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8 months ago

Yes, I heard this show. Like canucklaw, she does great research. What’s funny to me, is that after showing the issues with law, showing how the ground was prepared decades ago, etc, the answer is better law – the local sheriffs etc should reject this as anti-constitutional.

8 months ago
Reply to  realalex

It seems to be we are between a rock and a hard place. Are you advocating no law? I’ve never really understood what you see as a possible solution. Or maybe you don’t see a solution, if that’s the case you are not the only one. I don’t know what the next move is other than trying to linch the law breakers. But I very much suspect that’s what they are trying to get us to do anyway. That way they can do another Russian Revolution type event where the same people just put on a different set of masks… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  rachel

Religious people seem to love the law. They are hankering after the old system of control. Its very unimaginative. My position is get back to first principles. As Dave J says, it costs you nothing to forget everything you know. Perhaps an example would help. Imagine yourself as a wild bird. Do birds need laws to get on and live their lives? Do they need a religion? As a human – endowed with higher reasoning abilities (apparently) – do you need laws to live your life? Someone to tell you what’s allowed or not, to mediate reality for you? For… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
8 months ago
Reply to  realalex

I don’t disagree.

8 months ago
Reply to  rachel

Don’t feed the gremlins. Don´t get them wet.

Disengage from all of this intellectually and emotionally.

It is not worth it.

Fighting against only trains the opponent.

Supporting it is even worse.

Walk away.

Engage only as needed through a third party.

Do not touch the system directly and you’ll be fine.

8 months ago
Reply to  VikingHelga

could you expand a bit more on this comment please Helga? what third party do you use?

8 months ago

I get people who enjoy the system to play in it’s sandbox. For instance. I have a very good lawyer that I selected for her principles. Honesty, kindness… as well as competence. I do not engage with black magic, a.k.a. the Legal System. Instead, I talk to her and she happily deals with all the wizards and sorcerers and spells. (Judges, lawyers, government officials – contracts, documents, petitions). My relationship to her is personal. It is one of friendship, because I did not sought out a ‘lawyer’. I searched for a human being that happened to be a lawyer. What… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by VikingHelga
8 months ago
Reply to  VikingHelga

Very well said and it mirrors my strategy.

8 months ago
Reply to  VikingHelga

It does end up being that. I guess I like poking a stick at it.

8 months ago
Reply to  rachel

Keep up the good work!
We all enjoy the poking.

Last edited 8 months ago by VikingHelga
8 months ago
Reply to  VikingHelga

VikingHelga always with great wisdom. Quarantine, don’t touch the beast. Isolate yourself from their so-called CIVILization.

8 months ago
Reply to  realalex

they made 911 toys for the new temple of jerusalem,and the new system of truth is houseclowns pointing at fake war in oz ,how fucking gullible

the new temple ha ,might change my name to cassandra

did she have employ dozens of houseclowns like me,imguessing the fags that pay these new truthers to point at brown people on rubble pay trumanville also to ignore my gullible ass

not only have smashed 911 to bits any muppet blaming jews or jesuits as a cover is now under suspicion ,cmon girls 911 toys

debunk me pussies
