
  1. https://youtube.com/leopirate
  2. [days of lot sermons #7] PERFIDIOUS JESUITS – YouTube
  3. Book of Mormon – Wikipedia
  4. William Cooper – British Israelism – Christian Identity – YouTube
  5. What Is Dispensationalism?
  6. New Mexico Governor Suspends All Gun Rights By Public Health Order – Conference Highlights – YouTube
  7. Fake consensus



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10 months ago

My religious book says this, but their religious book says that!

Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

So before I waste any time on this audio is that your only take away.

Are you one of those that’s going to spend your so-called l”ife” contending and fighting with a book.

Now “act” like a man for even one comment and write something constructive.

what do you know that can be tested to be true what that means is you put up your work.



10 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

I don’t spend my life fighting with a book. I’m pointing out someone else fighting with a book, against another book.

I don’t need to respond, but I have already written a comment today, that is constructive – you described it as common sense:


Last edited 10 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

That is common sense it does not belong to you it is inherent stopping simple minded.

Do real work that can be proven and tested.

You responded because when I tell you to jump you don’t ask how high you just jump and then you jump until I tell you to stop so if you have nothing constructive to add past inherited common sense then remain silent.

Or continue to jump for me and I will judge your efforts accordingly.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dave j

I responded only because it was an easy way to show the contradiction in what you were saying, using your own words.

Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

You did nothing of the sort you worjless demon.

Now you keep jumping for me sport

10 months ago
Reply to  realalex

Is this the real Dave J? Or someone else posting as he?

Dave j
Dave j
10 months ago
Reply to  Growerboy007

It is I dave j. Do I know you? Herbs tokes indeed

Last edited 10 months ago by Dave j