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6 months ago

Ab, what happened to Allshotsclot.com, it’s like some super liberal environmental website now, totally against your views.

6 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Okay cool because when I went to allshotsclot.com, I thought for a second maybe you had gone all the way to the left and were going to debut a new Ab who embraced everything liberal

6 months ago

My question, at this time, is:

Is Napoleon Wilson an admin of blog comments, and if so can he prevent comments from being added to the RSS feed?

I ask because these comments are not on the RSS

In fact, I had to repost my initial comment after the site was restored.

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

That’s about right. I’m almost positive Denny is a moderator of the Fakeo Blog comments.

6 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i am the moderator ,remember theres more just fake truthers careers and hasbeens trying to stay relevant at stake , i am trying my best not to be the demoralising agent in all this

6 months ago

I don’t think RSS comments are working properly.

I see some of Napoleon Wilson’s comments coming through, but I don’t see a reply Pasterno wrote, nor my reply coming through, from here:

Last edited 6 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

here i got a question for you i was gonna ask wildtimes but ill ask you first how far does fake altruism get you and is it releaint on gullible people accepting one mans explanation fake nukes phil for instance did his bit of exposing on the itsreal! war i predicted in 2020 but has now decided to regress and blame jews ,as i show if the fake jew blamers really wanted to blame jjews with repercussions ,i can show them who and what made 911 and it is the jewish film industry in particular the space jews like lucas… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Once again, nothing you say has any bearing whatsoever on my post. You want attention, and I give it you. Fake altruism will surely take you nowhere.

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

so would you say altruism can be weaponised to fool gullible apes

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

i do start with i have a question for you ,are you beyond answering questions like the mods in the discord

6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

cos i know ab won’t ask you girls the questions i do
,dont get upset with questions mate i have lots of questions i have answered in advance from my perspective and i only want anothers view

touchy today arent we

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

My messages on this post do come through. It’s just messages on the other post that are not in the RSS feed. This is strange as RSS feeds should pick up all messages, there is no screening of RSS content as far as I am aware. Perhaps there is an admin option though, that stops messages from being propagated? Is Napoleon an admin of the blog comments?

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

yes i am better make shit up quick and fool ab some more ,christ almighty ab all this cos i solved 911 on your site and you like talking to agents whos more trustworthy me or your lackeys how many times is ab gonna fall for this ,we had geris jan erik ,lsp last night and wildoats ,who else rollo couldnt shout cos hes the worst behaved ever so he got gaia to send hang yourself messages and lots of smj name calling to annoy me ,anyone else i missed? hhahahahaahaha funny shit i dont think i can interfere with… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I think you’re saying you are an admin, but you don’t prevent comments from going on the RSS feed.

Do you have any idea why the other comments are excluded from the feed?

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

Are you marking them as spam for example?

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

your not that impressive mate and no ive never once marked anything as spam or trash ,im a cleaner i empty bins

6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

If you feel vitriol towards me, or if you want to own all the conversations on the blog it is possible that you would prevent comments from being shown.

Perhaps Ab will have an idea why certain messages are not making it on to the RSS feed.

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

as i said yesterday i am an open book ,i talk about and show things that are off limits to controlled opposition

ive never censored shit ,i get my questions ignored which is torture

Last edited 6 months ago by napoleon wilson
6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

> i get my questions ignored which is torture

yeah, maybe….

But then when people talk to you, you like to inflict torture! So maybe it all works out in the end.

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

theres no visible difference i see in any of your messages ,the amount of lads with computer psience degrees ,ask them no doubt they have more knowledge

6 months ago
Reply to  realalex

the more the merrier i say ,just sit tight honey ab will help you

6 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

i can only be honest

and yet i still get questioned

that is very sad

but alas the amount of psychology involved in discrediting me is fun to watch