Is #ndngh like a new age cult?

Steve/Calcified Lies explains.

For the record Steve thinks Fakeologist is a disinfo site.

In his video Steve plays some atrocity propaganda he says is from a WTC victim – without any proof whatsoever – completely discrediting his point.

Now that’s classic disinfo!

Steve analysing fake footage of 9/11.

September Clues Your guide

Fakeologist thread

Reply To: One World Trade Center – Freedom Tower

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dave j
dave j
1 year ago

I also saw in the other post this, See the same, same now….

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Yes, when i do some discord follow-up later i will make sure people know he was very helpful. Also, those that have been around awhile should review Fakeopedia ( as A lot of this has been gone over is detailed/defined. (for years now) Some as the INTENT shows do not care to Truly KNOW (meaning(s)) So then Some get mad when the Powers that be and “news” do not do the work, But then SO many claiming to want TRUTH also are slow to do the “work” (in this case simply READING what has been done already as they slept.… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

seeing as the two most outwardly godly men are reading this . Bethlehem House of Bread The name is old Hebrew and comes from bêth (house) and lehem (bread). As Christians, we recognize immediately the significance. Bethlehem, the “House of Bread,” was the place where Jesus Christ entered the world  bread and circuses? couple of links for anyone who doesn’t know where i’m heading Caesar’s Messiah is a 2005 book by Joseph Atwill that argues that the New Testament Gospels were written by a group of individuals connected to the Flavian family of Roman emperors: Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. The authors were mainly Flavius Josephus, Berenice, and Tiberius Julius Alexander,[1] with contributions… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

That entire Post is Cut and paste of others words.

In your OWN words discribe what you are bearing witness to and that is what i will respond too.

SO then so that i know who i am talking to Are you an antichrist?

Meaning this simply

1) Is Jesus Christ your Personal Lord and Savior.?

yes or no is a complete answer.

SO then lets start with your work. What say you to my first question

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

apollyon whills-on first answer no jesus is not my saviour 2nd answer i’m hijacking their apollyon. i am the bad one. by showing that attwill had prior knowledge of the concept used to insert ozma bin laden(terra-ism) into a childs mind and i’m getting badder this is why i’d like you fella’s opinion on attwill ,mines off limits to most ,no one wants to know they made a spaceship toy and movie out of the 7 buildings on 911 let alone the millenium fall-con satr wars clues. i don’t trust atwill or margaret atwood, at and t “The Handmaid’s Tale”… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

now my beliefs have been off limits for years , but i can answer any questions on them

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Then you are an antichrist Period. I will give you one Bite, What year did the “JEW” atwell claim this CONspiracy start? I will tell you ATwell claims 70AD (7)coded (ZION/Mind\Set) The SEVEN 7 (Fulfillment, Ideas “mind”, Severity, Motivation, space that allow detail, imagination.) The Seven, the ZION, the MIND (in the case of a Lie, the “mind” Weapon, Crooked stick, the Club, the black’d Jack 21/777/12/3) In truth and the lie is the Motivator, is the Drive etc. The 7 Seven(ZION)(returned Mind-set) This is that “wonder-filled” place if “one” allows will be corrupted, left to be filled with the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

i did say i have never read the bible , can you and frank take a look at caesars messiah ?

i’ll keep saying stuff that gives masons disney asthma.

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

my main interest is magic and how people are controlled through stories , wether they’re accepted voluntarily like the bible ,or involuntarily like ozma bin laden and terra-ism.

but i sure would like someone to discuss my beliefs

that would make my day

no that would make my year, having the millenium fall-con 2001 satr wars clues discussed

the masons won’t because it solves 911 ,the truthers won’t because their full of shit

thanks i look forward to my belifs being discussed

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

maybe a correspondence course ,or weekly shows , i have over 650 counterparts to 911 and star wars ,

a perfect match also

not like adam miller or isaac weishaupt discussing the crowley labours or the abyss dark side and the light

no mine is based on real magic ,through ozmosis

after all i’m showing the hijacking of gods celestial bodies for some kind of ritual ,embodied into a childrens film with 911 images that were only visible on sep 11 24 years later.

not very anti-christy ,but terribly mancunian

a spaceship aahhaaaa

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

I did you failed to see my response. you 13th Spirit Why do you try so hard.

YOU are an antichrist Period

I dust my feet of you as your time is waste.

Now then 13th spirit go pestor frank and let your words continue to expose your(self) to others.

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

ive not read the bible dave , i couldnt tell you the ins and out of buck rogers or tarzan either ,i don’t read or i didn’t until i got the internet , pop what you want me to read in the blog ,or in the forums my response as always will be honest ,i can tell you though the odds on me not having read the bible are 6,66 times higher than me not seeing star wars i made that up but this one is real the odds on 1,475 other subscribers not having seen star wars or not… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Your first line Admits you to be an Unqualified WItness as you have ZERO idea of what you talking about demon.

Now you run along now.

no more time on you

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

my first line ive not read the bible dave , i couldnt tell you your not another one are you that can’t acknowledge my greattness i got this far without reading thats some lucky shit ,not based on anything but knowing what masons can’t say and using my eyes oh and my spaceship she’s a good ship i am going bed but lets put this to the test ,can you repeat my premise ,no one yet can oh and i do get helped up by giants ,big black ones that smell of whiskey, seriously though can you ? lucas toys… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

R4m demon

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

nope i can’t i got to go bed goodnight lover , i do enjoy teaching others via ozmosis though

hope everyone enjoys my lessons

bit unconventional

youth pasteur approach of bringing in a guitar and having you use my first name always backfires.

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

c’mon im apollyon whill-son,frankensteins mjonster please remember gullible apes my beliefs explain what they show you in them important ape films , i am that good when heywood floyd is over tycho crater ,he reads the toilet instructions for ages alluding to tychos demise fromm not wanting to leave the court of rudolph ,heywood floyd taking ten minutes to read how to use a toilet in zero g must put pressure on your bladder , better watch out he doesnt cause himself a mishap ,Legend said what caused brahe,s death was the result of his reluctance to breach court etiquette… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

and what’s this bullshit R4m demon
is that a hairdressers private number plate ?

i bet it’s a two door jeep mint in colour .

a nice way to bookend this topic ,calcified lies latest

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

good 12 min chat ,the last two and half mins explains what i show in my posts

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

where does “roman history” come from anyway? How do we know that the Flavian Family, Vespasian, Titus existed? What “history” do we have before Scaliger gave us a chronology? Rome was utterly destroyed… it is still being dug out from thirty feet of “cultural” deposition. The bible, in my opinion, stands on its own merits, now matter how it came into being. It is a fact that it is looks like clay pressed out under a seal. It is a fact that it has 6 domes over the top of it. It is a fact that their is a circle… Read more »

1 year ago

i have said for years we live in a enclosed land with everything we need and will ever need ,the stars and constellations indicate when to plant and when the winter was coming before there were proper calendars people had no way of determining when to sow, or harvest except by the stars. Constellations made the patterns of the stars easy to remember. The ancient peoples knew for example that when the constellation Orion started to be fully visible winter was coming soon. Or they could look at the Summer Triangle to know when Summer or Spring were coming as well. The stars… Read more »

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Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Frank, you will notice after all the words and stories, you are dealing with an antichrist. You have done some cursory review of the bible, SO you have said many times…NW will not know this as “it” claims not to have, Not because there is no time as “it” has time to babble on endlessly about babble itself. so i ask you, What is the ONE spirit you have been asked to Not let “steal” your mind. I suggest you are looking at the Idea of a Demon if you choose to see it. at some points in life the… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

stories .fucking mong

but your tell was worth a million dollars,you actually admitted i have truth

don’t know how you’d know unless you actually are aware to stay away,

god i am good

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

i got more stories than you ,and don’t call me it, it is a scary steven king clown ,oh wait


dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Frank,(the salt guy) i will not Point “it’s” words out , as you can read them for yourself, I will address the Tone of the antichrist or demon, you will notice the subject Behavior. Point 1) Glorify(ing) one(self) ^see ones self as “reflection” of self witness. Psalms 10:4 (see the 14 , 5 or senses) The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. More then to the Point, Psalms 10:8 (see the ONe before the Detail8 make (9) of IDOL made of One’s Self then CAST unto others,… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

this is ten times better than the others ignoring me dave thanks , but the audiochat livestream is missing out on this dave ,go live will ya ,repeat this all of it

even the bit where i say i hijacked there angel of the abyss

i do like stories

so when figuring out what the antichrist will unveil i just worked it out

i am good

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

you upset ?

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

you can have braintarctica ,i throw career making ideas away ,its all free from me baby hubris isn’t a sin Alfred Pennyworth : With respect Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man that you don’t fully understand, either. A long time ago, I was in Burma. My friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. So, we went looking for the stones. But in six months, we never met… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

No, are you mad?

Just (K)now this the last thought YOU have will be of the One that did not forget you and always Loved you, then dissipation.

That Truth

Breaks my Heart.

Then i transform N(2) peace.

SO, no i am not “upset”.

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

firstly the lake im eyeing up is the one ab lives on ,but they will have to chnage the name as i said

that fits with the antichrist

what else

breaks a pact with israel,
seeing as ive shown that to be three babylonian mystics disguised as isis ra and el ,and adopted by the jesuit magi ,that fits

what else

sit in the new temple ,well thats another one thats spot on ,it’s my spaceship the millenium fall-con ,solo-mans temple.

your doing well here dave

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

should i be checking for a tail or horns?

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Frank (the Salt guy)

the Mocking tone of admitted Ignorance.

Point 2 already

Psalms 10:16 Mirror(911)

The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land.

You (K)now who the Lord is, It is One or the Other One

Last edited 1 year ago by dave j
dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Thank you for the 7 year Chart, I have been telling these Golem to Learn that (code) and they will “get it” i even wrote a book. it is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 10=io Input equals output the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 id the system the 10 or Input/\output is the (WWW)'(D)Man but, do they listen, I sent this book to JLB (all rights reserved) the day i wrote it it only took a few hours. anyway John I said Learn this STEAL this and you will be smarter than your Audience for a long long long time. DID he listen. No… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  dave j

none of my stuff will stand up in court ,but it is nice to prove a point ,and the stories american masons follow are as plain as the silver nose on your face,p.s i was hermes trismegistus not the antichrist

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Mine will.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

i always do well.

1 year ago

The ndngh concept has been corrupted. While it is clear to me that no one has intentionally been killed or injured during the staged performance, the actions taken by living men and women that have been deceived into accepting the performance as a real event cause significant harm. These deceptions are simply a restaging of the original deception of Nakhash deceiving Hava into taking and eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. He did not force Hava to eat the fruit… he convinced her that the gift of the knowledge of “good and evil” was a gift worth dying… Read more »

1 year ago

just one more thing…” 

had hava any conception of what death was ?

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

That VERY question was in my mind’s eye as I was putting my thoughts together. My testimony on this topic is that I cannot grasp the concept of death. I suspect that while many say that they do, I would suggest that the reality of the experience will be a unimaginably more magnified mind blowing experience than the “amusing” aphorism that “it’s one thing knowing your parents have sex.. it’s another thing altogether seeing them at it”. I am placing my hope in the bible. I think the spirit has the opportunity to have an eternal life in a newly… Read more »

1 year ago

i should have tested myself there with the question ,before i asked ,

but the answer was wonderful


dave j
dave j
1 year ago

Yes, can you hear the (7)Giggle (7)Give away as well. Nobody Died and Nobody Got Hurt has a Meaning yes, IT has been taken by those with ill intent and Misused. I coined it for a reason. Nobody Died Nobody Got Hurt – NDNGH is a phrase introduced by researcher Dave J aka David Johnson. With this slogan Dave J proposes to differentiate between real accidents, natural or human made, that are not planned and executed by the military intelligence apparatus or other specialized organizations and on the other side those events, that are conceptualized, planned and executed by the military intelligence apparatus or other specialized organizations as psyops. The concept… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by dave j
1 year ago

I am surprised this nobody died nobody was hurt concept exists outside of a small sheltered slice of internet people. When I first heard the concept applied to certain events I did consider it but I have had experiences in life personally that make nobody dies or gets hurt moot.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

Make a list

1 year ago

i don’t know why your surprized ,it’s pretty much the true basis of any conspiracy theory ,once you scrape enough layers of disrtaction or misdirection away ,usually what’s left is the exact opposite of what is displayed as real . it shouldn’t even be a slogan in my opinion .we all have our own saying’s ,be told !!, we all use each others terminology, christ ive used peoples brains cos mine was broke a good researcher will come naturally, and organically to their soundbyte ,for the lack of a better term . i’m sure obama had a reason for hope… Read more »