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1 year ago



1 year ago

The tactics of a charlatan, laid bare. (I’m not arguing for the validity of the moon landings, but for the invalidity of the disingenuous pseudo-intellectual arguments presented in this video) Tim Truth goes to some lengths to show one side of the equation (total luminosity of entire moon if standing on it), then mentions in passing that the observer wouldn’t see the light from the entire moon all at once, but in his opinion the luminescence numbers are “so large” that it isn’t even worth doing the math for the part below the line. Nice handwave. No Tim, it’s essential… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  dbuser

so you believe we landed on the moon

1 year ago
Reply to  dbuser

im kidding ,he does step over that factor ,good catch they all are charlatans arent they depending what you believe ,personally this lockstep to 2030 relies on 2 mins of hate ,or 2 hours of mediocre truths,all allowable truths to discuss, every twats at it ,we are being trained https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Minutes_Hate the other charlatans before these all found new gigs ,now tim truth may be up for lurning ?has anyone reached out ? i know tim was on when the trains derailed,and got rattled. https://fakeologist.com/blog/2023/03/09/thu-mar-9-2023-fak686-timtruth-christine-massey-and-frank/ oh and has anyone heard that bollocks from jlb about the earth having no shape ahahaaahaahahahaahaha… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Not many ‘truthers’ with enough integrity to stick to their original values/principles, or to concede when someone else points out their mistakes.

Speaking of JLB, I didn’t realise he still made new content. He jumped the shark some time ago imo.

All I’ve seen lately is rehashing old topics, reminiscing about “past glories” (in his opinion), and squawking to all and sundry about his dreadful e-bullies, several of whom are ex-members of his website/online personality cult (myself included).

JLB’s version of events can always be trusted though. “Why would he lie?” ?

1 year ago
Reply to  dbuser

we should’nt need others to have integrity when there this many eyes on the website etc ,we should pull each other up on their bullshit,fuck opinions

all i can say is if during the jlb ball earth skeptick funday ,after the frivolities and games,when your relaxing in the boat in the park with your icecream ,and the boat springs a leak

would jlb would grab the ball and not the frizby to bail out the water?, no i don’t think he would

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

Tim truth has a good point. The inverse square law was really invented and then ‘proven’ by experimental flatfact. Newton, Hooke, Bullamus and Kepler all asserted it as a truth.
“In proposition 9 of Book 1 in his book Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur (1604), the astronomer Johannes Kepler argued that the spreading of light from a point source obeys an inverse square law:[12][13]


The light would be spread out in all directions from the source equally and diffuse …

1 year ago
Reply to  nickweechblog

also pink floyd says one side of the moon is dark

good post nik ,were in their playground and their rules

i have a million dollar idea ,philosophers hustlers of history shrunk down and with posable limbs and a string in the back that when pulled ,repeats their historic quotes etc etc

axiomman dolls will go like hot cakes

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

some people just want to see the world all caged in

1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

my new favourite

1 year ago
Reply to  rachel

always try and please ,remember doll you can give me a song and even if youtube has a problem with it copyrighted or what have you batchute don’t

1 year ago
Reply to  nickweechblog

The langley (Ly) is a unit of heat transmission, especially used to express the rate of solar radiation (or insolation) received by the earth.

Located in Langley, Virginia, CIA Headquarters

the illuminated men have done a right number on those gullible apes

start a revolution from my bed ,cos you said the brains i had went to my head.

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  dbuser

generic truthers are ten a penny now ,all they have to do is watch the idiot box ,i see fakeologists as visionaries and researchers

sure the artistocrats send in the clowns

over the years ,but now everyones the scriptreading tip ,the houseclowns just spin the plates of dissent or agreement

fun times,their coordinated ignorance gives them away more than their fucking stupid names,

people think truth is getting a copy of what the artistocrats have in store for us,alla cristski or whoever got a masonic cock shaped whistle.

fuckem all

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  napoleon

also can anyone tell me how many hours markus allen put into 911 research

i think everyones learnt a valuable lesson

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson