Category Archives: Sports fixed


How did fakeologist carry on all these years without knowing this word?

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as “real” or “true”, specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged.

Why the NFL is fake

All the gematria, fake plays are just cover for what has always been accepted by everyone involved: it’s a giant gambling/money laundering operation that is probably worth trillions today.

H/t Lynn

Speaking of the NFL, do you know the story of Jessica Savitch, NBC News anchor in the 1980’s? She exposed the underbelly of the NFL in a PBS Frontline broadcast (Jan 17, 1983), “Football, illegal gambling and the Mafia”. 20 days after this expose aired she was dead. Drowned (along with her date) in a canal in an overturned station wagon in five feet of water.

Peggy Hall, fakeologist

The coronavirus hoax has awakened millions. Welcome to the psyop hoax world Peggy we’ve been expecting you.

H/t Lynn

Okay, it was fake. And maybe we should bet on the Bills winning the Super Bowl with Damar running out of the tunnel, first on the field. A miracle.

Retiring Tiger Woods with a hoax

Tiger Woods never had senior tour in his blood.

With fan attended sports being wiped out, so goes the money.

No point in fading to black, best to let top sports draws do a hard out.

Clearly Tiger Woods qualifies as a “take the ticket” celebutard.