Laws making the world dictatorship

All via the covaids deception, started in 1944 in the USA, Katherine Watt lays it all out.

Every country can just withdraw from the IHR in one quick step – but none likely will.

The US federal and state government officials — for so long as they silently defer to illegitimate, unconstitutional international legal instruments and domestic, implementing kill box laws — are subordinate to the HHS Secretary during a public health emergency.

And the HHS Secretary and all other US federal and state government officials are subordinate to the UN-WHO — for so long as they silently defer to illegitimate, unconstitutional international legal instruments — under the terms of international treaties and other “binding instruments of international law.”

Source: (20) On international and US legal instruments governing “adjustment of domestic legislative and administrative arrangements” and exercise of political authority during declared public health emergencies.

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6 months ago

They were ready.  Ready for “vaccine hesitancy”.    Ready for an election year. Ready for “Event 201”, in late summer of 2019.  Johns Hopkins at the helm Guiding the ship into the planned “COVID pandemic”” storm about to be launched. Note the reference to “Taylor Swift” within the first few minutes of the conference, even though back THEN she was still only just another “star” on the horizon. Every DETAIL of the plandemic was itemized in the schedule (spreadsheet) with an ETA and a budget. There was nothing about the psyop ever left to chance. This lends decisive weight to the argument… Read more »

6 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

Yes, all that. More concisely, I would say it was to initiate, or radically progress, the rolling out a global technocratic control structure. Why are we rehashing this? What is the value to you, in talking about it? If it’s that you bringing awareness to others about it, then great! If it’s spinning and regurgitating old information, as I think, what is the point? Surely you will consider the infrastructure that carries event 201, Johns Hopkins, the budget etc – surely you will see that the media, the laws, the politics are precisely about implementing this bizarre authority. That’s what… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

most fakeologists lol


6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Indeed. How does it help to accept the political, legal, religious, media structures as valid authorities? Doing so means you consent to another’s rule over you – you have already given everything away. Throwing pebbles from the sidelines, like naughty schoolkids at the show you purport to dislike, is in reality just another way to collectivise – with a focus on the disgruntled.

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

do you think ab doesn’t see you boys trying to walk the fakeologist brand back to that level of clues forum cockknockers still inhabiting the discord , or his new weekly talkshow bitches including the precious wildoats ,cos they didn’t expect me to fuck you boys over

fucking amateur psychologists

Napoleon wilsons Rorschach test

6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Once again, I don’t know what you’re talking about, or even if you are directing this latest stream of profanities at me. Fwiw, i’m not on fako’s discord, have never commented on CF. Ab doesn’t talk to me, but he strongly supports wildtimes. WT banned me, smj, Gaia and others. Ab wanted that. So, I think you’re confused if you see ab as a paragon of virtue, even if he doesn’t drink or gamble. Do you think though, it might be time to get a grip on your complex, put away your armies of viewcounts, and start trying to meaningfully… Read more »

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

take the test ya pussy tell me what you see

6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

A test now.. I’ve no idea what you are on about…..

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

this shitshow is hilairious ,call yourselves professionals ,even abs catching on to the acting dumb game atlast

and ofcourse you aint communicated your oblivious ,to anything ,fuck me i thought there was some fakeologists about ,now im acting stupid

all there is is motherfuckers hiding away in the discord ,or the hasbeen platespinners of yesteryear ,or 2d characters with no growth

youll find all the images i show need a reaction ,ergo they get ignored ,

6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and thanks for reminding me the forum with what 911 was is heading for the big time

psi fi and fantasy seems fair as the wizard of oz is kicking your asses

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

psiriously take the test ,tell me what you see ,and wildtimes who cares what some guy sent in to give the muppets ab considered fakeologists for years by arguing does ,has it made them more credible ? no take the test i await your response PSI FI AND FANTASY  by napoleon » Mon May 09, 2022 4:10 pm » in Ball Earth Skeptics 144589 Views Last post by napoleon  Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:21 am ab was talking to geris the guy who haacked me in the discord benoit hes another fucking muppet , im gonna keep pointing out why all you tossers argue with each… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

remember ladies i said not one fakeologist will survive napoleon wilson day ,abs still letting you fucks get away with ignoring the blog ,maybe he is a pushover i am not

128 views Jul 18, 2021

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago

Dammit, there’s nothing for it. We’ve tried voting harder, we’ve protested, we’ve petitioned, but those filthy lawmakers keep on sanctioning legislation drafted by lobbyists. But, such is the system, and we have to acknowledge that law and politics is a valid authority…. So we humbly accept and abide by the decision of the masses.

I don’t though.

Last edited 6 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl