THE MILLENIUM FALL-CON 2001 (satr wars clues)

9/11 Psyop bullet points Forums This and That THE MILLENIUM FALL-CON 2001 (satr wars clues)


Viewing 20 posts - 141 through 160 (of 180 total)
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  • #1994549
    napoleonnapoleon wilson


    ive never worn a mask either

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    Tom-DalpraTom Dalpra

    Hey Den. Some mad stuff going onfor sure.
    Hope you’re well.
    I’d been meaning to say. It’s the ’22 footy season, Liz’s platinum anniversary too and I think man will be united again in May. All-in!


    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    beehave, 22, BBS,its looking like that, Ron’s back for the trophy, not paid attention since march last year, the shithouse footballers all know it’s a scamdemic, all in wish you luck, in this case I think your on a dedcert

    Sars cov Oz, the scarecrow
    Blistered feet,the ruby slippers
    Yellow brick road, yellow card reporting system
    If I only had a brain the clots
    If I only had a heart , myocarditis heart enlargement
    2020ozozo Ozmacare, be careful xxxxxx

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    rancor (corona) beast gets a q tip inits mouth to choke it thenits killed by spikes(proteins) sshhhhhh

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Magentatainment is making lower level houseclowns 911 researchers and platespinners realise the fear and confusion and plucking of heart strings doesn’t work

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    the wizards of oz

    so the joker heist starts showing you bozo the clown legerdemain stood on the corner with his man bag(oz imagery) he gets in the car with masked strangers and proceeds to rob a mob bank , monolith is used to show you all is not as it seems ,the mirroring makes legerdemain a double mask wearing psycho? the bank in the monoliths reflection becomes solomons temple ,then the masked thieves(cheif medical officers) proceed to steel two columns of cash from a green safe (covid safe)just before the yellow brick road arrives our purple wearing knight of malta fauci says “”i believe whatever doesnt kill you simply makes you stranger””

    you all know that if you were to stand in j tobin plaza at koenig sphere anytime before 911 and take a 360 picture and flatten it out , what you get is the outline of solo-han,s spaceship the millennium falcon,plus his cockpit is represented as building 7 the solo-man building both returned for the finale,,,,,you have to think like a magician,

    lucas,s reflection of 911

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson


    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    kubrick was aware of the modern day golems,toys theseone run riot in the kids minds,
    in the shining when danny enters the goldball room(this represents standing at the koenig sphere in the tower complex) the only place to see original millenium fall-con jack pumpkin head torrance asks him have you finished bombing the universe ,danny replies yes,

    they are stood on a yellow brick carpet , the shining is kubrick giving lucas a wink .
    oz is fear personified – oz- climate change -oz 02-jfk-oz-apollo13-oz o2 ,oz-one layer ,all the killing coavids drugs have oz in . ozama .

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    lucas made far more from toys than anything else ,theres also a scene in the film where luke plays with a star wars toy ,a good way of getting children familiar with the props ready for the prestige.

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    come and play with us danny makes sense more sense now ,he did stop playing with his yellow blue and red toys

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    fear personified – oz- climate change -oz 02-jfk-oz-wald-apollo13-oz c- o2 ,oz-one layer ,all the killing coavids drugs have oz in . ozama becomes osama, got to ask yourself will they use oz again to scare people , OZ, if the next primeminister of oz is called ruby, dust off empire and meet me in st louis

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Abaddon red bandanna man is described as “Destroyer”, the angel of the Abyss,
    “For us, he lives on,” Crowther said of her son, who was 24 ( Welles Remy Crowther (May 17, 1977same as star wars premier) and who had a habit of always wearing a red bandanna abaddon. One of Welles Crowther’s bandannas is now on display in the museum.
    His mother was joined on stage by Ling Young, one of the people Welles Crowther led to safety. vader killed younglings(children)
    “I’m here today because of Welles,” Young said of Crowther, who worked on the 104th floor of one of the towers, and who had been a volunteer firefighter.Empire Hook and Ladder Company
    Jones had worked on the 77th floor. She described pulling off her shoes as she walked in stocking feet down the steps, and then walking 50 more blocks — still barefoot — to a friend’s office.
    Jones put the shoes (ruby slippers) into a plastic container. Then, she heard the museum organizers were looking for items to display.
    Jones said she knew at that moment that she never would wear the shoes again

    .Abaddon( was a Sith Lord remembered as a mysterious cloaked presence by those who encountered him. (born obviously may 17, 1977same as star wars premier)
    so one saved Ling Young and one killed Younglings.

    “They didn’t know his name. They didn’t know where he came from. But they knew their lives had been saved by the man in the red bandana. “Apollyon” (Greek: ????????, Apollý?n) appear in the Bible as both a place of destruction and an archangel of the abyss. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit,

    The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an intergovernmental organization or cartel of 13 countries. Founded on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela), it has since 1965 been headquartered in Vienna, Austria,

    The stated mission of the organization is to “coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets, in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers “HUMAN CYBORG RELATIONS”

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Did you know that the “father” of pharmacology was an occultist? He was a worshiper of Satan! Born as Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim in 1493, he called himself Paracelsus. He was well known as a Swiss German physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist. He founded the field of toxicology better known as pharmacy. For hundreds of years physicians used natural herbs and food for healing. Paracelsus defied this notion. From his studies on chemistry and metallurgy with the mix of occultic worship and astrology, he theorized that metals such as mercury, lead, tin, copper, and gold could “purify” the body

    Monoclonal antibody “Clone-3” now being promoted as the “cure” to HIV, SARS-CoV-2 Oz, the scarecrow
    Blistered feet,the ruby slippers
    Yellow brick road, yellow card reporting system
    If I only had a brain the clots
    If I only had a heart , myocarditis heart enlargement
    2020ozozo Ozmacare, be careful xxxxxx

    Midi-chlorians were intelligent microscopic life-forms that lived symbiotically inside the cells of all living things. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Midi-chlorians were microscopic, intelligent life forms that originated from the foundation of life in the center of the galaxy, and ultimately resided within the cells of all living organisms, thereby forming a symbiotic relationship with their hosts..

    Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, possessed the highest known count in galactic history—over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians—surpassing the potential of Grand Master Yoda and all Jedi.

    According to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, his Sith Master Darth Plagueis could influence the midi-chlorians to create life. In the New Republic Era, Imperial scientist Doctor Pershing experimented with blood samples that he harvested from Grogu (babyyoda)a Force-sensitive youngling with a high midi-chlorian count.


    remember the skyscraper before the big syringe .just sayin ,as abobe so below ,well now its time for the clownwars

    clonewars psilly me the war inside your body

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    hows this for irony the lightsaber was made from a camera flash , shining lol at and t alternative therapy and training or even better the screen is projected on to the twin psi symbols and its the same as looking up at the monolith before we evolved into using clubs , if the moon monlith is the scare crow you know the one in the emerald crater covid green also or SARS-CoV-2 Oz, the scarecrow

    do you think the jupiter monolith is the tinman .

    well bone voyage

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    you say potato i say cosmism

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    This is a question from Lee the chacha king in Wuhan , Napoleon how come no other 911 researcher has adressed the collapse with logic and worked out who filmed the collapse, it is suspicious that all controlled opposition skip the same 12seconds of 911.

    Thanks Lee good question

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Thankyou Lee , there’s an easy answer as to why most do not address the “collapse” lots of platespinners and houseclowns use 911 to ease themselves into a truthseeking community ,for instance by solving 911 logically I have instantly raised the bar, the 911 researchers who claim to be leading skeptics are not allowed to acknowledge this ,to the point that most put their fingers in their ears or cover their mouths and eyes and keep incognito when interacting , ergo if they are ever asked about 911 they can claim Its fake and gay in ignorance thus sounding legit to the listeners, but if their name appears anywhere near me pointing out the millenium fall-con ,also any masons who donate to other masonic truthers and skeptics ,do not want other masons to know that the Mancunian who solved 911 is a bad ass who is not for sale .


    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    In quantum mechanics, wave function collapse occurs when a wave function—initially in a superposition of several eigenstates—reduces to a single eigenstate due to interaction with the external world. This interaction is called an “observation”

    gullible apes looking at a monolith kubrick
    gullible apes looking at a monolith made with psi symbols collapse smj taught me that.

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    “every magic trick consists of three parts: the pledge, the turn and the prestige.”

    2001 the pledge
    star wars the turn
    911 the prestige

    so thats 2001 smashed ,man in yellow brick road suit fucks off to meet jupiter (tinman)

    star wars the entire cast of wizard of oz cast including a tinman called c3po opEc fucks off to cloud city (new york post collapse)in spaceship made from the twin towers (the turn) stories ensue …

    911 psi skyscrapers collapse blamed on ozma ,but judy from kansas brings in the twister and directed energy weapons ,wands

    what you were told and who told it you after 911 are allfull of shit

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

Viewing 20 posts - 141 through 160 (of 180 total)
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About napoleon wilson

so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no anyone explained why they used liber oz numbers for the planes =no anyone explained why they mirror the wizard of oz when celebrating the death of ozma bin laden =no