It was 22 years ago today


Alright folks, so here we are again – commemorating the 22nd anniversary of the crass television hoax that ‘changed the world forever’.

What follows will be the shortest summary I’ve ever put together regarding the massive collective 9/11 research efforts performed and illustrated at this valiant forum. The thing is that, at this time, my main concern is to reach out to the younger generations which I believe – although I hope to be wrong about that – are becoming less inclined to spend time reading long articles about troublesome and politically-loaded affairs such as 9/11. Of course, anyone younger than 22 years of age never experienced the ‘trauma’ of watching the 9/11 saga (what with its colorful, cartoonish imagery) unfold on “live TV”. So, perhaps, their minds may be less conditioned and prone to clutch onto the purported reality of these ‘terror events’ as presented on TV. So without further ado, here’s a much condensed ‘digest’ of what the younger generations ought and need to know – for their own good – concerning the media-&-military-staged “show” known as “9/11”.

  • 1: Firstly, please know that no one died in any planecrashes on 9/11. None of the alleged hijacked flights have any official records of their airport logs or passenger manifests – much like ALL flights taking off from any airport of this world are obviously required to have. The alleged flights 11, 77, 93 and 175 were simply non-existent.
  • 2: Secondly, ALL of the original / historical tenants and office workers of the Twin Towers were evacuated (never to return) on February 26, 1993. That’s right, the towers were completely vacated following an alleged “islamic bomb” being detonated in the WTC underground garage / parking lot. In the following years – as documented in the book “Divided we Stand” by Eric Darton – that efforts deployed to repopulate the WTC towers office spaces had little success – since they were by then in a state of utter decay. Moreover, ‘virtual WTC office spaces” were being offered by the Alliance group to any small businesses around the USA for the prestige of having an address – however virtual- in the famous NY twin towers.
  1. Thirdly, a “9/11 Hollywood movie” was created (way in advance of September 11, 2001) that featured airplanes crashing into the towers – and the absurd / unphysical top-down collapses of the twin towers – using the same CGI techniques as the Hollywood blockbusters “Independence Day” (1996) and Armageddon (1998). This prefabricated 9/11 movie was simply cut into many small sections – and sold to the public as “live TV broadcasts of the day”. For some reason, the producers of this movie made a complete mess out of the alleged “Flight 77 Pentagon airplane crash” and the “Shanksville Flight 93 airplane crash” – both of which offered no visual evidence of any actual big Boeing passenger planes crashing at those sites!
  2. Fourthly – and most importantly – all they had to do to pull off the ‘magic trick’ was to raise a dense smokescreen around the WTC complex area so as to envelop the twin towers in an impenetrable cloud of smoke. This was likely done shortly before the conventional demolition explosives placed in the towers were set off. No one would have noticed – or been able to prove – that this smoke was obscuring the sight of the twin towers BEFORE their collapses.

Job done.

27 thoughts on “It was 22 years ago today

  1. napoleonnapoleon

    boys n girls that think the towers being empty or full has any reference to what you saw turn to dust is same as a u.f.o. cult

    so you wanna examine the shanksville witches true believers ?
    how about the 911 museum’s tinman ?
    or time square on the death of ozama ?
    empty or full towers does not explain anything and is a feeble argument from cranks

    1. napoleonnapoleon

      no you boys n girls examine the myths your handed ,then you can introduce thermite and judy’s wand ,talk about shabby ,basing an argument on beliefs is fine ,but to believe something you can’t even show a reproduction of is not becoming and is just the same as the official story

      oh and independence day and armageddon used miniatures

    2. dave j

      Most are easily confused by the set piece.

      Plus a vast majority would rather relish in the false witness of death.

      Those left very few are seeking the truth they only seek comforting words that they can “agree with”.

      They argue the one in the zero that does not in fact exist.

      Don’t waste too much time with the house clowns as you know they simply exist to miss the point.

      I’m kicking Han(d) Solo out of his seat and I’m fkying this millennium falcon for a little bit….. Maybe run it into a monolith…. see you later…….

      1. napoleonnapoleon

        no one would put the little boy who pointed out the king was naked in charge of the kingdom ,and i doubt the idiot king with delusions of grandeur actually ran the knigdom well

        hyperthetically and metaphorically speaking ofcourse

        but we are in fakeologist ,where some semblance of logic still gets knocked around .so as soon as we get an innocent to fly the millenium fall-con ,we can go and learn chess on a round board with an oversized toto

        oh and if anyone couldn’t guess our psi fi heroes han solo and chewbacca’s weapons are

        han solo=broom handled mauser =broom ahahaha
        chewbacca = bow caster ,crossbow ,rain-bow = ahaha

        911 toys are worth more in the box lol
        another thing i solved kubricks enigma throughout his films ,rosicrucian alchemy ,oz schema ,and v.i.t.r.i.o.l. ,

        youd think these trithers who pay so much attention to that native new yorker would wanna shout aloud the psipher ,but because they end up with 2001 literally being a space odyssey ,they still shy away

        every truthing website has a stanley kubrick theory or standard

  2. napoleonnapoleon

    In his debut novel Free City, Eric Dalton has found fertile ground for an exploration of the roles of reason and religion in the fate of men and women. The setting is northern Europe in the 17th century at a time when the Enlightenment was in the throes of an often traumatic birth. At the center of this tale is an unnamed inventor who applies reason and science in experiments with everything from anesthetics to airships. But he is baffled by his lover’s undeniable powers, which seem to be rooted in the occult. And he is troubled by the machinations of his patron Roberto, whose schemes turn out to be devious and self-serving. Don’t be surprised when reason and progress prevail, more or less. After all, Enlightenment did win out in the end. Didn’t it?

    you could fill the towers with pink elephants ,still would not see a pink elephant in the collapse would we

    darton sounds like a hoot

  3. Daniel

    I ate at the Windows on the World restaurant and the drank at the bar several times throughout the late 1990s. I visited a real business in one of the towers about the year 2000.

    I don’t believe the narrative, but ignorant and factually incorrect pronouncements like this do more harm than good.

    You are either a fool or a paid schill.

      1. Daniel A

        That was two decades ago. I do not remember the name of the company, what floor it was on or which building it was in. They were called the “Twin Towers” for a reason.
        It was a computer repair company. I submitted an invoice to my employer at the time for the work and they may or may not still have the paper files. But I don’t work there anymore, so I do not have access.
        I have thousands of photographic slides from those years and I’m pretty sure I have photos of one or more of my visits to the bar at Windows on the World. My slides are not digitized and few are labeled.
        But if you are like the person at Darkside Papers, you will just say I am lying about everything, including where I worked, where I live and what I saw. You will say I forged the invoice and doctored the photos. 
        There are tens of thousands of New Yorkers like me who visited that bar and restaurant and worked or did business in the towers all through the late 1990s. I know many of them. The onus is on you to prove that all of them are liars.
        I am not defending the official narrative of what happened. I don’t believe any of it. But I do know that the towers were not empty for years before September 11, 2001. And I know that on September 10 there were two massive buildings there and on September 11 they were turned to dust.
        I’m not defending any alternative narrative either. I believe many of them are nefarious. But you are a fool or a paid schill and blackwashing all truthers if you try to deny either of those facts.

        1. grandillusiongrandillusion

          Just because Simon Says doesn’t translate into truth. A lot of the Antipodean types come around here about 9/11 and give Simon Shack blowjobs and people need to question what Simon is saying, not blow him. The guy makes dogmatic statements like Smokescreens in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 with no evidence or that the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing Psyop/Staged Event immediately emptied out the towers of their tenants. Not even Eric Darton said the towers were immediately losing all their tenants after the deal in 1993 in his book Divided We Stand. It was a gradual process of the twin towers losing tenants but there were obviously still some companies left in the twin towers by the time 9/11. The towers weren’t completely empty as from your experience and how could the empty towers secret have been kept? Seriously two 110 story skyscrapers with zero people in them. Come on with this nonsense. People around here have to stop sucking Simon Shack’s cock. It’s getting gross.

          On the day of 9/11, the Psyop started before most people would have reported to work and I guarantee nobody but the 9/11 Psyop spooks/Ops were allowed in the twin towers.

          1. antipodeanantipodean

            A diametrical contradiction.

            Seriously two 110 story skyscrapers with zero people in them. Come on with this nonsense. People around here have to stop sucking Simon Shack’s cock. It’s getting gross.

            On the day of 9/11, the Psyop started before most people would have reported to work and I guarantee nobody but the 9/11 Psyop spooks/Ops were allowed in the twin towers

            1. grandillusiongrandillusion

              What’s the contradiction? I’m not the one saying the towers were empty of workers and tenants leading up to 9/11, you and Simon are.

              I mention the day of 9/11 to Daniel for reference of emptying the towers of non 9/11 Psyop related personal as in that’s when the workers and visitors weren’t there, not the 8 year ghost buildings silliness you and your boy Simon say.

              Again nobody but the perps were allowed in the twin towers on 9/11. Whatever workers or whoever visitors wasn’t allowed in the buildings that day. I’m not saying the towers were empty for 8 years. I don’t see how you’re getting that confused with the day of 9/11.

      2. dante

        if i’m not mistaken i was the 91st floor or thereabouts. i used to have a magazine / pamphlet but i stopped keeping that with my belongings when i left my apt in Astoria Queens years back. i was a black woman who showed me around. it was indeed a virtual office company – but with dozens of people actively working … staff and ‘virtual’ offices (people can go to those physically in addition to having a phone number and address. this was all in the fiscal year prior. i used to live by the South Street Seaport. i remember when getting off on the elevator, there were several offices on that same floor with activity. also, one uni buddy at the time was interning at lehman …and another interviewed at cantor office, both inside the towers. i had lunch with the former at Cosi sandwiches one day in the lobby. yes, you had to switch elevators to get to the windows on the world. but you could get off at other floors. i cannot speak for all the floors obviously and cannot speak for the morning of, but it is ABSOLUTELY FALSE to say the buildings were entirely empty. and most who will tell you this have never been inside either of the towers, let alone in the months leading up to the event. triggered conspiratards will take this info and say i’m a shill or some other rubbish, but i’m just adding my personal experience to the canon of 911 talk. i honestly don’t care all that much anymore – for better or worse. time, apathy, realizing i’ll never figure it out, covaids putting 911 to shame in scope…et al

        1. antipodeanantipodean

          What you say is quite plausible.
          There could well have been companies renting virtual/ temporary office space in the Towers.
          High profile 9/11 vicsim Ingeborg Lariby worked for Regus, a company providing virtual/ temporary office space in the Towers.
          Companies renting out these spaces could have vacated the Towers well into 2001.
          They may have not needed to occupy many floors to give off the illusion of the buildings being heavily tennanted.

          When you visited the Computor repair company on the 91st floor, I assume you took the computor with you to be repaired on site. There was probably plenty of available space for repair technicians to work. Given that one of the floors were occupied by the weird Gelatin Art students.

          What dept of Cantor did your buddy get interviewed for and did he get the job?

  4. dante

    “2: Secondly, ALL of the original / historical tenants and office workers of the Twin Towers were evacuated (never to return) on February 26, 1993. That’s right, the towers were completely vacated following an alleged “islamic bomb” being detonated in the WTC underground garage / parking lot. In the following years – as documented in the book “Divided we Stand” by Eric Darton – that efforts deployed to repopulate the WTC towers office spaces had little success – since they were by then in a state of utter decay. Moreover, ‘virtual WTC office spaces” were being offered by the Alliance group to any small businesses around the USA for the prestige of having an address – however virtual- in the famous NY twin towers.”

    this is not accurate

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