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    Next door neighbour of the Cousins family in Hyde Heath, sometime ENT surgeon John Capper, has been a source for media stories, also a president of the local cricket club

    living in a c. 1979 new build house [Chartley]
    John Capper
    After Caroline’s death Richard based himself more in London although kept his home here where the boys, Will and Edward, were more permanent residents. He was a regular visitor as he had many firm friends here, however he found a second love of his life in London, Emma Bowden, and was planning a new life there in Tooting, at the time of his untimely death…..He was always interested in people and their views. When chatting he was a listener, seemingly intent on you and your life in a very genuine way. Although he had the ears of Ministers, he valued the views of others and was always good company in the Plough after matches. He was never pompous, nor dictatorial and rarely gave severe opinion or offence.
    From The Times:
    He was very particular about terminology and many an acquaintance found him at best prickly and at worst rude or arrogant.

    From The Telegraph…
    it seems the Cappers were the source of much information being fed to the press..
    “He went out with great university pals for a drink after Caroline died and she (Emma) was at the next table. It was a total coincidence. He was immediately besotted,” Richard’s neighbour Caroline Capper recalls this week.

    The couple moved in together in his south London home in a leafy part of Tooting but were regular visitors to Richard’s family home in the close-knit Buckinghamshire village of Hyde Heath, where he had lived next door to the Capper family for 18 years.

    Heather began at south London’s Graveney School when the academic year started in September.
    In Hyde Heath, Caroline Capper and her husband John were thrilled when their wedding invitation slipped into their letterbox on December 30.
    The next day they woke to the news of Sydney’s seaplane tragedy.***
    “I just can’t compute what has happened. I look out the windows from our house to theirs and realise that they are all gone … they are all dead,” Caroline Capper says.

    No observations from John and Caroline’s son
    or John
    or Caroline

    No media word so far on how the “repatriations” or “funerals” are progressing.

    *** er, it didn’t seem to be reported until the mid afternoon of December 31
    in fact it was only minor local news in Australia at 7.42 AM GMT Dec 31

    And evidence of media tampering…
    at 10.05 AM GMT Dec 31
    the independent reports 4 Britons feared dead among six [standard pretence at incomplete information…]
    yet the “final” story
    Five Britons Killed has the dateline 9.15 AM GMT Dec 31!!
    salient comment

    Slow speed, Fuselage intact, shallow water and an escape door floating up on surface above plane, yet no survivors.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Correction – local news breaking at 4.42 AM GMT Dec 31 in Australia.[3:42 PM local time]
    The BBC was reporting it by 9.22 AM GMT
    “The identity of those aboard has not yet been released….Unconfirmed reports said the casualties included an 11-year-old boy, the pilot and four British nationals.”
    overnight the 11 year old “boy” mutates into a girl.

    It was reported at 12 noon on the BBC Radio 4 December 31, but not menitoned at 9AM


    How this hoax was managed in the release of early information to the MSM
    from a web forum [untimed articles] we can see how the story fed to the MSM was controlled

    Sea plane crashes on Hawkesbury River with up to six people on board

    A sea plane has crashed on the Hawkesbury River in Sydney’s north with up to six people on board.
    The crash site is located at Cowan Creek just off the Hawkesbury River— about 2 kilometres north of Cottage Point. An oil slick and debris have been spotted on the surface of the water following the crash at 3.15pm today.
    Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter was tasked to the area but will soon leave to make way for police divers who will attempt to locate the vessel and possible passengers.
    Three Marine Rescue vessels are also responding to the incident.
    At this stage police and search and rescue teams have been unable to locate the plane or any passenger.
    7 News is reporting that the aircraft belongs to Sydney Seaplanes.

    So we have a drill, with helicopters and rescue boats to simulate a crash rescue and to make for some nice newsworthy pictures and footage. From the aerial video the oil slick appears to be emanating from one of the police vessels. They know jolly well that SIX names will be released subsequently – “up to” is a hoax code. Occasionally they throw in the wrong number to try to created some simulated drill uncertainty – in this staged event an 11 year old girl was described as a boy initially.


    Sea plane crashes on Hawkesbury River with up to six people on board
    POLICE divers have recovered three bodies from the Hawkesbury River this afternoon after a sea plane crashed at Cowan Creek in Sydney’s north at 3.15pm today.
    No information is available on the identity of the occupants at this stage.
    The crash site is about two kilometres north of Cottage Point.
    An oil slick and debris were spotted on the surface of the water following the crash.
    Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter have been tasked to the area and police divers are attempting to locate the vessel and all the passengers.
    Three Marine Rescue vessels are also responding to the incident.
    A Sydney Seaplane spokesperson confirmed that it was one of their aircrafts that had crashed but couldn’t provide any further information.

    and finally
    Sea plane crashes on Hawkesbury River with six people on board
    “We can confirm the six people on the plane are deceased.”
    Police have retrieved three bodies from the water at Apple Tree Wharf, however divers are still working on locating the other three people.

    They’ve found six people, allegedly but they’re missing three whom they are sure are dead. Rrrright. I guess three were inside the aircraft, the door of which the people attempting the rescue in the five minutes before it sank couldn’t open. Suuuure.
    The naming ceremony took place at 2.06 AM GMT January 1 2018 and other newspapers quickly followed suit, having been given the green light. A later updated article is here –
    There are no web caches to find the earlier text version.

    And more amusing hoax management for when you’ve not got all the rabbits required to emerge from the hat…
    Australian Transport Safety Bureau’s executive director of transport safety Nat Nagy said there were a number of elements that had been semi-removed from the fuselage either on impact or over the last few days and that to ease the recovery mission and ensure everything fit on the barge, the floats had been detached by police from the main body of the plane.

    He said a wing, the floats or pontoons and the main body of the aircraft had been lifted from the water *** and onto the barge, with police divers still looking for other parts of the plane before it will be transferred to shore at Rowland Reserve in Baysview later this afternoon.

    *** separately, three [or four] rabbits
    Gone AWOL one wing

    Semi-removal! I like that idea to describe bits of a pre-wrecked plane coming up from the deep.
    One possibility is the plane stalled.
    Another possibility is that it’s one grand baby hoax.

    Note also the recycling of the Diana “pre-written off then crashed” Mercedes hoax theme – the car had allegedly been rebuilt – as indeed this De Havilland was claimed to have been written off in 1996 when working as a crop duster, one year earlier than Diana’s new life escape Merc and rebuilt.
    Are they running out of story lines?

    yup, same old tried and tested forumla.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Dark specs on for the pilot’s empty casket funeral… from the Mail

    more photos

    Another little gem from the Cappers

    Ms Capper, who with her husband, John, lived next door to Mr Cousins for 18 years, said that being a villager gave the high-flying boss of the world’s biggest catering firm, Compass, the “chance of normal life”.

    So why decamp, allegedly, to the back streets of South West London?


    Lovely guy…greatly missed…

    His opinion on someone he disagreed with
    “I think you’re a c***”

    Great guy.


    Pegasus plane skidding off the runway in Trabzon, NE Turkey

    Looks staged.

    Plane wide shot

    Here you see that the area the plane “skidded off” is barren because of recent mud slides; sediment going downhill. Contrasting with the coastline more in the back that is vegetated. What does that smaller mud slide in the foreground mean? And why is there an even more recent slide seen in front of the plane, but no mud slide below where allegedly a 78 ton plane is supposed to have “bulldozered” the sediment??

    Video taken with some fecking toy drone with a low quality. Even a consumer-type drone films in 4K, why do we see some low resolution video here?

    Note the passengers in some drill plane screaming, video filmed VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome, a sign of staging) to reduce details and still convey the message that “something is going on”.

    Inflatable slide

    What is this inflatable whitish thing here? Is it a slide for emergency landings?

    1 – why use it?
    2 – how does it end up to the front of the back door, not below it?
    3 – why did they remove the thing for the day time photos and drone video?

    Inflatable slide GONE

    And why is this inflatable slide (or whatever it is) GONE in the same night time photo here??

    Note that this miracle “happened” exactly 9 years after the other “Miracle plane landing, the Hudson Hoax”

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    Psyop of the day, tomorrow.

    The numerological spookiness is overwhelming in this one:

    United Airlines Flight 266 was a scheduled flight from Los Angeles International Airport, California, to General Mitchell International Airport, Milwaukee, Wisconsin via Stapleton International Airport, Denver, Colorado with 38 on board. On January 18, 1969 at approximately 18:21 PST it crashed into Santa Monica Bay, Pacific Ocean, about 11.5 miles west of Los Angeles International Airport, four minutes after takeoff.

    Rescuers (at the time) speculated that an explosion occurred aboard the plane, a Boeing 727. Three and a half hours after the crash three bodies had been found in the ocean along with parts of fuselage and a United States mail bag carrying letters with that day’s postmark. Hope was dim for survivors because United’s domestic flights do not carry liferafts or lifejackets. A Coast Guard spokesman said it looked “very doubtful that there could be anybody alive.”

    Quoting some unspecified people; “rescuers”, “a coast guard spokesman”.

    The crew of Flight 266 was Captain Leonard Leverson, 49, a veteran pilot who had been with United Airlines for 22 years and had almost 13,700 [11] flying hours to his credit. His first officer was Walter Schlemmer, 33, who had approximately 7,500 hours, and his Flight Engineer was Keith Ostrander, 29, who had 634 hours.

    The Boeing 727 aircraft, registration N7434U, had a nonfunctional #3 generator for the past several days leading up to the accident. Per STANDARD procedure, [???] the crew placed masking tape over the switches and warning lights for the generator. Approximately two minutes after takeoff, the crew reported a fire warning on engine #1 and shut it off. The crew radioed to departure control that they only had one functioning generator and needed to come back to the airport, but it turned out to be their last communication, with subsequent attempts to contact Flight 266 proving unsuccessful. Shortly after engine #1 shut down, the #2 generator also ceased operating, for unknown cause. The NTSB was unable to determine why the #2 generator had failed after it had become the plane’s sole power source, nor why the “standby electrical system either was not activated or failed to function.”

    Masking tape. Standard procedure in 1969. Ask NASA. 😀

    And a possible motive to stage this, regulation changes:

    At the time, a battery-powered backup source for critical flight instruments was not required on commercial aircraft. The accident prompted the Federal Aviation Administration to require all transport-category aircraft to carry backup instrumentation, powered by a source independent of the generators.

    So in 1969, just 6 months after this “plane crash” NASA sends people to the freaking Moon, but the airplanes of the time did not have lifejackets, proper maintenance, back-up generators, yet masking tape??

    Good story guys. Bedtime.

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    But, Gaia, the best bit was at the end of the wiki article

    On January 13, 1969, just five days before the crash of United Flight 266, a Scandinavian Airlines DC-8 on final approach to Los Angeles International also crashed into Santa Monica Bay. The jet broke in half on impact, killing 15. Thirty people survived in a portion of the fuselage that remained afloat.[5][6]

    And a touch of the Sullies – The Miracle of the Hudson [q.v.]

    I couldn’t find any video of the above “crashes” but I came upon this 1953 made-for-TV beauty … British Pacific DC6 “crashes” into King’s Mountain, San Francisco

    which looks almost comical,-ca-plane-crashes-kings-mountain,-oct-1953

    And …hoax clue…we have a famous US concert pianist on the passenger list
    with the lawyers getting a drink or two from the hoax, and a legacy competition and memorial fund set up in his memory…seem all too familiar?


    Fakeologist specs on for the 1952 Farnborough Air show disaster hoax…

    One big drill. Too many people in on it? No problem.

    You gotta love the planted Engines, a device used to good effect on 9/11 and many other aviation hoaxes. The part to represent the whole. Hoax synecdoche. At 1.05 in the middle video.


    Yes, I read that part, but wanted to save it for another time.

    This DC6 footage indeed looks comical.

    – you see 2 men carrying a steel stretcher with a “body”, uphill through forest and on slippery slopes. That means 75 kilos (body) + 5-10 kilos (stretcher), let’s say 80 kilos, so 40 kilos per person. The way they move doesn’t show that, if it is even possible to do it with two men in such rough conditions.
    – and why didn’t the helicopter pick up the bodies, pulling them in while hovering?

    Wiki says:

    “Kapell was the only United States citizen in the plane. Most of the others were from Australia, the United Kingdom along with one passenger from Canada.”


    “The aircraft was flying the Honolulu – San Francisco leg with a crew of 8 and 11 passengers (10 adults and 1 child).”

    A DC6 has:
    “DC-6-1159 a 48- to 64-seat trans-ocean variant”

    How credible is it, that a flight of such a long stretch:
    – only has 1 US American on board (domestic but trans-ocean from Hawaii)
    – an extremely expensive and long flight, especially for those early days of commercial flying would be filled less than 25% ??

    “Except for the body of William Kapell, which was quickly transported by family members back to his home state of New York, bodies were cremated at Cypress Lawn Cemetery in Colma, California and returned to their families. Two (2) did remain in the cemetery, passenger Williaam (two “a”s is the correct spelling) Cox in a standard plot, while purser Knight’s ashes were placed in a niche in the columbarium at Cypress Lawn.”

    Wiki says identification was done via “dental records”, how? If the families were in Australia, Canada and UK, how did that happen?

    “Dear families, your family member died here in California in a horrible crash, please do not come over, but go to your family dentist, ask for photos and send them to us by postal mail. Please do not travel here, we take care of the bodies, cremate them for you and send you a package of ash that may or may not be your dear family member.”

    Sorry, but WHAT??

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    One can spend a full week just reading these plane crash psyops and the stories are crazier and crazier. The 50s and early 1960s were especially dotted with these crashes, between WWII and “Vietnam” to keep the news running with disasters. They even admit that in this video (National Geographic), and would be a new rule, the Jet rule; “If a plane crash appears in documentaries like Mayday, Air Crash Identification or Seconds from Disaster, it is probably staged”:

    Share some links now to read with crazy stuff, but one I have to highlight later because it is a great one. Will post it later at Fakeopedia.

    1 –
    Carrying two unclear bombs, that apparently were deployed automagically with parachute (1) and falling into an already dug hole (2nd) (see photo).

    2 –
    Note the numerology (33). According to the story, two piss-drunk Finnish pilots flying lower than 100 meters altitude for 40 km and the last part lower than 50 m (!). Allegedly at that altitude those clowns did maneuvers still? How can that be?

    3 –
    The one from the video above. It’s a nice watch, full of ridiculous drama. And a deaf (!) girl asking the ground stewardess questions?! On 01/10, ’54 (9-11), took off from Rome at 10:31 (3×11=33). The First Officer on Flight 781 was William John Bury, age 33. Among the casualties were Chester Wilmot, a prominent Australian journalist and military historian working for the BBC [his daughter is the deaf girl], and Dorothy Beecher Baker, a Hand of the Cause of God for the Baha’i Faith. Initially it was thought that the aircraft might have been brought down by a bomb [for extra fear mongering].

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    Air Crash Investigation, not Identification. Pity you cannot edit posts on this forum.

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    You’re dead right, Gaia, fear porn during a low war period for the newsreels. I couldn’t stop laughing at the B52 unclear bomb crash nonsense.

    Naturally there was a twin near-disaster unclear bomb crash in Ing-Land at USAF Lakenheath, a B-47 allegedly crashing on landing into a bunker containing unclear weapons – July 28 1956 [or July 27 depending on source]
    Two weeks later there was a big UFO hoax from the above base and nearby Bentwaters—overseas-base-england

    “It is not clear when American nuclear weapons were first deployed to Europe”

    A 307th Bomb Wing B-47 commanded by Captain Russell Bowling was performing “Touch-And-Goes” when the aircraft lost control, “proposing” or otherwise bouncing down the runway, during landing and careened into a nuclear weapons storage bunker. The entire crew was lost and while burning jet fuel consumed three Mark-6 low-kiloton nuclear weapons. A bomb disposal expert remarked that it was a miracle the firing mechanisms on one bomb did not activate and detonate the high explosives, causing not only destruction but a possible spread of low-level radioactive materials (but not an actual nuclear explosion) .

    And hey presto, a copy-cat “crash” in 1958 which only “emerges” years later
    at Greenham Common, just down the road from the unclear hoaxing central at the AWRE [“Atomic Weapons” Research Establishment]
    The accident was discovered almost by chance by a team of
    scientists at the Government’s atomic weapons research
    establishment at Aldermaston. The discovery prompted a full
    investigation by a team of up to 60 Government nuclear scientists,
    whose findings were written up in a secret report, parts of which
    have been obtained by CND.
    [the Campaign for Unclear disarmament, the necessary controlled opposition to support the unclear hoax]

    Another B52 crash with unclear bombs in 1968 continues to give, story in 2014, but with an expectation of more recapitulation of the nuclear hoax later in 2018 on the 50th anniversary…..
    a massive operation took place to recover the debris of the aircraft and collect 500million gallons of ice, some of which contained radioactive wreckage from the bomber.
    A declassified U.S. government video, obtained by the BBC, documents the clear-up and gives some ideas of the scale of the operation.

    A nuclear scientist has told the Daily Mail: ‘We really don’t know what has happened to this bomb.

    nothing – it didn’t exist.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    A few red flags hover around this most recent helicopter “crash” in remote [check] New Mexico.

    A British-born former land-speed record-holder has died in a helicopter crash in the US state of New Mexico.

    Charles Burnett III, aged 61, was killed alongside a prominent Zimbabwean politician, Roy Bennett, Mr Bennett’s wife Heather, and co-pilots Jamie Coleman Dodd and Paul Cobb.
    Mr Cobb’s daughter Andra, who was Mr Burnett’s long-term partner, survived the crash with serious injuries.

    she, it is reported, called the emergency services….which requires a non-“dead” caller

    Giving details of the fatal helicopter crash, New Mexico police said they had launched a frantic search when Ms Cobb called the emergency number but could not give her location.

    They confirmed in a statement that the helicopter’s wreckage was found burning on a rancher’s property east of the city of Raton.

    It was certainly raining, if not snowing, helicopter parts on Raton

    The crash also killed pilot Jamie Coleman Dodd, 57, of Trinidad, Colorado; co-pilot Paul Cobb, 67, of Conroe, Texas; Charles Ryland Burnett, 61, of Houston.

    A nice little retirement party. Mrs Bennett was 55.

    Born in England, Burnett was an investor and philanthropist with links to a wide range of businesses and a love of entertaining friends extravagantly.
    Burnett was based in Houston and listed as an officer in dozens of companies registered with the Texas secretary of state’s office. The Guardian newspaper reported in 2009 that he drove a steam-powered car at an average speed of 139.8 miles per hour (225 kilometers per hour), setting a world record.
    He purchased the Emery Gap Ranch, a sprawling, mountainous property on the Colorado-New Mexico border, in February 2017, said Sam Middleton, a real estate broker in Lubbock, Texas, who worked with Burnett on the purchase. That’s where the group was headed Wednesday.

    not very convincing. Looks like the standard torched, wrecked insurance job drill.

    [Andra] … said her partner, Charles Burnett III, was alive but suffering from a head wound.

    Her father, Paul Cobb, was the co-pilot. Bennett owned the ranch where the group was headed for vacation. Both were killed Wednesday.

    One died at the scene a short time later, and the other died while being transported to a hospital, State Police say.


    Authorities say pilot Jamie Coleman Dodd also called 911, but later died


    “I’m watching my family burn in a fire,” Andra Cobb can be heard screaming in 911 recordings released Friday. “I don’t know what to do. There’s a big fire. I’m covered in gasoline.”

    She remained on the phone with authorities for nearly an hour waiting for responders to arrive. Officials previously said response was slow because of the difficult terrain and limited access to the area.

    Pilot Jamie Coleman Dodd also managed to phone authorities before he died, telling operators there were three dead and another three survivors — him, Andra Cobb and Zimbabwean opposition leader Roy Bennett.
    Andra told dispatchers Dodd, who had a broken pelvis, was “rolling away from the fire the best he can.” He made it nearly 150 feet.
    Colfax County Sheriff Rick Sinclair said Dodd’s “will to survive” had been “incredible because he was smashed up.”

    Her voice breaking, Martha Cobb told The Associated Press that her 39-year-old daughter was hospitalized with broken bones.
    “She’s just very distraught,” the mother said in a telephone interview. “I’m just glad my daughter is OK, but I hate that my husband of 41 years is gone.”
    The Cobbs and Bennetts had become friends while traveling on cruises.

    Above reproach is how his estranged wife, Jacqueline Dodd, described him.

    I haven’t located the “distraught phone call” yet.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.

    Synchronicity, xileffilex!

    I just added:

    I got the idea from listening to those Air Crash “Investigation” docus. An experienced pilot literally said “I am flying since 1968 and NEVER had an engine failure”. See link in the article.

    What I think they do is:
    – training exercise planned in Intelligence
    – pilots exercise the so-called crash
    – vicsims added
    – plane debris planted as “evidence”
    – researchers (who I think are not in the know) do their work
    NTSB, also involved in non-American “crashes”!, has a board of only 5 members. They decide on the cause of a crash…!

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    I missed this gem – It’s so obviously fake that it’s not worth analysing – the “crash” occurred on the Queen’s estate at Sandringham [a favoured area for fake death hoaxes]
    a text book staged event from September 2017

    Nigel Dodds who died when his plane crashed on the Queen’s beloved Sandringham Estate moments after he made a “distraught” SOS call.

    The 58-year-old businessman had been flying the Piper PA-28 light aircraft when it came down around three miles from the royal residence near Wolferton in Norfolk.

    The BBC reports that his passenger, 73-year-old Val Barnes, who was also killed in the tragic accident on Monday morning, was from Whickham, near Gateshead.

    It is understood the pair were flying to Newcastle-upon-Tyne from Menorca, where Mr Dodds – originally from Gateshead in Tyne and Wear – had recently moved.

    yeah, right. Nige couldn’t have picked a safer place to “crash” and “die” along with “Val”.


    NTSB, also involved in non-American “crashes”!, has a board of only 5 members. They decide on the cause of a crash…!

    Yeah…the NTSB [and their equivalents around the world who “investigate” plane or train “crashes” are just as integral to any hoax as the
    the coroners, pathologists, EMTs, Firefighters, Funeral directors, doctors and nurses, the insurers, the police, the forensic scientists….just about everybody who is in on any hoax alongside the NTSB.

    A typical NTSB pow-wow [Dec 8 2014, Washington DC “crash”.
    The accident killed the pilot and the two passengers on the jet as well as a woman and her two children in one of three houses struck by debris.

    suuuuure it did.
    source –


    Another suspicious one, featured in Air Crash Investigation, so also see:

    Analysis ACI:
    * Navy pilot is third officer, flight struck 14th bridge in Washington D.C.
    * Passenger with 67 fractured bones managed to swim out the plane when it was in the Potomac River.
    * Cameraman [in the middle of a snowstorm on the bridge???] takes footage.
    * Emergency services arrive minutes later [?!].
    * Survivors escape plane in life jackets??
    * When did they put that on?? The crash was a complete surprise. Did they pull it out from underneath the crashed seats in the freezing water?
    * Guy Sputnik…ehh Skutnik jumps in, tries to save the woman, but fails to grab her. Suddenly other rescuers are in the water…?
    * NTSB guy also former US Navy pilot.
    * Finding a -grainy!- photo of the plane, 10 minutes after de-icing it, taken from another plane in their records???
    * In those times film was costly, not like today you’d take snapshots and selfies of every turd to put on Pinterest…
    * Search area the size of a football pitch [presented as if that is big, but for a plane it’s obviously not] and only after 7 days [??] the FDR and also CDR are found?
    * “He peels away wreckage with razor sharp metal”
    * [but… the wreckage was already taken out by cranes days before??]

    Bears similarity to the Taipei River crash, cutting through the bridge like a 9/11 plane and the Hudson Hoax, 27 years and 2 days later…

    "A truth seeker is someone who dares to wade through thick series of toxic smoke screens and tries not to inhale" - Gaia (2017)

    "What do you call 'genius'?" "Well, seeing things others don't see. Or rather the invisible links between things." - Vladimir Nabokov (1938)


    Good one, Gaia!
    Lenny Skutnik seems rather non-plussed to be having those encomia heaped upon him by President Reagan, in fact, he gives the appearance of non wanting to be there.

    and in 2016…
    NW: How active are you in politics these days?

    LS: I’m off the grid—I’m retired. I get to go to the polls and vote. That’s as much power as I have. The rest of it is politics. It works itself out.

    NW: Do you have any plans for watching tonight? Do you still feel like you’re a part of the culture of the State of the Union?

    LS: I got my fifteen minutes of fame. That’s it. Wednesday is the anniversary [of the Air Florida crash]. I bought a few Powerball tickets. I don’t get carried away.

    The photographer who “just happened” to be on the bridge is only too happy to talk us through it 35 years later…[wheeling out a hoax every five years is another indicator…]

    Here’s the 30th anniversary “survivors'” reunion from 2012 with Kelly Duncan [52] and Joseph Stiley [72]

    Another survivor, Priscilla Tirado, [also 52 in 2012] moved to Florida and has been reluctant to talk about the crash. “Her young husband, José, and their two-month-old son were killed – the infant’s was the last body recovered, 11 days after the crash” [Guardian, 2003]

    The other two survivors are no longer living. After the crash, Bert Hamilton moved to Florida and became a motivational speaker. Felch, Stiley’s assistant, married and divorced after the crash, moved from Northern Virginia to Florida and back. Hamilton and Felch died in April 2002, 16 days apart.
    Well, fancy that!

    You’re right, Gaia, a cold water Trans-Asia event, crossed with the Miracle of the Hudson, with the planted, suggestive bits of wreckage only emerging for the cameras days later with the “big crane”.[hoax favourite]
    Total hoax, but a good one, with excellent acting.

    PS, as is usual, we have the “bad news” follow-up for Priscilla Tirado in 1987 [bang on cue for the 5th anniversary, arrested for drugs. Suuuuure!]


    Pegasus plane skidding off the runway in Trabzon, NE Turkey

    Note that this miracle “happened” exactly 9 years after the other “Miracle plane landing, the Hudson Hoax”

    Captain Sully reporting for duty… and available in a year’s time also in 2019, we hope…ought to be a big one.

    everyone was wonderful in this HRDPAR to be turned into a movie

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by xileffilexxileffilex.
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About xileffilex

doubter of everything in the MSM - photojournalists especially. Especially interested in the David Kelly suicide psy-op, Diana faked crash, Boston Marathon hoax. Old man with time to read behind the headlines. Southern England