Category Archives: Climate change

Chemtrail angle

If I had to pick a version to be accepted into the chemtrail community, this would be it.

Are “they” trying to kill us with chemtrails? I doubt it, vaccines are more efficient.

Most of the Geo engineering taking place in our skies is not implemented by special spray planes. Barium salts, aluminum oxide, and other toxic compounds are added to the jet fuel at the industrial level. Under a US Department of Energy/UN program in operation since 1993 passenger jet aircraft are used to disseminate the agents into the atmosphere through the jet engines.

Toxic Skies Over Trutherville – The Desk Of Tim Ozman

I contend that Climate Change is a religious belief, not a scientific fact. Chemtrail Belief, similarly, is not scientific. Chemtrail Believers blatantly state they don’t know what they are seeing and that their arguments rest on self-proclaimed ignorance.

CO2 taxes are real, CO2 harm is fake

If Canada ceased to exist tomorrow it would not affect the world’s CO2 emissions. We are being taxed on a trace gas that is essential to all life on earth. It’s not a pollutant. We are being lied to by our very own Government. They are stealing our money & using CO2 to control us & our behaviors.

Smoke is climate change hoax

The smoke from the Quebec fires are reaching North America’s two media capitals, so naturally they’re going to use the opportunity to sell the smoke as climate change.

While some of the fires may have been started deliberately, I have no doubt that our government is deliberately employing the UN’s wilding mandates to allow for the chips to fall where nature lays them.

BC and Alberta have been on fire every summer for the last 10 years- and largely because our federal government refuses to allow routine forestry that removes the old trees that are the catalysts for rapidly spreading wildfires. During this time we couldn’t even get Trudeau to give us his best “thoughts and prayers”.

Now Ontario has had to deal with a bit of smoke and all I see in my timeline are media figures and politicians screaming the sky is falling because by some stroke of luck this issue has finally reached their backyard.

Carbon! Climate change! We told you so! Alberta wants to export more fossil fuels? LOOK AT US!

Sorry, Ottawa, but go fuck yourselves. Your net zero policies are more to blame for this than cars and cow farts. The west isn’t drinking your Kool Aid. We’ve always been your piggy bank when you needed some cash and now we have a pair of leaders who are actually doing something to stop the plundering.

I hope you choke on that smoke you fucking weasels.

People at the top hate the people at the bottom

They may not always say it in their words but they always show it in their actions.

Here’s the full Kenneth Copeland interview it is too good to watch just parts of it.

This video came to mind when looking at KC’s eyes.