Category Archives: Faketube

You can’t catch a virus

Please check my main Corona virus is a hoax resources page here.

Northern Tracey resource page.

Listen to this audio on viri and learn that they are NOT contagious and cannot be passed on in any way!

Here’s another fantastic one hour video that tells you what’s really going on.

This video explains that the test invented by K. Mullis was never intended to be used for determining specific “viri”.


Watch this video from Tom’s youtube channel



What about the test? We are told it’s 80.33% false positive! With such an insane unreliability rate, it’s worse than useless!



Here’s a lesson in logic to ask yourself if the way you are told about viri makes any sense at all


Canadian media lying by omission

Our media didn’t even cover this event live.

They lied in the reports about how many people showed up in the rain.

Ottawa live footage