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9 months ago

truman is awake and he’s running the town ………………………..not me

9 months ago

thats pretty much boogiemans story people were trapped in the miniatures,this is a sorry state of affairs isn’t it.

and how many cretins are trying to build up credibilty by pointing out the fakeness going on right now ?

i aint biting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for every comment on israel fakeness your getting three videos off me

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Wait, what does Boogieman’s story have to do with this video?

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

you have to go back to the last message petal where you said lucifers temple and i said no lucas’s

go back and answer that shitbag

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

I can’t keep up with you editing comments CONstantly. So no wonder you don’t get replies from me because the first time I see your garbage comment with no question, I don’t respond. Then you go back and edit like every comment and no wonder people don’t want to come back and answer. Stop changing your bullshit. Write your bullshit comment once and then since it’s already bullshit, don’t edit it. We got the bullshit the first time and editing in a question doesn’t change anything. By the Way, you were talking about Lucifer’s Temple on Earth, I’m not duped… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

the funny thing is ,out of two hundred shitheads not one has agreed upon miniatures,them odds are fixed obviously as i said in 2019 and left anyone whoever watched september clues like i did should have that same day watched the making of independence day etc etc, anyway because smj’s father of is my mantra in 2014 i examined 911 as a movie ergo looked for the father of ,in doing so i found lots of wackos talking about monoliths and kubrick and because i do like a riddle i decided to solve them aswell i have no problem walking… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Do you remember Gaia referred to you as ‘The Hanged Man’ in his Fakeologist complaints Forum topic https://fakeologist.com/forums2/viewtopic.php?t=1550 ? Gaia is obviously talking about Tarot. Now if we look at your boy Crowley’s Thoth Tarot, Hanged Man has signs or translates into someone stuck or trapped on the same road https://tarotx.net/tarot-card-meanings/thoth/the-hanged-man-thoth.html Gaia is hitting the nail right on the head. You need to get out this Millenium Fall-Con Craziness in order to progress at Fakeologist. Me and others don’t want to see you trapped in the cycle you are trapped in. It’s time to embrace new ideas on 9/11 and… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i watched gaia and tom and zal sellout the same week

9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Tom Dalpra? Tom is one of the best British Fakeologists. He keeps it real. Asks a lot of good questions. Doesn’t go off into crazy land. A well rounded Fakeo.

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

anyone typing code in the discord needs a slap

9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

debunk me

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

tom was really nice ,yes no doubt selling his id discord to original simulant was a tough choice ,bunch of fucking chancers the lot of ya
make sure your mark cant see the shit your typing is a must

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion


9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

one more for the road

i don’t care debunk the miniatures on 911 with your rainbow theories

fucking idiots

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

you have nothing lover

you understand ,the controlled ones are controlled in a way that removes them from showing what i do ,and addressing it

noone wrote about v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and oz schema this motherfucker deciphered all that and made 911 a fakeologist exclusive ,the millenium fall-con the secret of 911

oh and i am a fakeologist ,not a clues forum dipshit ,or a hoaxbuster cocksucker

and i don’t yield to anyone ,debunk me ,retire yourselves and we’ll see what the new batch are like

No=lens got the mirrored date wrong for the war in oz 0510 not 0710

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Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

woah crowley aint my boy ,i slapped that fucker harder than you boys ,i went to the head honcho i solved 911 on his website

fucking crowley you dickhead

they made a spaceship toy from j tobin plaza using oz schema rosicrucian chamber of reflection schema that gave americans their foundational myth

this is all me lover noone else
napoleon wilson
den or nap

the millenium fall-con only at fakeologist.com

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

what you gonna do

i slapped all of you multiple times now

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

one of my favourite discoveries is that gatekeepers ,well established gatekeepers have to ignore the first step in movie making and be as vague as possible ,after all we dont need the vicsim report if we know they are miniatures do we, so i have been systematically taking all the steps firtstly to debunk myself and i couldnt believe how many in fakeologist were masons or houseclowns they really should not try to bribe folks either thats psilly ,im poor what would i do with money ,anyway go in the audio start wherever you want the destination will always be… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Fyi, if you reply to a comment, the comment you replied to is then impossible to edit.

9 months ago
Reply to  realalex

I realize that but Napoleon Wilson will post a comment, I get the email, read the comment. Let’s say it had no question in the comment when originally posted, then that is what I see in my email. If 5 minutes later Napoleon Wilson edits his comment to put a question in it, I won’t see it unless I click on the blog post at some point afterwards. There is no Fakeologist blog email going out for edited comments. Napoleon is on here editing his comments all the time. My emailed replies from him usually don’t match up with the… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Right, I get it.

Last edited 9 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

yeah me tidying up my comments is the problem ,

ipiccy_image - 2023-09-28T183930.667.jpg
Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

so listen up the chamber of reflection ceremony that was 911 ,was the whore of babalon crowleys scarlet chick servicing all the occultist prophecies from all the religions ,all of em but the one secret used to bribe your bosses is the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. plastered upon the wall in that reflection ceremony

your treated like dorthy in the books ,and you cant do fuckall about it

ipiccy_image - 2023-09-28T184243.756.jpg
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

shitty excuse for men ,maybe thats why your all treated like bitches

download - 2023-08-20T180614.105.png
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

and i did tell you girls not to set up with the masons ,but did you listen no

9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Do you ever donate money to Ab given the amount of bandwidth you use up with all your comments on here? The least you could do is give back.

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

not once

im priceless

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

why do i have to deal with you fucks

who ya gonna dust off ,is simon gonna have to go flat earth ,can you bring back the fake pilot ?

lame and predictable shit

don’t get me wrong i enjoy this

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i proven year year in year out what passes for fakeology from you boys is dogshit what did you think they could do the fakeologist is a gatekeepers worse knightmare he didnt even pretend to be rollos friend he’ll let anyone with a good mic go off ,and the funniest part to you girls and your psichology was having to send in mods because ab gives less fucks than me whats said in the audios,so lets generate nuked discords nigger parties and the need for mods problem reaction solution ,basic houseclown shit that fragrant moderator and his boogiewench sat on… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

go and wake up your boyfriends and have a chat with them,what generation of fruit fly are you ,could you beee boogielarvae ,cut the bullshit

turn your heads away all you want ,i said both sides would get it ,not my fault a majority of truthers are masonically led a stray ,ludicrous

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Dude, you got owned by Boogieman on the Fakeologist Telegram and tapped out. You literally left the Fakeo Telegram because of Boogieman. Why are you still talking about him if he caused you to go AWOL?You couldn’t take the beating he gave you just like when Go Find The Others did the same thing to you here. Most people don’t want to draw attention to that…. Lets see you come to do a voice chat instead of being the Fakeologist pussy in the comments here. All people see is Denny’s Demons with this lame nonsense. I always liked what Lost… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

im still in the telegram i decided retire the gatekeeping websites first ,get boogieman to go in the audio and repeat anyone of my demons ,take one of his boyfriends in ,farce is usually up at this time

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i dare you boys to retire yourselves

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

or one of the dozens of no marks ,this shits gonna get fun ,i dare you ,you and any zombie
cmon we all know the rules ,i slap you girls all over conspiracy land with my toy spaceship made from the three temples that fell on 911

you should have put your boss on russ ,and fancy signing all these truthers up ,supplying them with members only to get bitchslapped

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i dare you girls to retire yourselves

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

remember ive done this inside out upside down back to front ,allt the gatekeepers and familiars now know me ,all of 911 and mirroring 77 or oz in the heavens that day all has a rainbow running through it ,from oz schema at 911 ,to funding ,shit ive deciphered that much i pretty mich guessed what i n r i really meant ,now that is a keeper

and i have taken over oz dickhead

9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

honestly if ab wasnt honest id have left yeras ago,pull the plug ab start again

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson
9 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

right pay attention ,september clues is part of an over reach project ,clues forum has simons work exclusively as it has september clues as the the bait now theres no evidence of simon producing september clues apart from his music over it now this is conjecture hyperthetically ,but when muggins solved 911 by following the september clues narrative to it’s conclusion ,which is 911 is a movie with all the expertise of a hollywood movie used on it ,the houseclowns had to ignore me so why has clues forum sent over shitheads for years to fakeologist ,why hasnt simon had… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by napoleon wilson