Peggy Hall, fakeologist

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The coronavirus hoax has awakened millions. Welcome to the psyop hoax world Peggy we’ve been expecting you.

H/t Lynn

Okay, it was fake. And maybe we should bet on the Bills winning the Super Bowl with Damar running out of the tunnel, first on the field. A miracle.

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dave j
dave j
2 years ago

I will contact her directly to get the List,

BTW everything she said was already talked about by those past the basic level.

She claims to Know “people” who have been “murdered” she will supply me a list of STFU

She also Claims that Diamond (33) dies THIS is a BULLSHIT story TIED into the same Story she Now claims to be suspicious of.

SO then like always those doing this for years are moved aside so that New Blood can come in and Act as if Any work done before them is “has been”///

Makes me sick how this happens each and every time. Everyone Thinking by their Own Brillance they see something no one Elses does, they choose to look in the wrong Places.

Never wanting to take the Proper place in the back and study, they desire the Limelight to never leave them as they Make their “heroes” journey Damming all other work before them.

I will update this post when “she” gives me that List.

PS, NEW to all this yet (BUY GOLD FIRST) another F69king (G)atekeeper