thought about buying a hotel for several years and fell in love with the Neptune when it came up for sale last year.

    What else occurred in Scotland in late 1988? Lockerbie….this blog

    RAF – Lossiemouth MRT – Farewell Willie Mac Ritchie Team Leader.

    confirms a Lossiemouth team at the “disaster”.

    The call-out involved four of the six teams then in existence and “stretched the personnel involved to the limits”

    That’s not all the Berriffs own/owned….
    Stunning Home with Heated Pool, WIFi, HDTV, Overlooking Lakes…in South Venice [FL]

    From $3,428 Monthly

    This beautiful newly furnished home has over 2,200 square feet of luxury living. It is a custom built design with private south facing lanai heated pool and beautiful lake views to the front and rear. ……
    Paul is responsible for making many multi-award winning international documentaries and is the creator of hit shows such as Animal Planet’s ‘Animal Cops & Animal Precinct’.

    Paul is married to Hilary. They have two children and two grandchildren. While on film assignments they have lived in many cities across the United States. They also have a 17th century cottage in the English Yorkshire Dales.
    The Berriff’s have owned property in Sarasota County for over 20 years and have found Venice to be their jewel in the crown.
    Paul and Hilary Berriff purchased this house in 2013

    That Animal Planet series must be a big money spinner.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
    Tom-DalpraTom Dalpra

    Interesting stuff, xileffilex. The picture clears a bit.

    Once more, a ‘survivor’ and a man ‘behind a camera’, or is it ‘The Curtain’, or perhaps ‘The Screen’? Yes, a man behind The Screen, I like that.

    On top of TV producing he voluntarily supported and ran a lifeboat station for 25 years.
    That’s a good hobby. A worthy cause. It makes a good front too, of course.
    This would be a man who would understand and respect the power and benefit of ‘drills’.

    He was filming a series about animal cruelty in New York on 9/11 when the buildings fell on him.
    The man’s all heart.

    So in 1988 he documentaried the Piper Alpha blaze. I wonder if that’s been looked-at much ? And then that Lossiemouth team at Lockerbie. That makes sense.
    The picture clears a bit!



    Piper Alpha, there’s one,Tom. Lord Cullen again on Inqury duty…see also Dunblane “massacre” , Ladbroke Grove train “disaster”….
    And on the same page as Piper Alpha the same day 10 years previously, the Taunton Penzance sleeping car “inferno”.

    Where does it all start, or end?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    The Leeds University newspaper interview with Robb is no longer online but is found reproduced elsewhere and is archived:

    The story of Richard Andrew Grove, which excited LRF in 2008
    podcast here:

    was re-examined in 2015 here

    Spin Job: The Odd Case Of Richard Andrew Grove

    The writer gains credibility by also calling out Snowden and Assange as controlled opposition. It is archived at the wayback machine.

    Well worth reading the discussion there, Aris Tocles is on the same page.


    What happened to another unlikely UK survivor?
    Janice Brooks from Brentwood, Essex, UK

    Her story is here from 2002:–Survivors-Twin-Towers.html

    and wheeled out again for the 10th anniversary:

    Janice, 51, who lived in Brentwood before moving to New York shortly before the attacks, was helped into a lift by Paul [Gilbey, UK “victim” from Shoebury, Southend-on-Sea, Essex and alleged Eurobrokers colleague]

    Janice Brooks had been sitting at her desk on the 84th floor of the South Tower when the first plane crashed into the North Tower. All she heard was a dull thud and then, seconds later, she heard a voice yell: ‘Everybody out!’

    With her boss, Gil Scharf, on business in London, Janice decided to ring and let him know they were leaving their desks. She had no idea a plane had crashed.

    Gil wasn’t there and Robin Clark, her former boss, answered the phone. ‘I told him: “Rob, something is happening next door but we are all OK and we are leaving,”‘ recalls Janice. ‘He replied: “Something is happening next door? ****ing hell, Janice, a plane has gone into the building. Get the **** out of there!”‘

    Clark had been watching the terrible events on television and the warning he gave probably saved Janice’s life.

    Sounds scripted, as noted by Saorise at LRF

    Anyone else namechecked? Naturally

    Two of Janice’s colleagues, Steve Chucknick and Jose Marrero, guided her into a stairwell which was already full of people.4

    A Coca-Cola vending machine had exploded and there were bottles everywhere.

    a colleague of hers – Bob Mahon – calmed her down. H

    Who wrote this for Janice?
    So how is Janice these days? Quite a minimalist Facebook page

    Janice “shortly before the attacks” and seems to have settle there.
    In September 2014, Janice repeated her story, or it was scripted for her, but it’s not a copy and paste…

    again this year, I have had many private messages asking me to re-post my 9/11 story – I know that most of you have read it at some time, so please forgive the repeat, but its a reminder that we forget at our peril what happened that day…

    What’s new?

    I was at my desk by 7.30am, had breakfast – sent the first fax, was working on getting the second set of figures for him, and had a wire transfer going through to CIBC.
    I remember picking up the telephone to dial London, and I heard a loud bang…my pc screen flickered, the lights flashed on and off, and I saw paper and dust floating through the office window opposite where I sat – it was like an American ‘ticker tape’ parade, as the paper swirled and danced in the air.
    I ran around the corner to see Brian Clark, who told me not to panic, that it was probably a construction explosion, and that he would investigate. I went back to my desk, sat down, and then I heard a mans voice shout ‘‘Everybody Out”…(I was later to find out that it was Bob Twohig from our Convertible Bond desk) I remember walking along the corridor, seeing Mary Paterno and telling her that I was going to leave…I then remember seeing Walter Dulski and telling him the same thing.
    I then went back to my desk to collect my bag. As I was about to leave, I hesitated and decided to call London to tell Gil what was happening.Kerry Stewart; the London receptionist, couldn’t find him, so I asked to speak to Robin Clark; the Managing Director of the London office, and until recently my boss, and I remember vividly my conversation with him: I ran right and into the small bond dealing area where I saw Brian Clark, Dan Smith and Domenick Mircovich. As I ran I told them what Robin had said, I vaguely remember smelling what I now know to be airline fuel as I ran…


    and so it continues. It’s a newspaper article which doesn’t appear in any newspaper, only on Janice’s facebook page. Very strange.

    Janice Brooks added 2 new photos to the album iOS Photos.
    28 July 2015 ·
    Double Rainbow over sunny Brentwood tonight !!

    Janice Brooks
    21 January 2015 ·
    …so at last, I have a new job, its back in Canary Wharf, an area I know and love, and where all my friends work. I start on Monday, and am so happy !!

    Back in the UUUK.

    also from janice

    source –
    it’s an interactive web page, with all the names of the alleged victims from Eurobrokers…clicking on a name provides the usual biography, e.g. for Gilbey

    Age: 39

    It never bothered Paul that an inebriated boss who said Paul looked like a cow bestowed upon him the nickname, “Daisy.” Paul embraced the nickname with typical good humor and even owned several ties with daisies on them.

    Daisy, 39, was a man of dynamic energy. He would leave home in Chatham, New Jersey, at 4:00 a.m. so he could exercise before starting work. After a long day in the office, he’d be ready to paint a room or fix things in his house so he would have free time with his two sons on the weekend.

    Born in London, Daisy was raised in London and Hockley in Essex. He worked in finance in London until 1993, when he moved to the United States to work on Wall Street. He joined Euro Brokers in 1995, working on the Interest Rate Derivatives Desk. He loved to party with his office colleagues and prided himself on always being the last man standing. Most people remember him fondly for lighting up their lives with his zest for life and for the ability to make everyone he knew feel special.

    Daisy was passionate about golf, skiing, and sailing. He was a fabulous skier and patiently taught his boys to master the slopes at an early age, often skiing all day with one of them between his legs when they were only toddlers. He loved sailing in catamaran races with his wife and childhood sweetheart, Deena.

    His wife, Deena, his sons, Maxwell and Mason, and his daughter from his first marriage, Hannah, survive Paul.

    Janice Brooks
    11 September 2014 · Edited ·

    Keith Holdsworth, Peter Sanders, JB, Ian Thompson, Micky Nunn and Anthony Warrington – at a Euro Brokers Christmas Party…1987/1988’ish (John Kay and Chris Janes in the background)

    Clive Ian Thompson appears on the Eurobrokers page thus…

    To anyone who knew Clive Thompson, it makes perfect sense that his favorite movie was ‘Life is Beautiful’.

    Known to everyone as Ian, he started work for Euro Brokers, London in November 1979 and transferred to the New York office in April 1992. Ian arranged international bank loans meaning he was the link man on the Fixed Dates Desk, having worked on other desks in London. He really enjoyed money broking and worked with great pride beside his colleagues at the World Trade Center in his “adopted” City of New York that he loved. He lived in Summit, New Jersey, with his wife and two daughters.

    In 1993, during the first bombing of the World Trade Center, Ian bravely helped an asthmatic down the stairs to safety from the 31st Floor of the North Tower where the Euro Brokers office was then located. In 1999, he helped pull a man out of a burning car on the Pulaski Skyway on his way to work. He was a trustworthy person in a crisis and always willing to lend a helping hand.

    Ian was larger than life with a zest for making friends wherever he went. He formed a second business on the side in carpet cleaning, becoming a master carpet cleaner, and worked as a volunteer on his local Volunteer First Aid Squad for approximately six years and was promoted to crew chief in early 2001. He joined the “Friday night crew” and did whatever he could to help people, especially children. On emergency calls he would often be assigned to help babies and children – this was his forte. Everywhere he went he used his genuine charm and warmth to make friends and to make people feel special.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Once again, on the 16th anniversary, Janice Brooks Eurobrokers “Survivor” takes out the same old hoary story for a spin around the facebook block

    Janice Brooks
    11 September at 05:32 ·
    Sending love to New York and Euro Brokers everywhere ??

    Janice Brooks
    11 September at 05:11 ·
    …again this year, I have had many private messages asking me to re-post my 9/11 story – I know that most of you have read it at some time…..

    [up early for London time…]
    The original story, repasted on facebook, is here

    The escape story is all BS, of course.

    another 9/11 insider gone…ICAP in 2001,later BGC
    May 11 2013

    Salvatore J. Trani, who helped rebuild the credit unit of Cantor Fitzgerald LP’s BGC Partners Inc. after 658 of the firm’s employees were killed in the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, has died. He was 72.

    He died May 7 from brain cancer in Port Washington, N.Y., according to his daughter, Christiane Koundourakis. He resided in Brookville, New York, and Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., with his wife of almost 50 years, Marianne.

    In 2005, Mr. Trani, who had already helped develop the business of facilitating bond trades between banks in a Wall Street career spanning five decades, joined BGC as executive managing director one year following its spinoff from Cantor and four years after terrorists flew hijacked planes into Manhattan’s World Trade Center towers. The attack killed more than 2,700 people, including 69 percent of Cantor’s New York employees.

    “BGC in 2001 lost all its staff,” Lou Scotto, general manager of BGC’s North America business, said Friday in an interview. Mr. Trani “singularly was responsible for recruiting and developing BGC’s credit division” in its recovery, Scotto said.

    Mr. Trani helped negotiate the 2005 purchase of Maxcor Financial Group Inc., adding more than 150 brokers in New York, Scotto said. He introduced BGC to Maxcor chief executive Gilbert Scharf and recruited and trained other top salesmen and traders.

    Last year, the credit division produced $284.6 million of revenue for BGC, the world’s second-largest interdealer broker after London-based ICAP Plc. The firm is still part-owned by Cantor and shares its chief executive, Howard Lutnick.

    On Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Trani helped save the lives of his colleagues at ICAP, where he was working at the time, according to Michael Spencer, the firm’s chief executive. He was on the 55th floor of the second tower of the World Trade Center when the other tower was hit. After an announcement in the building that workers should return to their desks, Mr. Trani told everyone to leave, then stayed until they had.

    “When the guys in 55 saw the other building had been hit, Sal made the decision to evacuate the floor,” Spencer said Friday in a telephone interview. “That proved to be an enormously foresightful decision.”

    Gilbert D Scharf, as noted, was Janice’s boss, who also cited Michael J Scharf in her piece.
    From this 1997 document from Niagara Corp

    MICHAEL J. SCHARF [age 54]has been Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
    Executive Officer of the Company since its inception in 1993. He has also
    served as Chairman of the Board of Niagara Cold Drawn Corp. (“Niagara”) and
    LaSalle Steel Company (“LaSalle”) since the dates of their acquisition by
    the Company and Niagara, respectively, and currently holds various other
    positions with such subsidiaries. Since August 1994, Mr. Scharf has been
    Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a director of F

    inancial Services
    Acquisition Corporation, a holding company with operating subsidiaries in
    the financial services industry (“FSAC”), and since November 1996, he has
    been a director of Euro Brokers Investment Corporation (“Euro Brokers”), a
    financial services company and wholly owned subsidiary of FSAC. Since
    August 1989, Mr. Scharf also has been a private investor. From October 1983
    to August 1989, Mr. Scharf was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
    Edgcomb Steel of New England, Inc. and its successor corporation, Edgcomb
    Corporation. Mr. Scharf has an A.B. degree from Princeton University and an
    M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

    GILBERT D. SCHARF [age 48] has been Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and
    director of the Company since its inception. He has also served as a
    director of Niagara and LaSalle since the dates of their acquisition by the
    Company and Niagara, respectively, and currently holds various other
    positions with such subsidiaries. Since August 1994, Mr. Scharf has been
    Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of FSAC, and
    since November 1996,
    he has held the same positions with Euro Brokers.
    Since 1989, Mr. Scharf also has been a private investor and Chairman of
    Scharf Advisors, Inc. Mr. Scharf has a B.A. degree from Duke University.

    Gilbert Scharf

    Gilbert Scharf Gilbert Scharf has had a varied career on Wall Street – from senior positions at top investment banks, to entrepreneur and private investor, to his current position as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Maxcor Financial Group Inc. (Nasdaq: MAXF), a diversified financial services firm he founded in 1994.

    In 2001, Scharf lead and rebuilt his firm in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Maxcor and Euro Brokers were headquartered on the 84th floor of 2 World Trade Center, and lost 61 employees out of a New York workforce totaling approximately 300 persons. Scharf also spearheaded the founding of The Euro Brokers Relief Fund, a public charity that has raised several millions. More recently, he has established The Maxcor Foundation, of which he is a director and President, to expand the firm’s charitable giving to the broader communities in which it operates. For these and other charitable efforts, he was recently honored with the Commandant’s Leadership Award from the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.
    Scharf spent seven years with Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc., where he was a Managing Director. He subsequently spent four years with Lazard Brothers & Co. Ltd. in London, where he served as Managing Director.
    He is a graduate of Duke University.

    from March 4 2002 [cache]
    At 7:57 a.m. on a sunny winter morning, Gil Scharf leaves his apartment on East End Avenue. Like so many other things, his commute has changed.
    He hustles a few blocks to catch the 8 o’clock ferry, which smoothly sails to lower Manhattan. The sun ascending over the East River sends warm light into his lap.
    It’s nice. The past six months have been hard on Mr. Scharf and his company, Maxcor Financial Group Inc.—one of the businesses hit hardest in the Sept. 11 attack-and, for a moment, the pleasantness of the trip lets him forget why he is taking this route in the first place.
    A moment’s respite

    Of course, it can be only a moment. The chief executive knows there will be no more elevator rides to the 84th floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center. He knows there will be no more meetings with chief lieutenant Edward Mardovich, who headed the firm’s main subsidiary, Euro Brokers Inc. Instead, Mr. Scharf’s commute will end with him facing a list, the one he has kept on top of his desk since the attacks: the roster of Euro Brokers’ dead.
    Mr. Scharf also knows that his bond brokerage has survived.
    In the months since Sept. 11, Mr. Scharf has led Euro Brokers—which lost 60 of its 290 New York employees when the World Trade Center collapsed—to a remarkable recovery. He quickly set up a temporary office and reunited his staff in downtown Manhattan. More important, he eventually won over insiders and outsiders with his steadfast conviction that the company would endure.
    “There was a feeling that Euro Brokers would not survive,” says Donald Marshall, who co-founded the firm in 1974; he left to join a competing firm after Mr. Scharf acquired Euro Brokers nearly six years ago. “Instead, they are a substantial player again.”

    Right after Sept. 11, Euro Brokers was in bad shape. To start, 60 of the company’s 290 New York employees were lost when the World Trade Center collapsed.

    Many observers believed that the staggering destruction and loss of life on Sept. 11 would cause numerous financial businesses to fail. Instead, most firms have proved to be far more resilient than expected.
    One reason is Wall Street’s lean infrastructure. Unlike manufacturing and retail businesses, financial firms have no factories or stores, just telephones and wires. Those could be replaced within days. Another reason is specific to Euro Brokers. Employees felt a special drive to help bring the firm back to health.
    On the recent winter morning, Mr. Scharf strides through the firm’s trading floor, which takes up most of its temporary office space, at 8:30. It has already been packed for more than an hour with brokers glued to the phones. On Sept. 18, the day Euro Brokers reopened, 50% of the surviving staff showed up. Within weeks, the other workers, save a handful, were back at their desks.
    In November, Euro Brokers reached nearly 90% of its average pre-Sept. 11 monthly revenues. The holding company’s stock price, at a recent $5.44, is almost a dollar more than it was the day before the catastrophe. “We had a real kick in the stomach, but we have rebuilt,” says Mr. Scharf.
    Euro Brokers was founded to trade euro dollars. By the time Mr. Scharf bought the firm, it was a struggling player in the business of buying and selling bonds. It was an area that Mr. Scharf knew well; he had spent years running debt trading operations at Morgan Stanley and later at Lazard.
    At first, Mr. Scharf could do little to stem the firm’s losses. The turning point came in 1999, when he recruited Mr. Mardovich, a 40-year-old broker who had been pushed out of rival Tullett & Tokyo.
    Mr. Mardovich brought along his team of brokers, who traded repurchase agreements. He also brought a prescription for growth: dealing in more complicated contracts.
    The strategy paid off. Mr. Mardovich, who joined as the head of the repo desk, quickly moved up the ranks and in 2000 became president of Euro Brokers’ holding company.
    On the morning of Sept. 11, Mr. Mardovich was the happiest he had been in a while, according to colleagues. With Euro Brokers on the verge of its most profitable year, his mood was rising. He was planning to have the firm expand into mortgage-backed debt and currency derivatives to further increase profits.
    “Mardo used to strut because he was good and knew it,” says Ed Keslow, who had run the repo desk with Mr. Mardovich at Tullett and joined Euro Brokers on Sept. 10. “In early September, he had his feathers up again. He was back.”

    When the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center, staffers at Euro Brokers saw the fire and smoke billowing out of the building from their 84th-floor windows in the other tower. Many left immediately. Mr. Mardovich called his wife to tell her he was OK. “I’m in the building, and I am safe here,” he said.
    Then the second plane hit, its upper wing slicing through the floor of Euro Brokers’ office. Many workers were killed immediately at their desks. The remaining employees fled. With fires blazing below, most took refuge by climbing up the stairs.
    Only two chose to head downstairs—the last two Euro Brokers employees who made it out of the building alive.
    At the time, Mr. Scharf was in Europe with his chief financial officer. He spent the first 48 hours after the disaster calling his employees’ families, then rushed back to secure office space.
    Much of the firm’s rebuilding effort was completed within weeks. Prudential Securities Inc., which had recently shuttered its bond trading operation, had space available for lease at 1 New York Plaza. Vendors started shipping equipment immediately, and Euro Brokers’ computer staff worked round-the-clock. Its insurance company advanced the firm $15 million toward the bill for restoration and to compensate it for lost business.
    From the beginning, what kept Euro Brokers together was Mr. Scharf’s resolve. At an emotional company meeting on Sept. 17, many employees, not wanting to go back to Manhattan, asked Mr. Scharf to split the company into various offices in New Jersey and Connecticut. Mr. Scharf maintained that the only way the company was going to survive was if everyone stuck together. He also preferred that the firm stay downtown.
    At a board meeting in early October, Mr. Scharf shot down suggestions that the company look for a buyer. “He had that attitude that ‘we’ve been hurt, but damn it, we are going to pull this thing together on our own,'” says Frederick Whittemore, a board member.
    The firm has recovered much of its business. The repo desk—which lost nine of 20 broker—-is trading $25 billion in contracts daily, about what it did on an average day before Sept. 11. It has hired six brokers, who brought new accounts with them.
    But Mr. Scharf has canceled Mr. Mardovich’s expansion plans. The people who were going to lead those efforts are needed elsewhere or they’re gone.
    Compensation costs

    The tragedy has raised the firm’s costs. In the third quarter, employee compensation rose 15% over the previous quarter to $30 million, partly because of money paid to families of dead staffers. In December, Euro Brokers distributed year-end and Christmas bonuses to the families of those it lost, and it has promised to pay for health care through the end of March.
    The company’s surviving employees have had to struggle with potent emotions. Mr. Keslow says that during the day, he still calls out to “Mardo” to complete a trade, only to remember that he is no longer there.
    “There are times when you have to just get up and walk out,” he says. “Everybody does.”
    Then there’s the list. At first, Mr. Scharf kept it on his desk to remind him of whom he needed to replace. Six months later, it sits there as a memorial. The company plans a hall of remembrance when it opens its new office, with pictures of the company’s dead.
    However, Euro Brokers has pulled through. While no one will ever remember it as such, 2001 is estimated to have been the company’s most profitable year. In the first nine months of 2001, the firm earned $7 million, up from $1.9 million in the same period a year earlier.
    The company is close to signing a permanent lease at an office building near the South Street Seaport. Euro Brokers’ head of technology, Walter Danielsson, says the eventual move will be no more of a hassle than what any company goes through when it switches offices.
    Another sign of the growing normalcy at Euro Brokers.

    update 2011
    By the end of 2002, things were looking up. Euro Brokers’ parent firm, Maxcor Financial Inc., relocated to 199 Water St., near South Street Seaport, and launched a the Institutional Equity Sales Trading Group, which anonymously places trades of volatile securities for institutional money managers. In April 2005, Maxcor Financial was acquired by BGC Partners for $100 million; its stock immediately surged nearly 20%. BGC Partners went on to acquire Newmark Knight Frank, and currently has a market cap of $785.2 million.

    Seems like Eurobrokers were able easily to shift any work around NY…

    Their father Aaron died in 2013 aged 96 in Florida

    Lucky break, being in London for 9/11…

    Mardovich legacy, no comments for 2017

    obit Sept 23 2001

    MARDOVICH-Edward J. ”Mardo.” Of Lloyd Harbor, tragically missing from the World Trade Center disaster where he was President of Euro Brokers, Inc. Forever cherished husband of Laura, loving and devoted father of Leigh (14), E.J. (12), Tori (11) and Joseph (8). Beloved son of Doris and Ed. Dear brother of Jamie and Doreen.

    The Gil Scharf official story is hung out at the Duke University website

    acknowledging his own “saving grace” of being in London while honoring the memories of the dead and the difficulties of the survivors.

    Being in London, he says, “gave us a base of operations that we wouldn’t have had immediately in New York. We had a firm meeting, and then, that night, we started making calls.” The London offices had copies of employee lists, and Scharf and his team were able to make a start at finding out who had survived and who had not. “We tried to patch things together. After the first twenty-four hours, we thought we had lost eighty people.” As more people were able to communicate, that number decreased, and by the time Scharf was able to return to New York on Friday, the firm knew it had lost sixty-one.

    Indeed, London was a great place to mastermind the operation.


    What happened to another unlikely UK survivor?
    Janice Brooks from Brentwood, Essex, UK

    Her story is here from 2002:–Survivors-Twin-Towers.html

    and wheeled out again for the 10th anniversary:

    And as I suspected, Janice Brooks, UK “survivor” has been wheeled out for the 20th anniversary with a well rehearsed story. Sky News Audio here…36 mins

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    wasnt familiar with janice so after listening went to a prior post you,d covered her before surprize ha , i did have to chuckle at one point she says she stopped and held her shirt out saying my shirt its covered in blood , heroic bob immidiately stepped in with what i can only describe as a les dawson line ,dont worry its not your shirt

    she also states that a triage was set up in the plaza ,im not familiar with that either , great post

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l


    Les Dawson line…lol! He probably wrote the script.
    In 2018, Janice was mourning the alleged passing of a US Eurobrokers colleague, her “personnel director”, another 9/11 “survivor” and keeper of the secret, into the grave in this case: Eileen McMahon 1947-2018

    Since Janice, like some other old 9/11-ians, had only just been recruited, obviously by Eileen.

    Janice Brooks

    I went back to my apartment and decided that I needed a plan.

    After I got through, I had been leaving messages for Eileen McMahon; the Euro Brokers New York Personnel Director, and finally she called me. She had heard my messages, so knew that I was safe, but had trouble getting through to me.
    The train she was on had been terminated at City Hall, and she had come up onto the street about ten minutes before the plane hit our building.
    After walking for over an hour she eventually found a Queens bound bus, which took her almost to the top of her road.
    I can’t remember if she invited me, or I invited myself…but a plan was hatched that I would make my way to her place if the power did not come back on in my apartment…..

    [part of Janice’s rambling story which she hawks around]

    Janice Brooks 18 March 2018
    The only way that I can get any peace with this is to think that, after St. Peter says Hello, there will be 61 others rushing to greet her at the Pearly Gates. ??????

    Janice is also 61 now.

    suuuuure, all 61 of the Eurobrokers “dead”.

    Another strange twist relating to a 9/11 “survivor” from the UK whom I’ve also covered above, Michael / Mike Shillaker.
    who “felt he had to convey his thoughts” straight after 9/11

    Mike had to leave Credit Suisse in 2019, allegedly after a bout of the Brendan Coxes

    A London-based veteran equity researcher has left Credit Suisse.

    Michael Shillaker, a managing director and the head of steel and mining research, officially departed the Swiss bank after a little over 14 years this January. Shillaker doesn’t appear to have a new role to go to and says he’s “exploring all options” on his LinkedIn profile.

    A 1992 graduate from Southampton University, Shillaker was the head of global steel research at UBS for three years, before joining CS in 2004. Someone of his name was visiting a client on the 72nd floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center when the plane struck ** …..Neither Credit Suisse nor Shillaker himself responded to a request to comment on Shillaker’s departure.

    ** strange way to phrase it! As if…

    And here’s the alleged reason

    Amy Walker’s War on Credit Suisse and a System of Entitled Indifference

    For more than a decade Amy Walker, a research analyst in London, has been waging a ceaseless battle for justice in connection with what she alleges was a sexual assault by her colleague at Credit Suisse.

    Ever since Walker filed claims about her being drugged and groped at a barroom without her consent in 2010, she has fought police incompetence, years of indifference from her employer and Wall Street’s culture of silence about bad behavior.

    Most of all, Walker has fought to hold Michael Shillaker, the man who groped her, accountable for his actions. (Walker is unsure, though, who drugged her.)

    Shillaker, previously an influential managing director in Credit Suisse’s European equity research department, has said the groping incident happened but insisted that Walker was a willing, consensual participant, and prosecutors twice declined to take the matter to trial…..she pressed Credit Suisse to revisit its 2010 investigation, and the bank ultimately fired Shillaker. But later that year after Shillaker brought his case to a Spanish court, he won back pay and clearance to work at other banking firms.

    Perhaps a lifetime actor. A nice earner for m’learned friends to keep the courts busy with fake events. A very racy story, perhaps a bit too racy to be credible.
    Here’s the legal letter, helpfully laying out the story

    Click to access MS-Lawyer-Letter-2010.pdf

    Where’s Mike now on the 20th anniversary? Perhaps retired aged 49.


    In fact Janice has been working overtime re-telling her miraculous story of escape from the 84th floor…

    ITV video: -with printed narrative

    Another version of the story is at the UK 9/11 “educational” charity “Since 9/11” [formerly 9/11 London Project]
    founded by
    Peter Rosengard [who] is one of Britain’s leading Life Insurance salesmen

    Janice Brooks

    Good Morning Britain, where all good hoaxes are cemented. She does love the “dull thud” and the magic, secret door. Looks like green screen with a photo of the garden view of her new Norfolk abode.

    It’s a well rehearsed story, dating back to 2002–Survivors-Twin-Towers.html

    Her boss, the CEO Gilbert “Gil” D Scharf and the CFO [according to Janice] Keith Riehl *** just happened, allegedly, to be in London on 9/11..
    Actually Riehl was the Chief Operating Officer, having been CEO in the fake 1993 attack.

    Back in 2018 Janice recited the script for the Imperial War Museum in London:

    She says she was tasked with preparing a book of all the alleged 61 Eurobrokers “victims”. Janice says she took some of the photos…. certainly that of Manish PAtel [or Susan Pollio] is not the one on the legacy site.
    She references Daniel L “Dan” Smith, as usual, whose chubby photo in her book bears no relation to the legacy shot.

    The Angels Of 9/11

    No one knows exactly what happened to Dan. His body was not recovered. Big guy, 6’5?, weight-lifter, vanished from this earth.

    When did Dan start working for Eurobrokers? July 2001. What a joke.

    Janice was also invited onto BBC Radio 4 [paywall] in September 2021 to repeat the story and talk about “survivor’s guilt”…

    Also a longer SkyNews podcast Ep 13 of Storycast 21:
    same old routine.

    *** Keith Riehl is silent on 9/11, but was quoted by the NYT in 1993 as Eurobrokers set up outside the WTC

    At Eurobrokers, a money broker at 1 World Trade Center that gives major banks and securities dealers a market for borrowing and lending dollars, the lack of direct phone lines in temporary office space was costing business, said Keith Riehl, chief financial officer, who was answering the phone yesterday at one temporary office in the New York Telephone building at 100 Church Street.


    One more interview with Janice – Sky news on camera [spot the dry eye rubbing]

    A second “victim” Oli Bennett is remembered by her comfortably-off sounding mother.
    Oliver Duncan Bennett worked for Risk Waters which allegedly had a conference at Windows on the World…. but no, “Oli” was working in the south tower.

    His mother Joy reckons he was 29, but the Guardian in 2002 said he was 32. Big difference.
    Joy** (mother) [GP Doctor] Adrian (father) and Justin (brother) Bennett.

    He planned to quit journalism in a year, at 30, and open a restaurant and bar where conversation would flow easily.

    Did he now?

    Although Peter Field, chairman and CEO of Risk Waters, in his long, rambling narrative to account for his “lost” staff that day, says that Oli was indeed at the conference.
    Updated for 2021

    some have new pen portraits written by relatives for 2021, and there are many new photos which have “emerged” e.g.

    Oh, here’s Joy in 2018
    Why should 9/11 terrorist walk free when my son will never come home?
    suuuuuure. And yes, the birth was registered in 1972.
    ** actually Brenda Joy
    The Bennetts were prominent in the media in 2002
    The Bennetts went to Peru some months after 9/11, like one does.
    The Oli Bennett charitable trust was set up in February 2002. Roger Graef OBE, [UA born film maker and theatre director] who wrote the 2002 piece, is still a patron of the charity. Grants are given to divers persons.

    Not very good photos of Oli on their website. Is that the best the family has??

    The Oli Bennett Charitable Trust

    Dr Bennett keeps out of the limelight.

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About xileffilex

doubter of everything in the MSM - photojournalists especially. Especially interested in the David Kelly suicide psy-op, Diana faked crash, Boston Marathon hoax. Old man with time to read behind the headlines. Southern England