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1 year ago

robert palmer sang some like it hot , good film

tng means next generation ,ie star trek t he n ext g eneration tng

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

if ali said he was gonna knock someone out in round four ,and then it happened ,that is not telling the truth christski!! babylonian calendar is the same as nasa uses ,someone find it ,and it accounts for the lost minutes due to psidereal day and them lost minutes add up to that bollocks about the great cycle of precession ,26000 years ,i don’t know how to calculate it but it’s close. 26000 divided by 365 etc etc etc etc , then 72 years a degree etc etc the moment i have to press a letter on a calculator i… Read more »

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download - 2020-02-28T194821.666.png
Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Measuring the arc On 9 September 1752 Lacaille set off for the northern end of his chosen arc — a farm called Klipfontein (near modern day Aurora). This was some 84.3 miles north of his Strand Street observatory, giving an arc length of 1.2°. He measured the latitude of the two sites using standard procedures, which involved a plumb bob for defining the zenith, and triangulated from the tops of two mountains (Kapocberg and Riebeek Kasteel) to determine the linear distance between the sites. (The distance between the mountaintops was found by triangulation from a carefully measured baseline just over… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson