Strange Miles Mathis reference

Reading his race war operation chaos piece on a fake attack, we have an odd paragraph inserted with the thinnest of threads.

Palm Coast is also home to Renegade Broadcasting Op with “Sinead McCarthy” and Heil Kunt who are in turn closely linked to Ab Irato/fakeologist/Tim who is CSIS but then all three of them are linked to Jon Humanity who has attacked you personally and moreover all of them are linked to the Simon Shack actually Hytten/hoi palloi jerkcircle so their aggression is domestic and foreign.]

There are only a few instigators I can think of who’d write my moniker like that. Comment below with your guess.

I think I’ve listened to Sinead once and have no idea about Humanity attacking Miles (who I interviewed a long time ago I believe).

More drama to divide my promotion of Miles’ cutting edge papers.

H/t guyintheback (another email from a known pot stirrer?)

Click to access race.pdf

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1 year ago

hello miles mathis ,heres some pictures pleas use them in your blog.

transition-2 (2).jpg
pwepwp (1).jpg
Capturewqweqwekk (1).jpg
1 year ago

CSIS at Georgetown he tars you all with? Is that a think-tank?
Means you’re CIA affiliates? Weird

1 year ago

ROFL “Jon Humanity”…….

F69king work thief.

1 year ago

I lived in palm coast Florida; this High School is just past the corner i stayed.

SO what is this about CSIS……..(Canadian Security Intelligence Service)

the best way to find out is.

Tim, DO you have any connection whatsoever or have and known connection to anyone employed by the CSIS or So called Canadian (G)overnemnt?

1 year ago
Reply to  fakeologist

I do not Know anyone employed by the CSIS or So called Canadian (G)overnemnt at all period.

1 year ago

It’s strange he would add that little bit of conjecture. Jon Humanity hasn’t published anything in years. The assertion of guilt by association is a weak one. Could be a wedge tactic to suppress sharing of Mathis’ work.

1 year ago
Reply to  timozman007

while all that may or may not be true and is in the realm called “Opinion”, I took the Correct Approach and Asked the Question above.

Recall it is always best to ask.

For example, if i know or suspect someone as being a (G) i ask, what was the last Degree obtained via the Pay for Play satanic/F\reemasonic (boys) club?

IT is not the Question but the reaction and Answer that is always instructive.

ps the “Simon Shack actually Hytten/hoi palloi is in fact and in deed a jerkcircle” SS

1 year ago
Reply to  davej

This information is new to me. I spoke with Jon Humanity and his friend Little Bo Peep. They kind of left without a trace.

dave j
dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  timozman007

yes i am just out here in the peanut gallery trying to keep the players straight.

So many have come and gone….yet the play seems the same as it ever was.

1 year ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Psyopticon… come back!