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3 years ago

oops meant to add how pat and simon resolve man made orbits,
possible or not?
not getting into shape of the planet , more the mechanism
similar to asking a doctor what contagion experiment convinced him or her contagion is real.
happy new year girls

3 years ago

if i was to ask who on fakeologist who we,d,like to hear ,your handle would be pushed before most without a doubt the most prolific busy body going on fakeologist.com happy new year you fucking monster i watched the tycho video , patrick has a fine beard , simon sounded relaxed as usual , quite easy to follow with three voices and a few slides , i look forward to more from the chaps, very laid back and not a hint of new age crap well apart from the roundhouse ,which i loved by the way, could simon post the… Read more »

3 years ago

Francis Hunt is a good find. It’s interesting that the non-mainstream economists and investors manage to get beyond the “it doesn’t make any sense” buffers which people who only question the dodgy science and restrictions on freedom arrive at. An interesting [German] scientist ** in Imperial College [yes…], Robert Endres has recently been interviewed by Anna Brees and he seems to go much further than most in his [Biological Physics] field in calling out the nonsense which he is surrounded with. He also seems uneasy with current nostrums around viruses and disease. He also hints that many scientists know that… Read more »