IG Farben: Covid roots

IG Farben: the roots of the COVID plan https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/01/04/ig-farben-the-roots-of-the-covid-plan/

In 1933, the largest cartel in the world, IG Farben, enabled Hitler’s rise to power. Farben: pharmaceuticals, dyes, chemicals, synthetics.

During WW2, Farben had prisoners shipped from Auschwitz to its nearby facility, where horrendous medical/pharmaceutical experiments were carried out on them.

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3 years ago


For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and slavery, and sentenced to a paltry seven years in jail. He was released after three years, and went on to occupy a post as chairman of the advisory board of Bayer, a “branch on the tree” of IG Farben.
There were clear reasons for light sentences for Farben executives. One, the rebuilding of Europe was seen as a bulwark against aggressive Soviet Communism. Farben war criminals were “needed” to organize the new Europe.