THE MILLENIUM FALL-CON 2001 (satr wars clues)

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  • #1995773
    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Just listened the world’s leading skeptic and IPS chat they mentioned a No-lens movie the prestige ,so just to recap In the film the prestige Nikola Tesla is sought out to build a machine which duplicates objects to the smallest detail ,now since you are familiar with our wizard No-lens it’s obvious that this tell is all about duplication of j Tobin plaza (twin tower complex)down to the smallest detail, and if you pay special attention you will see that Tesla’s laboratory has a look of New York’s sky line ,

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    We have a question from Eric in Marseille Is the precise measurements of the millenium fall-con (j.tobin plaza) and the millennium falcon not enough to point at i.l.m as the magicians behind 911 as well as the hundreds of characters that appear in both stories ,


    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    thanks Eric good question ,
    in my opinion gematria and predictive programming in films are used to pave the way for the plausible deniabilty and familiarity to the masonic tricks ,we have had played on us

    obviously psientist are gullible by trade and are used to explain the future before it happens ,just as psiience fiction is ,and as i have stated in the past the religion within star wars its self is half masonic indoctrination and half cosmism ,so i heard all the stories from psience and psience fiction within the same learning period ,and couldnt tell the difference

    so to me 911 was a pat on the head to the masons for being so diligent in their secrecy about bullshit towers ,when in actual fact it was just a transition from bla bla blavatsky to psience to flying monkeys landing on a light (apeollo) 11

    the masons adopted star wars instantly ,so im not surprised they didnt see what i saw ,but now its just embarrassing

    especially as we now can see they are told what to do by cleverer apes that in all fairness are just as dumb as me

    oh and a lot rely on money from other masons or work from other masons .

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    Earth to Endor

    If you’re a Star Wars geek, one mention of the word “Endor” will call to mind a foresty planet populated by diminutive fuzzy Ewoks. But the word itself hearkens back to a much older place, a city from the Bible that harbored refugees from a war and a mysterious witch who communicated with the dead.

    The first mention of Endor in the Bible comes in the Book of Joshua, in reference to a city originally belonging to the Canaanites. It was within the territory allotted to the tribe of Menasseh, but the Canaanites living there refused to leave. Eventually, the Bible tells us, the Canaanites remained there, an indigenous tribe. According to the Book of Psalms, after his defeat by the Israelite army, but before being decapitated by Yael, the Canaanite general Sisera hid out there.

    But the most famous story of Endor (second, of course, toReturn of the Jedi) involves Saul, the first King of Israel. Fearful that his kingship would be defeated, he visits a woman known as the Witch of Endor, and implores her to help. She calls upon the dead prophet Samuel, who, instead of giving him advice, foretells Saul’s defeat and death.

    It’s not exactly cute and cuddly. But, hey, that’s the Bible–the uncensored version.

    counterpart to the dancing israeli,s were dancing ewoks after luke blew up the spherical twin towers ,remember luke lived in a cave before this

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    theres “film experts” still banging out interpretations of 2001 ,but kubrick shows you at the start whats going on from apes to space in a scene called the dawn of man ,this scene follows his solomons seal being shown as the planets allign ,masonry and cosmism combining or foreshadowing either way its bone voyage did the trick ,a few years later lucas goes one further by combining masonry and cosmism in the star wars religion that jedis follow which the main caveat is dont trust your eyes and be mindful ,which no one ever is i might ad
    lucas solomons seal comes in the form of the millennium falcon spaceship (trade centre complex) all the time showing the wisdom of solomon ,despicable honesty sounds better , and voila 33 years since the ground was broke on the trade towers they flew away ,

    hi masons hahahaahhaah

    keep your boneclubs i,ll grab me bat

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    but just for fun they replaced the millenium fall-con after its collapse ,which we saw were models obviously ,with a massive fucking syringe

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    masonic towers turn cosmist as kubrick predicted and lucas shown in star wars
    psilly masonic houseclowns,hahahaha
    i do like it when they say its fake as if some bint or mason agreeing its fake makes any difference , hahahah no shit but explaining it was this apes job and i have
    im no mason or houseclown ,hence i can show you
    time to choose star wars or america

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    OZ is the fear personified – oz- climate change -oz 02-jfk-oz-wald-apollo13-oz c-o2 crisis ,squared the circle with the co2 machine shh ,oz-one layer ,ozama becomes osama, got to ask yourself will they use oz again to scare people ,ruby slippers for jack,gullible as fuck! ruby
    ask the question why OZ narrative is used answer its psi fi – it also explains the big hermetic syringe in place of the millenium fall-con and why anything bad that happens to america on t.v. oops television is either done by Oz or one of the carachters from there !!SPACEBATS
    kubrick shows exoteric masonic traditions combining with cosmist space fantasy, it starts in 2001 space odyssey with a solar system wide solomans seal in space, depicted by the planets alignment,and monolith

    masonry and cosmism combining in 2001 space odyssey and star wars ,and No-lens magic
    lucas,s star wars shows his solomons seal taking flight ,the millenium fall-con , masonic trade towers complex
    if you were to stand in j tobin plaza at koenig sphere anytime before 911 and take a 360 picture and flatten it out , what you get is the outline of solo-han,s spaceship the millennium falcon,plus his cockpit is represented as building 7 the solo-man building both returned for the finale .space film has your narrative for 911 and actors,and the millenium fall-con spaceship is solomons temple ,wisdom of solomon ,revelation of the method .or the “turn”
    anything bad that happens to america on t.v. oops television is either done by Oz or one of the carachters from there.

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    the fantastic oz wether its judy wood or osama or o2 ,whichever is inserted by the handler and accepted by the victim ,could be a rey of hope could be a demon either way its fucking made like all the shit ,fancy blaming ozma christ

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson


    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson
      <a href="">monkey planet</a>

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    cinema alchemy or magic is not invisible but sometimes its hard to catch , i,ll point to a few which should be easy for people to observe .

    heres an example of at the start of blade runner theres a giant eye above the city (not a real eye obviously)! but this eye reflects the cityscape it “mirrors” it ! if you will, then with an explosion above a city scape an excess gas burn from a tall chimney ,this explosion is virtually the same as the 2nd trade towers explosion , truth in plain sight ! or “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking.

    this coincidence is the technique of the artistocrats within the magic circle of film directors who were tasked with visualizing and making what is impossible possible!! thus selling and familiarizing the visuals of twin tower attack years before hand,ergo inserting it subconciously into the mind of the targeted generation ,group.cinema goer.viewer.child!!! future soldier.(gullible ape),

    the voight kampf test is a test to see if your a replicant , riddley scott ,no riddle , even use the towers on the logo.

    so you have just seen a highrise explosion in directors eye view (riddley scott) artistocrat ,the film came out on June 25, 1982 nearly 20 years before september the 11 2001 was aired , now obviously scot also bought the rights to the book bladerunner which is the current narrative were in,medical tyranny

    “oddly enough,” Scott said, called Blade Runner: A Movie. The team got permission from Burroughs to use the name, and after that, “it just stuck, because it was fun.”

    the artistocrats saw the future script and collapse years before and worked a narrative for their films ,ridley chose the blade runner window cleaning machine which had a spinner to raise and lower it,and leaves plumes remarkably like the towers collapsing.

    He’s a seventeen-year-old bladerunner who works for Doc, a licensed doctor and ..not a delorean in sight.. A mild virus, the Shanghai flu, is sweeping the nation,original book wink wink

    riddley wanted that name blade runner , “oddly enough,” Scott said, called Blade Runner: A Movie. The team got permission from Burroughs to use the name, and after that, “it just stuck, because it was fun.”

    truth in plain sight ! or “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking.

    this coincidence is the technique of the artistocrats within the magic circle of film directors who were tasked with visualizing and making what is impossible possible!! thus selling and familiarizing the visuals of twin tower movie years before hand,

    promoting their work if you will

    But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because making something disappear in to the gullible apes mind isn’t enough; you have to bring it back. That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”

    ergo inserting it subconciously into the mind of the targeted generation ,group.cinema goer.viewer.child!!! future soldier.(gullible ape),ready for the millenium fall-con oops the millennium falcon oops trade complex destruction.

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    interstellar No-lens 5 th wizard of oz film the baseball game has social distancing until they all have to put on masks because of global warming dust cloud ,and then incidentally heading back to judys farm, they chase the drone(tinman)to embark on project warpspeed ,i mean lazarus (interstellar) is a work of genius and the scarecrow with a diploma piloting a spacebat “the lander”fecking bat into a psi fi wet dream black hole surrounded by a yellow brick road is a good metaphor ( same visuals as were expected to believe a virus phage takes lol(but lets get it straight the wizard (film maker is given key words and images to incorporate in a film or in No-lens case the entire batvirus script is in the batmans, inception , interstellars dying planet earth narrative and last but not least michael caines deathbed confession is so close to pasteurs its not even funny, and who could forget the ruby shaped ranger rockets clicked together to send the scarecrow cooper to oz after he jettisoned the carbon spacebat through the brane!! not at all like the breaking the brain barrier (shh) barrier i shit you not ,space metaphors for ozmas magic are tight!,

    ive not forgotten the the lion ,dorothy toto and the tinman are obvious

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson


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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    shame my video,s dont play

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson


    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    inside the millenium fall-con (literal representation of the tower complex the 7 buildings that will collapse (two made of psi) there is, toto(chewbacca) judy woods friend,HER CO PILOT,john hutchenson ,,D.E.W.BACCA=dewbacca ,,c3po the tinman(opec – c3po)ends up in a sack (goldman sacks)
    r2d2 is merrel lynch building blue dome at the heart of all the action(christ) ,, luke and leia,, luke has the antenna from the trade towers leia is the other tower no antenna or (light saber) the antenna was half the light saber the other half was a camera flash
    if you were to stand in j tobin plaza at koenig sphere anytime before 911 and take a 360 picture and flatten it out , what you get is the outline of han solo,s spaceship the millennium falcon,plus his cockpit is represented as building 7!!!!!! the buildning that came back as did the solo-man building returned for the finale just like the millenium fall-con did in that childrens film
    star wars is the turn or the database ( al qa eda ) ape ap la net where the carachters for 911 were exhumed invented borrowed and vice versa Star Wars is a metaphorical camera obscura it reverses 911 into characters living twins,instead of buildings, etcetc, c3po human cyborg relations is the same as saying oil and petrol is what keeps the machines going, hence OPEC backwards, is c3po
    “The Pledge” in this trick “The Pledge” was 2001 space odyssey showing gullible apes with a bone clubs evolving and exploring space,
    the dawn of man was a tuesday , it was when both sides of space flight hustle fooled their own gullible apes ,
    oh and yes tim ozman was fabricated by both sides,
    The second act is called “The Turn”. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you’re looking for the secret… but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled.
    “the turn”
    in this case “the turn” is the movie star wars not only does it mirror the events of the millenium fall-con ,and has counterparts for all the important stories of that day
    it also encompasses masonic doctrine and cosmist psi phi , the two groups that brought you the cold war ,space race, and tim ozman
    lucas made a trippy version of the cast of oz
    oz is always the made up enemy or the trickster ,or the accident we didnt foresee
    so al qa eda means data base,that refers to the conjuring of the enemy from a pre sets cript an agreed fiction ,the talia-bane planet of the apes which is apt ,ape a planet ,,,,,ape ap la net ,al qa eda backwards like ????? means love of ,so its inversion is as predictable as putting a monolith overlooking the millenium fall-con
    ozma,s hot air baloon bin is laden
    i told you all wizards get their wand praised (interstellar) is a work of genius and the gullible ape piloting a space bat “the lander” into a psi fi wet dream black hole is a good metaphor not as good as ( ape a planet backwards) being (ten al .qa .eda) some gullible apes fell for it ( same visuals as were expected to believe a virus phage takes lol(but lets get it straight the wizard(film maker is given key words and images to incorporate in a film or in no-lens case the entire batvirus script is in the batmans, inception ,but interstellars social distancing during new york baseball game mask wearing and the dying planet earth narrative and last but not least michael caines deathbed confession is so close to pasteurs its not even funny, and who could forget the ranger rockets clicked together to send him to oz after he jettisoned the carbon bat through the brane barrier ,space metaphors for ozmas magic are tight!,the shining when danny enters the goldball room(this represents standing at the koenig sphere in the tower complex) the only place to see original millenium fall-con jack pumpkin head torrance asks him did you get tiered of bombing the universe ,danny replies yes, come and play with us danny the grey-dy twins
    “”i believe whatever doesnt kill you simply makes you stranger””
    trauma has a name ,oz
    OZ is the fear personified – oz- climate change -oz 02-jfk-oz-wald-apollo13-oz c-o2 crisis ,oz-one layer ,ozama becomes osama, got to ask yourself will they use oz again to scare people

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

    napoleonnapoleon wilson

    houseclowns will never acknowledge any of my work

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    so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
    anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
    anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
    anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
    anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
    anyone explained why they used l

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About napoleon wilson

so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no anyone explained why they used liber oz numbers for the planes =no anyone explained why they mirror the wizard of oz when celebrating the death of ozma bin laden =no