Daily Archives: September 26, 2014

A blow never to be forgotten

An update on what to do if you run into  the world’s most enduring hoax, the nuke bomb.

The best advice for surviving a nuclear bomb is to be somewhere else when it goes off. If that doesn’t work out for you, though, a recent study carried out at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) provides some simple guidance for maximizing your chances of survival.


Inspired by K Ham’s latest show.  K was recalling how shitizens were told not to look at the blast,  lest they go blind.

The Wizard of Oz: Pay No Attention: http://youtu.be/NZR64EF3OpA

Hoaxbusterscall roundtable

Listen at 1.25 speed for best results.

Interesting discussion on Green Eggs & Ham. Yes, that children’s book that we all loved. Apparently Dr. Seuss had a dark side, and the book was an allegory for trying homosexual behaviour.

Makes me wonder what Hop on Pop was all about.



ep6-K Ham Radio

K Ham plays some audio!

K reads this post that talks about the 9/11 news anchors: http://fakeologist.com/2014/09/13/ep124-911-show-with-simon-shack/
