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1 year ago

This story sounds like a deception to me. The reality is that if you ask your question three times and they fail to answer in the court then he has established his point. This story essentially says that the protagonist has accepted the Jurisdiction of the court. Clearly this is a hamfisted attempt to discourage people from attempting to manage the scam.

1 year ago

have we heard anything from jan irvine ,he packed up right at the start of the characterised pandemic , https://logosmedia.com/ his site has audios still and the frauds behind terrence mkenna and the clockwork elves is still there, https://logosmedia.com/McKenna-Agent ARTICLESNEW MKULTRA DISCOVERY: Terence McKenna admited that he was a “deep background” and “PR” agent (CIA or FBI).by logosmedia • August 23, 2013 • 227 Comments better let percy jackson have a read ,if the frauds can read i’m not sure the lower tier and upper tier can protect the veteran frauds , what if someone said all the right things in the lower tier only… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Remember when he got married? Then divorced? He did some gun videos after that and then rode off into the sunset. Maybe he got all of the money in the divorce?

1 year ago

thats one way of luring me in you sneaky lurer you ,,,,,,,,who did our jan marry before divorcing , i am intrigued


logos media 2 channel starts a fair bit of stuff i haven’t seen before,,

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon


I stand corrected. Looks like he’s still making content.

1 year ago

theres an orthopedic shoe joke in there ,somewhere

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Holly “Danger” Seeliger

Danger, indeed…..

1 year ago
Reply to  dirtybenny

she looks fun ,doesn’t she

alas she doen’t scare me ,

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

ooh la la…alot of fun..it’s always the redheads

…and thus…

the danger..

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

There was a lengthy series on LM with “Dr” Hans Utter about rise of FM Radio and the related Tav. music. Anything on here relating to that? Or anyone “into” that?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nickw @nikel99

i’d answer that if i had any clue of what the acronyms were,

someone cleverer than me interject

1 year ago
Reply to  Nickw @nikel99

gonna have to elaborate a little ,and remember the houseclowns have kept fakeologist barely running since the blog got embargoed ,

that in its self meant little or no interaction on the blog since early 2019, standards dropped overnight drastically ,and we got a whole new bunch of avatars to dance around

apparently teaching fakeologists the new rules is like training working dogs ,hope you enjoy the next audio from the dicord


Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

seeing as the audio from dorothy is withheld,i’d like to ask the discord how they feel about being compared to training working dogs ,

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

and whoever puts like after i comment ,stop it the pavlovian conditioning works too well , and i end up looking at it ,

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nickw @nikel99

xulk is the man for topics addressed as is smj

i get my kicks other ways nowadays

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Nickw @nikel99

@cognitive dissident posted links to this on the forums a bit back. https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?p=3512#p3512 Yes, Nick, I enjoyed that series with Jan and Hans, for sure. Hans struck me as scattershot with a lack of focus, perhaps substance related? My model is closer to that of Lance Collins and posted in the above thread. I also liked the “They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll” series despite its religious perspective. Pop/rock music has elements of the occult and supernatural as its base fabric. The chord patterns and lyrics seem weaponized to me. I also believe that this is the reason… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by dirtybenny
1 year ago
Reply to  dirtybenny

“9. Physiologically the hypnotic process is shown to be an extension of the processes of normal attention, the result of the creation in the central nervous system of a concentrated focus of excitation with the surrounding areas of inhibition (in the descriptive Pavlovian sense).

10.In turn, this is dependent physiologically upon:
(a) Relative immobilization through the immobilization of the head or eye.
(b) The influence of monotony.

11.Initiation of monotony depends upon sensory adaptation, which in turn is in part dependent upon rhythm.”


It’s got a lot of tie-ins…

Tx I’ll look into your hints too