Jab is British

I never used/or heard the word jab when speaking of a needle in the arm.

I wonder if all the atrocity propaganda is being written by the British industrial complex in the Covaids hoax.

Utah’s chief medical examiner urged the public not to jump to conclusions about the death of a 39-year-old woman four days after she received the second dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine — insisting there is no evidence the jab was connected to her passing.

I have no idea whether or not this story is true, but I’ll lean towards not true.

Don’t jump to logical conclusions http://voxday.blogspot.com/2021/03/dont-jump-to-logical-conclusions.html

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3 years ago

Bike rider to me at the lights ” I had my jab yesterday, I feel like i’m dying”
Thinks all going to plan thenThinks
“Have you had yours?”
Me: “er no”

Arrive home – 8 page glossy brochure in mail box proclaiming the advantages of the “jab” with photos of masked doctors.

That’s a hard sell.

3 years ago

just the man

wasnt that truck with suffocating yellow people a “scan ya”
you know the truck looks like a rising sun flag ,

driven by more rice robbing son

3 years ago

Jab is a favoured word for emotive banner headlines in tabloid newspapers – just as the word Cop is used for policeman, Bug for illness Doc for medical “expert” and so on. Nice three letter words for easy digestion.