Where they got their 95% efficacy lie

It’s not a lie, but it’s a completely meaningless number.

It’s called lying with statistics.

Using Pfizer’s figures, the relative risk reduction is 100(1 – (0.044/0.88)). Which is 95%. Voila!

This sounds fantastic and is a much better marketing strategy than reporting the absolute risk reduction. The absolute risk of developing COVID 19 symptoms without the vaccine is supposedly 0.88% and with the vaccine 0.044%. In absolute terms, the effectiveness of the vaccine is (0.88-0.044)%.

A risk reduction of 0.84%. Oh! A barely perceptible “efficacy.”

By using the relative instead of absolute risk reduction, the mainstream media (MSM) were free to market the mRNA vaccine for Pfizer and BioNTech (and other interested parties) with impressive sounding claims. These weren’t remotely truthful, not only because they relied upon statistical manipulation but because no one had a clue about BNT’s safety or efficacy. To this day, there are no clinical trial results.


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3 years ago

Stefan Lanka: https://wissenschafftplus.de/ -> Wichtige Texte scroll down mehr erfahren, click on it,
You will see: The virus misconception 1 + 2 . in the english language

3 years ago

Johnny Carson was a late night talk show host in the US, 1960s, 70s and 80s. Probably Canada too. He was a comedian, and had a saying, which was like shop talk, or inside baseball, with other comedians: “If they buy the premise, they will buy the bit.” It means that if audiences think that something going in is real, when they are surprised that it wasn’t, they will laugh. That is comedy. When talking about vaccines and the supposed virus, the virus is the premise, the vaccine is the bit. They can lie with statistics, but there’s an underlying… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Hey AB, I am available anytime now … not a great observation on the state of my life, I guess. Would love to have a chat with you, and I even have a good microphone and Skype. Does that work? Given the quality if your work since this all has happened, I think I’ve more to learn from you than you from me. But I see you picked up on the English translations of Lanka, and that is a great starting point. The guy is ground zero.,